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I Condemn Hamas

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#31 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2023 19:17
No shame!

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#32 [Permalink] Posted on 12th November 2023 19:58
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#33 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2023 11:24
Gilles Devers is one of the most veteran lawyers in France, who in just 10 days gathered an army of lawyers from all the continents of the world to prosecute Israel for its war crimes against the Palestinians.

Lawyer Giles Devers is promising the Israeli occupation with a dark fate and says to the Palestinians: "You did not have anyone to defend you, but now you have an army to defend you in international and national courts."
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#34 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2023 18:18
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#35 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2023 20:23
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#36 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2023 21:33
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#37 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2023 17:47
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#38 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2023 18:55
abu mohammed wrote:
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I remember Rabbi Schmuley, when he was based in the U.K. About 20 or so years ago.

He is a charismatic American Zionist. Very good on TV and radio. He comes from the American school of style over substance.

He knows how to play for the cameras. He will not be aiming to present any factual or real-time historic evidence. His aim will be to present two or three key points and repeat them over and over again.

Which will go something along the lines of how humane Israel is, how it is the only democracy in the Middle East. And how the Arabs are hateful and want to wipe Israel and Jews from existence, how the Arabs do not even care for their own populations and use them as human shields and use hospitals and schools as military Barack’s.

As for Hijab he is experienced on speakers corner style debates. And he also does well in moderated platform debates. But Tv debate is a totally different skill.

He did well in his first debate with Piers Morgan, but not as brilliantly as Bassem Yousef did with him. But Hijab did get a few key points across.

He needs a lot more experience and practice on tv style debating. Tv debates are not made for street style, or an academic style of intellectual back and forth.

Hijab did embarrass Piers Morgan a few times during his first appearance.

And I think this time Morgan has brought Schmulley as his back up, and it will be two versus one.

Will be interesting to see how he deals with schmulleys melodramatic, acting which will be along the lines of.

“Condemn, condemn, condemn, if you do not condemn you are complicit.”

Well Schmulley has 20 years of experience on him and Piers Morgan even longer.

I would have preferred to see George Galloway take on this debate.

This is not a criticism of Hijab, the brother is sincere and is doing his best to serve the Deen. It’s just TV debates take a lot of time to develop the experience and fluidity.

And also the know how what props are being placed to set you up. For the optics of the cameras, and have proper media experienced professionals to train you in this.

For example in his first debate he kept sipping on water. That is something you are not supposed to do. In a tv debate.
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#39 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2023 20:19
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#40 [Permalink] Posted on 15th November 2023 10:35
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#41 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2023 13:20
abu mohammed wrote:
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Bin Ladens letter to America went viral. After thousands of videos were posted on Tik Tok by people who read it.

Apparently the Guardian Newspaper removed it, from their website.

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#42 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2023 16:28
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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A letter to America!

The top Google Search result for “Letter to America” directs to a page on the website of The Guardian, which published it in 2002. For a while on Wednesday, social media-driven interest in the text made it the publication’s top-trending story — but then the outlet removed the letter, and replaced it with a brief message: “This page previously displayed a document containing, in translation, the full text of Osama bin Laden’s “letter to the American people,” as reported in the Observer on Sunday 24 November 2002,” it reads. “The document, which was published here on the same day, was removed on 15 November 2023.” No other explanation is offered.
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#43 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2023 16:36
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#44 [Permalink] Posted on 17th November 2023 01:51
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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Okay I watched, about 30 minutes of Hijabs debate with Rabbi Schmuley.

It went like I stated it might in my above post.

Schmulley was there to simply put on a performance.

Whilst Hijab seemed to be what they call in the sport of boxing stuck between styles.

Trying to switch between being belligerent at certain points , and then trying to be academic at the same time.

Come on, Hijab nobody cares, what resolution 242
Of the United Nations states in 1967.

Or what the convention of Apartheid from 1973 states.

Schmulley was louder then he was, when they argued and made sure he got heard more clearly. And made loads of unsubstantiated fabricated accusations about atrocities and went unchallenged.

The amount of ammunition Hijab could have used from the Balfour declaration in 1917. To the present day of Israeli atrocities, ethnic cleansing the Nakba In 1948, massacres, mass rape of Palestinian women , the fact that Israel is holding over 9000 people hostage in its prisons, including hundreds of children’s.

And Hijab was just repeating “hundred to one ratio”, He did not challenge the baseless accusation that Palestinians are only being killed because Hamas is holding people as human shields. Or the accusation that Hamas has underground bunkers beneath hospitals.

What he should have done is exactly what Schmulley was doing and turned the tables “Israel is evil” Israel is barbaric” Israel kills and commits mass rapes with impunity”
“ Israel was created through ethnic cleansing on stolen Palestinian lands” ,

And rather then allowing Morgan to keep bringing the discussion back to what happened on October 7.

Should have repeated “75 years of oppression”, “75 years,” “75 years.”

2023 is the first time in a flare up in the conflict with Israel where the general Muslim and non-Muslim pro-Palestine public, has repeated “75 years” constantly that has got the world to actually research what happened 75 years ago, and saw the injustice. I am surprised Hijab has failed to see the importance of that.

In conclusion this debate was about evil atrocities, Schmulley used fabricated atrocity propaganda. And Hijab failed to use the very real atttocities the Zionists have committed in the last 75 years.

As a disclaimer I only watched the first 30 minutes but I just could not stomach anymore. Maybe Hijab performed better in the second half.
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#45 [Permalink] Posted on 17th November 2023 08:38
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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I agree with the parts where MH should've done better in terms of countering the lies.

However, I watched a short video clip of the Rabi earlier in the day in which he stated that the debate was about an hour and a half or more, then he said I don't know how they will edit it into what will be presented.

RS obviously lost the debate and MH did put some good points forward.

What MH has done now is opened another can of worm's for the public (a public who have suddenly become very attentive to the topic and taking much interest into the history of Palestine and Islam, and now even Bin Laden). MH labelled Winston Churchill as a war criminal. Someone who is looked up to and regarded so highly in the Western world.

People will start looking into it and more will come to light.

As I keep saying (regarding propaganda and hoaxes) "You buy one lie, you buy them all" and this is where not only have the gullible people been blinded, but many Muslims and scholars alike have also fallen prey. The sheeple are waking and the West doesn't like it!
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