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Signs of ar-Rahman in Jihad of Afghan

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 17th January 2012 11:22
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By 'Abdullah 'Azaam رحمه الله

This book was written by Shaykh Abdullah Azzam رحمه الله during the Afghan-Soviet Jihad in the 1980's. It deals specifically with first hand accounts of the miracles that occured during this Jihad. Shaykh Abdullah Azzam رحمه الله writes, 'These incidents which are going to be narrated are, in reality, more extraordinary than one can possibly imagine, and appear to resemble fairytales. I have personally heard them with my own ears; and have written them with my own hands from those Mujaahideen who themselves were present. I have heard these miracles from such men who are trustworthy and reliable, and who have been constantly on the battlefield. The miracles are many, so much so that they more or less reach the degree of Tawaatur i.e. such a large number that does not entertain the possibility of fabrication. I have heard numerous such miraculous episodes, but brevity does not allow me to enumerate all of them.

Update: Original file no longer found, so the links have been updated. May Allaah reward with abundant goodness the brother who brought this to my attention and provided the alternative links.
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