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Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri RA - Qasida Hubbur Rasul ﷺ –

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 28th July 2017 09:07
QasIdah: Hubbur Rasul- Love of the Rasul ﷺ

Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri, Rahimahullah
Translated by Hadrat Moulana Moosa Olgar

See attachment or download from here :

Qasida Hubbur Rasul Digital Editon.pdf

For the benefit of those who are not familiar with Hazrat Allaama , we should know that he was amongst the greatest of Muhadditheen (scholars of Hadith) of all times.
Ulema have been in search of this qasidah for a long time, and those who managed to find it could not benefit from it, as it was extremely difficult to translate. It was Hazrat Moulana Moosa’s (D.B.) extreme love for Rasulullah ﷺ that this qasidah came his way in a manner in which we can comfortably say was miraculous.
While Hazrath Moulana Moosa (D.B.) was in Madinah Munawwarah, someone walked up to him, gave him the kitaab and walked away. All of us who were there with Hazrat Moulana D.B. were overjoyed and insisted and imposed upon Moulana to translate it into English and publish it. Alhamdulillah, Moulana’s love for Rasulullah ﷺ is of such a nature that he did not hesitate to translate it for the entire ummah to benefit.
Moulana Yunus Daya (Hafizahullah)
Above is extracted from the intro to ‘Wazaif ush Shaaqir ar Rasul ﷺ by Hadrat Moulana Moosa Olgar (D.B.).

(Hadrat Moulana Moosa had kindly given us permission to print this Qasidah as part of our book Shifa al Quloob. This edition is a digital pdf edition for those who do not have the book and just want to read only this Qasida alone on their devices)

Download all our printed publications for free here :

Aliya Publications
Qasida Hubbur Rasul Digital Editon.pdf
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