Salaam, The name of our Beloved has taken over as the NUMBER ONE NAME IN THE UK. (also in the Netherlaands). It has been like this for many years, but because of different spelling, they could not collect all the data required or they were too affraid to admit that Islam and Muhammad are dominating the World. Alhumdulillah.
The name Muḥammad (note the dot under the h, this is from the dictionary of congress that I was talking about in the thread of PRAISE and the spelling of AlHumdu, The dot makes the "h" into a big HA in Arabic) is the strictest and primary transliteration of the Arabic given name (Arabic: مُحَمَّد) that comes from the Arabic passive participle and triconsonantal root of Ḥ-M-D; Praise.
The name is also transliterated as Mohammad (primarily in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan), Muhammad (in India and Bangladesh), Muhammed (Arab World, primarily in North Africa), Mohamed and Mohamad (Arab World), Muhammad (Arab World), Muhammed, Muhamed (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Muhammed, Muhamed, Muhammet, or Muhamet (Turkey and Albania).
In Latin, it is Mahometus (hence Italian Maometto) and Μωάμεθ (Moameth) in Greek. In Catalan and in Spanish it is Mahoma, and in Galician it is Mamede. In Russia it is Мухаммад (Mukhammad), another common spelling is Магомед (Magomed). In Somali it is Maxamed. While in Senegal and in other West African nations, the variant is Mamadou. In Kazakh, the name is Махамбет (Makhambet). In Chinese, it is written as 穆罕默德 (Mùhǎnmòdé).
Urdu & Arabic: مُحَمَّد
- Muhammad
- Muhammed
- Muhamad
- Muhamed
- Mohammed
- Mohammad
- Mohamed
- Mohamad
- Mahamed
- Mahamid
- Mehmet (Turkish)
- Muhammet (Turkish Albanian)
- Muhamet (Turkish Albanian)
- Mahometus (Italian)
- Maometto (Italinan)
- Μωάμεθ (Greek)
- Moameth (Greek)
- Mahoma (Catalan and in Spanish)
- Mamede (Galician)
- Мухаммад (Russian)
- Mukhammad (Russian)
- Магомед (Russia)
- Magomed (Russia)
- Maxamed (Somalia)
- Mamadou (Senegal and in other West African nations).
- Махамбет (Kazakh)
- Makhambet (Kazakh)
- 穆罕默德 (Chinese)
- Mùhǎnmòdé (Chinese)
- Mo (Chinese)
- Mu (Chinese)
- Mai (Chinese)
There are plenty of other English variants Please add them here if you may as well as any other language.
Jazakallah Khair.