By Tariq Jabir
هلمّوا رجال الغد
Gather around O people of future
هلمّوا رجال الغد هلمّوا يدًا بيدي
Gather around O people of future,
Gather hand in hand,
سراعا نغذ الخطى إلى شرف المقصد
Swiftly we mend our pace,
To the destined honour.
إلى المجد نمضي ولا نستكين وبالله في سيرنا نستعين
To the glory we march and we won't slow,
And in our march only Allah we ask for help.
على الدين والعلم نبني الحياة ونصدق في سعينا مخلصين
In Deen and in knowledge we build our life,
And in our demands we remain truthful and honest.
وبالحق نصدع بين الورى هداةً الى ربنا مهتدين
And in truth we raise back from behind,
Asking for guidance to Allah and were guided.
ثباتًا على الدرب لا ننثني وهذه مواثيقنا واليمين
Steadfast in this road we won't fold,
And here is our charters and our covenant.
هلمّوا رجال الغد هلمّوا يدًا بيدي
Gather around O people of future,
Gather hand in hand,
سراعا نغذ الخطى إلى شرف المقصد
Swiftly we mend our pace,
To the destined honour.
نشق الظلام ونبلي القيود ونملأ بالنور هذا الوجود
We pierce through the darkness and break all shackles,
And we'll fill with light this existence.
فإنا بنوا الفاتحين الأبى وأحفاد طارق وابن الوليد
Since we are the childern of the brave and victorious,
And grandchildren of Taariq and ibnul Waleed.
على نهجهم قد رسمنا الطريق بعقل رشيد وقلب حديد
By their methodology we've drawn the road,
With a Rightly Guided mind and strong heart.
وها نحن رغم وعيد الطغاة على العهد نمضي ولسنا نحيد
And in truth we raise back from behind,
Asking for guidance to Allah and were guided.
هلمّوا رجال الغد هلمّوا يدًا بيدي
Gather around O people of future,
Gather hand in hand,
سراعا نغذ الخطى إلى شرف المقصد
Swiftly we mend our pace,
To the destined honour.
بدستور قرآننا نهتدي ونسمو الى ذروة السؤدد
We are guided with the book of Qur`an,
We rise to the summit of the sovereignty.
ولله نبذل أرواحنا وفي لله نسمو بذات اليد
And to God we give our souls freely,
And to God we raise the hands.
ونشرح للدهر معنى الصمود وقد زانه كرم المحتد
And we demonstrate to the time meaning of steadfastness,
And the noble descent had honored him.
ويا دعوة الحق سودي الدنى ويا أمتي سددي واصعدي
O call of justice fill the world, and o my ummah aim and rise..
هلمّوا رجال الغد هلمّوا يدًا بيدي
Gather around O people of future,
Gather hand in hand,
سراعا نغذ الخطى إلى شرف المقصد
Swiftly we mend our pace,
To the destined honour.
Lyrics source: another forum: Arabic [forum] or otherwise