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GAZA: Where is Gods help?

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akbar703's avatar
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#76 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2023 10:01
Life is normal in this part of the world.
Normal as if nothing has happened.
The concern of ummah today is whether Afghanistan will enter WC semi final.
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#77 [Permalink] Posted on 10th November 2023 07:00
This is heard many times.
Enemies need not send armies to Gulf. Threaten them, we are withdrawing Coke, Pepsi, KFC.... Gulf will fall on their feet.
And today if they threaten with withdrawal of internet, Gulf is ready to get enslaved.
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#78 [Permalink] Posted on 12th November 2023 09:37

First time I watch my above dua is getting accepted....

There is vertical divide in Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, OIC. They met in Riyadh to get divided.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#79 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2023 18:25
The Battle Of Persistence.

We are in a very critical time in history.
Whilst the people of Palestine have shown a strong and indefatigable resolve over the course of a 106 years. Since the Balfour declaration of 1917 to the present.

The challenge is now for the supporters of Palestine, there is a crucial propaganda battle being waged against Palestinians and Islam over the internet, will we keep going, keep posting, keep sharing or will we suffer from burn out and quit.

This is what the Israelis and their supporters are banking on. They feel that the pro-palestine side will become overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness and despair and quit.

For those of us living in the West, or as Muslim minorities in non-Muslim lands this conflict is not just about Palestine, our own very survival is at stake.

We have as Muslims been demonised for decades, history has shown that every genocide is preceded by a long process of demonisation.

It is no longer beyond the bounds of possibility that when a future genocide happens in Europe, America, India it will be us and our descendants who will be the victims.

The most recent genocide that took place in Europe was that of the Muslims of Bosnia in the 1990's. Bear in mind the muslims of the former Yugoslavia had lived under communism for decades and the practicing and learning of Islam was illegal.

And they had very llittle knowledge of Islam. They were still genocided for being of muslim heritage Even though they were white European Muslims, the same language and culture.

As for us, the European descendants of muslim immigrants we have a simple choice, we can keep persisting and keep going and keep countering the lies and propaganda against Palestinians and Islam as a whole. Or just wait for our turn, to be genocided some time in the future.

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akbar703's avatar
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#80 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2023 04:17
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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As for us, the European descendants of muslim immigrants we have a simple choice, we can keep persisting and keep going and keep countering the lies and propaganda against Palestinians and Islam as a whole. Or just wait for our turn, to be genocided some time in the future.

You are just 2 steps behind Indian muslims, the pattern is same.

But, the question is, why should the western elite muslims take inputs from experiences of beggar indian muslim society, Indian muslims english language is a joke. (when need arises, a desperate man decodes and understands even the "sign language".
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#81 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2023 10:06
"You Gazan's should be ruling the World" says Texan!

Palestine is taking the world by storm - yet we don't see where Allah's help is :(

SubhanAllah, Allah works in wonderful ways.

(Every time I see that sister in the green Hijab shout at the top of her voice in pure joy "I'm a Muslim today", makes my eyes water. Amazing people MashaAllah)
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Rajab's avatar
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#82 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2023 20:21
What's happening in Palestine is by Allah's command. We are advised to follow sharia and turn to Allah in repentance and obedience. Those in Palestine are encouraged to continue their struggle within their capabilities. It's not worth expecting support from Muslim countries as their governments and armed forces are lacking courage and unlikely to help.
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#83 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2023 12:22
The Palestinians Are Not Alone

Allah has not abandoned them. We are hearing of so many incidents of how Allah is helping the believers and granting them strength. One way in which Allah helps us is through His angels, who strengthen the hearts of the believers and reassure them.

How is their īmān so strong and firm despite the horrific atrocities carried out against them?

A small thing happens to us, and we feel like the world has turned upside down. And our īmān is shaken. Contrast this with how firm they are in their īmān. Allah is sending down His angels to keep them firm.

Allah (ʿazza wa jall) says:
اِذۡ یُوۡحِیۡ رَبُّکَ اِلَی الۡمَلٰٓئِکَۃِ اَنِّیۡ مَعَکُمۡ فَثَبِّتُوا الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا ؕ سَاُلۡقِیۡ فِیۡ قُلُوۡبِ الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوا الرُّعۡبَ فَاضۡرِبُوۡا فَوۡقَ الۡاَعۡنَاقِ وَ اضۡرِبُوۡا مِنۡہُمۡ کُلَّ بَنَانٍ

When your Lord revealed to the angels, “I am with you. So make the believers stand firm. I shall put terror into the hearts of the disbelievers...” (8:12)
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akbar703's avatar
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#84 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2023 13:37
Rajab wrote:
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Unfortunately baatil is laying the trap. Tweets like, God of Moses and Aron has abandoned jews and god is helping the muslims etc. etc.

This is to motivate muslims to continue with the war and get finished. Today the world is with batil and world is silent on baatil's war crimes, they claim it is revenge for Hamas misadventure.
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mSiddiqui's avatar
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#85 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2023 13:54


2 Jamaadil Ula 1445
16 November 2023


In the latest statement issued by Abu Ubaidah, the military spokesman of Hamas, he informs:

“During the last 48 hours our Mujahideen have destroyed 20 military vehicles, including tanks and armoured vehicles in areas of enemy forces incursion. Our Mujahideen have also attacked buildings in which enemy troops are holed up.

The invading enemy forces will remain under the constant blows of the Mujahideen at every step.”

This brings the total number of military vehicles, including tanks destroyed to 186. May Allah Ta’ala rapidly increase this number. Along with the commendable and happy destruction of the Yahoodi tanks, etc., hundreds of Israeli troops have been killed and wounded. Many have been incinerated in the tanks which burst into massive fireballs the very moment they are struck by Mujaahideen fire. All of this wonderful information is not allowed to be published by the Yahood who are in control of all of these satanic media.

Israeli troops have not opened a battlefield. They are destroying the land from the air, murdering and massacring unarmed civilians and even patients inside hospitals. They flaunt stupid, womanish ‘bravery’ by ‘storming’ hospitals overflowing with patients and severely injured men, women, children and babies in incubators. Hitherto, the only battlefields are those opened by the Mujaahideen against the invading tanks from which the Israeli khanaazeer do not venture to exit. That is why they are being incinerated within their tanks. They have the ability of only firing at buildings and people from long distances. Describing these cowards, the Qur’aan Majeed states:

“The combined forces (of the kuffaar) cannot fight you, except from within protected fortresses or from behind walls.”

Now, even their ‘protected fortresses’ – their tanks – cannot protect them.

It is the supplication (Dua) of all sincere Muslims that Allah Ta’ala grants the Mujaahideen a resounding victory. May Allah Ta’ala destroy the Yahood enemy.

The Mujaahideen should increasingly place their reliance on Allah Ta’ala. It is of imperative importance to develop Taqwa which can be acquired only by implementing the Shariah and adopting the Sunnah. The Qur’aan Majeed states:

“Allah Ta’ala has promised the People of Imaan who practice A’maal-e-Saalihah that He will grant them khilaafat on earth just as He had done to those before…”

A’maal-e-Saalihah are of imperative importance for success and victory in this world and in the Aakhirah. The Nusrat (Aid) of Allah Ta’ala will arrive in full measure only if the Mujaahideen develop Taqwa, and this is possible only by following the Shariah and adopting the Sunnah in every sphere of life.

“And Allah is with the Muttaqeen.”

“The ultimate end of victory is for the Muttaqeen.”

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#86 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2023 17:28
akbar703 wrote:
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You are missing the point here. We have to fight and kill the baatil even if they are inciting us into war. Our desire to fight for Allah is not dependent on whether they are trapping us into a war or not. Even if they weren't trapping us, they have still transgressed the boundaries of Allah and killing them for it or dying while trying to kill them would be an honor.
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akbar703's avatar
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#87 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2023 17:48
fod1083 wrote:
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6 billion non-believers are better equipped (including thousands of nukes) to finish 2 billion believers.
6 billions are united while 2 billion are disunited.
2 billion shall do qitaal and get qatl.

qatl qitaal, qatl qitaal, qatl qitaal...... never ending.... we claim islam invites towards darussalam.
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mSiddiqui's avatar
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#88 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2023 18:56
We have been promised that we will never be wiped out as a whole. Equipment doesn't matter. Nusrat is everything.

Wilayat isn't a condition for having multiple wives, the same way Wilayat isn't a condition for being a Mujahid.

In a matter of seconds a person can tread within sulook when facing life or death circumstances. Everything else is besides the point, Jihad became Fardh on them denial of this is tantamount to Kufr.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#89 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2023 19:15
akbar703 wrote:
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I am very curious what do you think the people of GAZA should do at this present moment in time.?

Simply present themselves to the Israelis and ask them to do as they please to them?

What solution are you offering?

More over what solution does the Quran and Sunnah offer to the oppressed?
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#90 [Permalink] Posted on 17th November 2023 06:04
akbar703 wrote:
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A darussalam will not be handed to us on a platter. And if you think we will get that darussalam without qital then you have watched too many movies of the kuffar trying to brainwash our young people into thinking everything has a peaceful resolution.
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