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Muhammad - The Most Popular name (Spelling)

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Seifeddine-M, Aisha95, sweetmuslimahk1, abu mohammed, Taalibah, Naqshband66, Acacia, bint e aisha
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2011 12:45

Salaam, The name of our Beloved has taken over as the NUMBER ONE NAME IN THE UK. (also in the Netherlaands). It has been like this for many years, but because of different spelling, they could not collect all the data required or they were too affraid to admit that Islam and Muhammad are dominating the World. Alhumdulillah.

The name Muḥammad (note the dot under the h, this is from the dictionary of congress that I was talking about in the thread of PRAISE and the spelling of AlHumdu, The dot makes the "h" into a big HA in Arabic) is the strictest and primary transliteration of the Arabic given name (Arabic: مُحَمَّد) that comes from the Arabic passive participle and triconsonantal root of Ḥ-M-D; Praise.

The name is also transliterated as Mohammad (primarily in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan), Muhammad (in India and Bangladesh), Muhammed (Arab World, primarily in North Africa), Mohamed and Mohamad (Arab World), Muhammad (Arab World), Muhammed, Muhamed (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Muhammed, Muhamed, Muhammet, or Muhamet (Turkey and Albania).

In Latin, it is Mahometus (hence Italian Maometto) and Μωάμεθ (Moameth) in Greek. In Catalan and in Spanish it is Mahoma, and in Galician it is Mamede. In Russia it is Мухаммад (Mukhammad), another common spelling is Магомед (Magomed). In Somali it is Maxamed. While in Senegal and in other West African nations, the variant is Mamadou. In Kazakh, the name is Махамбет (Makhambet). In Chinese, it is written as 穆罕默德 (Mùhǎnmòdé).

Urdu & Arabic:  مُحَمَّد   

- Muhammad

- Muhammed

- Muhamad

- Muhamed

- Mohammed

- Mohammad

- Mohamed

- Mohamad

- Mahamed

- Mahamid

- Mehmet (Turkish)

- Muhammet (Turkish Albanian)

- Muhamet (Turkish Albanian)

- Mahometus (Italian)

- Maometto (Italinan) 

- Μωάμεθ (Greek)

- Moameth (Greek)

- Mahoma (Catalan and in Spanish)

- Mamede (Galician)

- Мухаммад (Russian)

- Mukhammad (Russian)

- Магомед (Russia)

- Magomed (Russia)

- Maxamed (Somalia) 

- Mamadou (Senegal and in other West African nations).

- Махамбет (Kazakh)

- Makhambet (Kazakh)

- 穆罕默德 (Chinese)

- Mùhǎnmòdé (Chinese)

- Mo (Chinese) 

- Mu (Chinese)

- Mai (Chinese)

There are plenty of other English variants Please add them here if you may as well as any other language.


Jazakallah Khair.

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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2011 14:05

According to my Mufti, the name should be spelt like this:


With a dot under the "h". He says it represents the correct big H in Arabic حَ.

However, because it can not be typed on a UK keyboard, and is recognised under the "Dictionary of Congress, UK", then by law, one is allowed to write the name with a full stop to achieve the same pronounciation, thus Muh.ammad.

He had advised me that this would be recognised when a Birth Certificate is being made.

The reason why he insists on every one adopting the method of speling the names correctly is because of the translation of the word back into Arabic.

e.g. Alḥumdu = Praise

where as Alhumdo back into Arabic = Assasin.

Note the use of a small (ha) and the "o" as "pesh" on top of an "alif". Whereas a "u" is the "pesh" ontop of the "Dal"

Major difference! He says its time for change and he has been saying it for over 30 years.

Even my name is spelt with a Z, where it should be Dh to give the correct sound and Arabic letter.

If we can have French letters with these symbols, why cant we have English letters with the same symbols. There only a few of the letters that would need these additional symbols, the rest are fine.

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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2011 15:01
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2011 15:21
The ministry of religious affairs in Islamabad has issued a notice saying that everyone should write Muhammad according to the official spelling.

In most religios sites and in all the websites of Saudi Arabia Ministry of religious affairs and Hajj the word MUHAMMAD is given.
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2011 15:29
SubhanAllah, just by searching for different variants of spelling I came accross this site and there are many like it that are not Islamic but Christian.
What you see below is from the link.

Many Muslim, Islamic, and Christian internet searchers use different spellings. There are multiple spellings for the Muslim prophet Muhammad including:

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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2011 15:33
According to the sixth edition of The Columbia Encyclopedia (2000), Muhammad is the most common given name in the world, including variations. It is estimated that more than 150 million men and boys in the world bear the name Muhammad.

Muhammad is ranked 4,194 out of 88,799 for people of all ages in the 1990 census in the United States. According to the Social Security Administration, Muhammad is 639th popular first name for newborns in 2006. Mohammad and Mohammed are ranked 589th and 633rd, respectively. In 2009 Mohamed, the most common spelling variant, was ranked 430th in the US.

The BBC reported that Muhammad was the second popular given names for baby boys in Britain in 2007, combining 14 spelling variations.

In May 2006, it was reported that statistics indicate that some 8,928 Danish Muslims carry the name Muhammad and that in 2004 alone, 167 new-born babies were registered.

In 2009 Mohammed was the sixteenth most popular baby name in England and Wales, though it was the most popular in the West Midlands.

In Muslim countries, however, many men who have a first name of Muhammad (or one of its variant spellings) do not use it in everyday dealings, and use a middle name instead. For example, the first name of Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt is Muhammad.
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2011 15:39
WikiAnswers says:

There are many variations of the spelling. However, the most agreed upon spellings are

These are the spellings which are adopted by the Oxford Dictionary which is the world authority on English. Additionally, these are the spellings that are adopted on the WikiPedia, WikiAnswers, Encyclopedia Britannica, and many other official places as well.
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2011 15:42
The Daily Times (Pakistan)

Thursday, July 01, 2004
Govt dictates spelling of 'Muhammad'

ISLAMABAD: The Religious Affairs Ministry has again asked all government, semi-government, autonomous institutions and the public to write the full spellings of the name of the last Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH) in official and personal correspondence.

The Pakistani government in 1979 and 1985 issued notifications that the incomplete spellings of the name of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) should not be written as Mohd or Muhd, but with complete spellings as Muhammad in correspondence, to reveal their inner love for the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

It had again become practice to write the incomplete spellings of the name of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), which was not only a matter of prestige and dignity but rather a grave concern to those with affection for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Millions of Muslims in Pakistan are named after Muhammad (PBUH).
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2011 15:46


28th October 2010

Daily Mail

Mohammed has become the most popular name for newborn boys in Britain.

It shot up from third the previous year, overtaking Jack, which had topped the list for the past 14 years but was relegated to third spot.

Olivia topped the list for little girls for the second year in a row, behind Ruby and Chloe.

A total of 7,549 newborns were given 12 variations of the Islamic prophet Mohammed’s name last year, such as Muhammad and Mohammad.

The official list, which covers all births in 2009 in England and Wales, has ­Mohammed at number 16 but this does not include the many different spellings, which are all ranked separately.

When they are added in, Mohammed zooms all the way up to top spot for the first time.

In order of popularity, the variant ­spellings used during the year were: Muhammad, Mohammad, Muhammed, Mohamed, Mohamad, Muhamed, Mohammod, Mahamed, Muhamad, Mahammed and Mohmmed.

There are still other possible spellings but these were not used for births in England and Wales in 2009. Regionally, the single spelling of Mohammed came top of the list for the West Midlands.

Since 1999 the number of babies called Mohammed, however spelled, has increased by more than half.

In 1999 the name was given to 4,579 newborns.

Going even further back, the single spelling Mohammed appeared at 73 in the list in 1964 and 87th in 1944.

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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2011 15:53
The University of Hull
The name of the prophet of Islam has been represented in various ways in English. It is an Arabic name, and it is notoriously difficult to transliterate Arabic - or any Semitic language - into any European language.

In its own language, the name of the prophet has a dammah, or '-u-' as the vowel of the first syllable, and fatha, or '-a-' for the other two vowels. There is a shaddah, or doubling mark, over the second '-m-'. So it is best to represent the name by the English Muhammad. (The name 'Muhammad' - in Arabic محمّد - is the passive participle of the verb حمّد (hammada), which means 'to praise', and so 'Muhammad' means 'praised' or 'praiseworthy'. A number of other Arabic personal names (e.g., Mahmud, Ahmad) come from the same root and have similar meanings.)

In previous times, the name 'Muhammad' has been written 'Mahumed', 'Mahomed', 'Mahommed', 'Mohammed', 'Mohamed', 'Muhammed', 'Muhammad' and 'Mahomet' "Historically, the most widely used spelling in English contexts has been Mohammed; this spelling continues to predominate in the derivatives MOHAMMEDAN n. and adj., etc. The spelling Muhammad is now commonly used, especially in scholarly writings, as being closest to the form of the name in Arabic". These forms are reflected in a name commonly, but not courteously, given to Muslims - see Mohammedan (also Muhammadan, Mahommedan etc.)‎.

"Mahomet is considered an unacceptable rendering of the Prophet's name"
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 8th August 2011 11:32
This Photo was sent to me from my cousin visiting the States. The Keyring is being sold in a store in New York's Time Square. And they got the Spelling right.

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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 31st October 2011 21:20
A comment from my blog on the same topic.

Abdul Hameed Malik wrote:

on 31/10/2011:

Salaamun Alaikum.

Some more than 30 years passed I learned through press that two spellings of Muslims' concerned have been agreed upon internationally: 1. Makkah: which was normally written by Westren press as "Mecca"

2. Muhammad [SAWS]: Mohd; Moham... a lot of formats by different countries Muslims due to their accent and sounds of English letters. For Example Turks & Greek cannot pronounce "K" as kettle or Kit but pronounce it "CH" as in child. I noted it during Hajj [which is pronounced by Egyptians as "HUG" as in MUG]; and also translitterate " Allahu Akbar" to " ... Achber" as in chair.

THe problem is in the "Translitteration" of Arabic in other languages. People know not to care when writing in English.

May any one suggest its solution.

[ Example of Greek is from one of the Greek-Muslimah Xenia Yasmin having a lot of work for Islam wrote in her post "Allahu Achbar "]. Waa Salaam.

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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd January 2012 14:52
Jazakallah for the PM asking me about the changing the spelling of "abu mohammed"

The name Mohammed was spelt by me well over 15 years ago when I took the name abu mohammed as a Qunyah with the intention of naming my son Mohammed if Allah was to bless me with marriage and a son, and then I named my first son Mohammed with the same spelling. It was unfortunate that I found out the correct sahih method of spelling Muhammad much later.

Khair, Jazakallah and I'm glad that people are realising that the name spelt correctly makes a difference.
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 5th March 2012 12:05
Stop distorting his name!

Posted on 25/02/2011 by MuQeet
By Muqith Mujtaba Ali

Around the world in the month of Rabi-al-awwal, Muslims joyfully celebrate Meelad-un-Nabi. Among us there are those who actively discuss, gracefully lecture, reverently deliver Jummah sermons, send/receive/forward e-mails - all about the Seerah: the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

Some days ago I read news saying that in England and Wales the name Mohammed is the top boys' name!

Here, I would like to highlight one aspect of Muslims' approach towards the Glorious Prophet (Peace be upon him) - writing down the name of our great Prophet (Peace be upon him) in English language.
The name Muhammad is a beautiful name. It means 'the one who is praiseworthy'.

It seems to me that in the world today there is no other name as distorted as the name of beloved Muhammadur Rasulullah (sal-lal-lahu-alaihi-wa-sallam).

This is of two kinds:

1) While naming their new born male child, some Muslim parents choose to include this name because of their love of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

2) While writing books or articles on the Seerah even some good Muslim writers - not to speak of the orientalists - spell the name in different ways.

This name is written in different distorted ways such as:









Do we ever consider what wrong we commit when we misspell the name? The distortion that leads to incorrect meaning!

Why on earth only our Prophet's name is misspelled? And misspelled by no other than his very followers!

It is a tragedy of sorts that we have fallen into a kind of conspiracy against our Prophet (Peace be upon him).

Some Muslims argue by saying: what's in the name! It's important to believe in and follow the Prophet of Islam!

Yes, it is important to believe in him and follow him. But, does that mean that we should not write his name properly?

When you distort the name what reverence you show to your Prophet?

What kind of love you show to your leader when you don't write his name properly?

Of course, a person would neither become Muhammad nor even becomes good merely because he has kept this name but then the original idea was that it is his name that your parents had borrowed to give it to you!

Yes, the name in Arabic is the original. But we have to take care while writing the name in English.

There must be a set pattern to standardise the name at every level: local, regional, national and international.

Mainstream Islamic organisations working in different countries must realise and prevail upon the concerned authorities to get the job done through legislation.

The name's spelling must become so popular and standard throughout the world that no Birth Registration Office should accept any other spelling.

The spelling 'Muhammad' is very close to the Arabic sound. Even writing 'Muhammad' as 'Mohammad' is incorrect. Mo doesn't sound like Mu, a mistake mostly committed by the subcontinent Muslims.

More than it was in the past, in the present world even a tiny dot matters! If you don't put dot in the web address you are lost in wilderness!

But some are unmoved even after spelling the glorious name, wrongly! Some are not even aware of such a fact!
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 13th August 2012 21:22
The ONS has released its report on the most popular boys and girls names of 2011.

The headline is that Harry is the most popular name, but as per last year (from my recollection), Muhammad is the clear winner.

If you collate the numerous (and there are many used!) spellings, it beats the so called number one Harry by over 500.

Furthermore, this does include the numerous double-barrelled names.


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