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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#46 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd November 2023 15:16
akbar703 wrote:
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What would be their purpose in narrating such events?

What would be their purpose?

You could say the Mujahadeen are exaggerating their successes in the battle, likewise the Israelis themselves exaggerating the number of Mujahadeen they have killed. That is a common war tactic used in all sides during battles. In order to boost the morale of their own fighters, and demoralise the enemy.

But I have never heard of an enemy, actually exaggerating or concocting stories, of their own humiliation in battle.

As for the Nusrah of Allah. We have many eye witness accounts in the wars in Afghanistan and in Bosnia. Where the enemy narrated incidents of a strange super-natural fighters descending from the skies to attack them and ALLAH knows best.
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#47 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd November 2023 17:23
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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What would be their purpose in narrating such events?

What would be their purpose?

They trick the opponent to continue with war. It advantageous for them in present circumstances.

One of them claims "has the god of Moses and Aron abandoned them. What is happening. was the steel fortress tank was destroyed by an RPG, I don't believe that"

And Zealots get carried away by this.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#48 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd November 2023 18:10
akbar703 wrote:
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With all due respect it seems to me, you are totally ignorant about this conflict. And the history behind it.

So let me make it simple for you.

On November 2 1917. That is exactly 106 years ago. To this day the British Politician called James Arthur Balfour made what is known as the Balfour declaration. He stated that the British who were ruling Palestine, would take White European Jews and help them create a country on top of Palestine.

In 1948 that is is exactly what they did, they armed the White European Refugees allowed them to slaughter the Palestinians and take their land and expel them from their land . And then rename Palestine and call it Israel.

That incident is called the Nakba, the Israelis have been stating regularly for the last 75 years that they want to remove all Arabs from this land. And make it exclusively for Jews.

Now what they want to do is expel the Palestinians from GAZA. Into Egypt and the people from West Bank into Jordan and completely remove all Arabs and Arab history.and take what remains of Palestine.

So your completely ignorant assertion that the Israelis will stop doing what they are doing if the Mujahadeen stop fighting is absurd. If the Mujahadeen fight then or don’t fight them they intend to slaughter the Palestinians regardless and have been targeting civilians not fighters for Civilians for last 3 weeks.

What’s more there are no Mujahadeen in West Bank. They have been carrying out massacres their as well.

The absurdity of your argument that they want to keep the Mujahadeen fighting so that gives them excuse to keep bombing is beyond absurd. The western governments have given them the greenlight to keep bombing and massacring until the Palestinians are expelled.

The Israeli politicians have clearly that is their goal.

I don’t know what kind of nonsense your pro-Israel media in India is feeding you.

You need to educate yourself more then anyone else. Because this will happen to the Muslims or India every policy the BJP and Hindutva are implementing in India against Muslims has been borrowed from Israel. And pro-actively being taught by Israeli advisers to the Indian government.

The images you see of Indian Government
bulldozing homes and businesses is an Israeli policy that. The Israelis have done for decades.

And the two blue lines you see on the Israeli flag, represent the river nile in Egypt and the river Euphrates in Iraq. The long term objective of the Zionists is to create a greater Israel. From the River Nile and River Euphrates and slaughter all the Arabs across Arabia in the countries that are between those two rivers.

So here read the following article and educate yourself.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#49 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd November 2023 18:24
The Hindu fascists are screaming to Israelis to let the Indians come to Palestine and kills all the Muslims and destroy the book of Allah once and for all.

Little do the Indians know, the Jewish law states that idol worshippers must be killed.

One Rabbi said that there are 8 billion people on earth. 6 billion of them are idol worshippers. They listed the Indians, the Buddhists, the Christians, to name a few and counted 6 billion.

Can you imagine. The Muslim population is over 2 billion. That just shows how few the Jews are!

Anyways, I wish the rabbi's video would go viral in India and let these urine drinkers see how much hate the Jews actually have for Hindus.
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#50 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd November 2023 01:23
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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abu mohammed wrote:
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1. The Palestinian brothers are fighting for their rights
2. Their military hardware is incomparable.
3. No country in the world is helping them
4. Response from phalestinians is symbolic, to convey the message that they shall never give up.
5. only hope the phalestinians have is nusrah. Jews are convincing them that indeed phalestinians are getting nusrah and the jews fear this nusrah.
6. Phalestinians fall in the trap.
7. Our request to phalestinians is to explore for solutions other than qitaal.
8. Zealots pursue them to continue with qitaal with a hope that nusrah is very near.
9. This cycle is periodical.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#51 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd November 2023 02:24
Your points number 5 and 6 are the most moronic. With Zero evidence, provided. The rest are also moronic. Perhaps it is beyond your comprehension but it is simply a case the Mujahadeen have received Nusrah. Or do you think Muslims receiving Nusrah from the battle of Badr to the present day are just stories and fairy tales?

And I presume you are offering two possible solutions one Palestinians should completely surrender and hand over the Mujahadeen to the Israelis to be executed. And accept their oppression and a life of slavery. Where their lives, their dignity, property and honour of their women have no value.

Or two to surrender and leave their land, and accept an existence as refugees and second class citizens. In Egypt and Jordan.

I assume you also want the Muslims to hand over the keys to Masjid Al Aqsa and give permission to Israel to demolish it, and build their temple. In the same way you surrendered Babri Masjid.

What I can say Gregory Stanton who founded Genocide Watch. Has predicted a genocide of Muslims will happen in India. The demonisation and dehumanisation, of Islam and Muslims is on a trajectory many of the signs that precede a genocide have been fulfilled. Given your comments I believe the Indian Muslims will simply make Chai for their oppressors hoping that will stop their genocide. before they get exterminated.

In conclusion right before you is the example of the Afghans, in the last 150 years they were conquered by 3 super powers, first the British. And eventually kicked them out. Did the same to the super powers of Soviet Union and America.

In every case they were outnumbered and had very little military equipment.

I leave you with the words of Sultan Tipu..” One day lived as a Lion is worth more then the thousand year life lived as a sheep”.

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#52 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd November 2023 05:59
akbar703 wrote:
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I get the point you are making that right now it seems to almost every Muslim that nusrah has not come for the Muslims the way we have read in the incidents of the past, but this is more a matter of perspective and our niyah than a case of Allah having abandoned us to the asbaab. To a Muslim dying in Jihad with the emaan intact is in itself a form of nusrah.

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#53 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd November 2023 06:26
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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I quote from maulana Saeed Khan sahib:

Russians had capture everything but bukhara and samarqand were resisting and holding the fort.

Russian tricked:

They ordered the army to go near gates of the fort and return running in panic mode.
Next day the media broadcasted that the army went near the fort, they saw a old man throwing projectiles on the army and they could hold their and returned with fear and panic.

The muslims concluded that a saint was helping them protect the fort. Allah's nusrah.

Muslims were relaxed; the russian army after a week attacks the fort and captured the fort with ease.

note: I know what is nusrah from day of badr to today, in aghanistan and what we are witnessing in India. these incidents in India can be compiled as a book.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#54 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd November 2023 09:41
akbar703 wrote:
7. Our request to phalestinians is to explore for solutions other than qitaal.

And begins the downfall of Indian Muslims!
Please come out of this misinterpreted method of tabligh. If this is the state of the Indian Muslims now, it can easily be seen how they (the Muslims of India) will just turn Masjids into Mandirs themselves to protect their lives.
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Rajab's avatar
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#55 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd November 2023 09:52
Why do you spell Palestinians as Phalestinians?

In Arabic it would be alfilastiniayn.
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akbar703's avatar
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#56 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd November 2023 09:53
abu mohammed wrote:
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if this posted from a war front, it has its value.

There are thousands in India who discussed qitaal and died without any scratch on their body. But they did abuse others for not participating in qitaal.

We are not participating in qitaal in India because it is suicidal. At the same time our islam is intact. Our number of masjids are growing exponentially. No masjid is getting converted to a temple.

Note: This is my personal view, not connected to tabligh.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#57 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd November 2023 10:15
akbar703 wrote:
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No masjid is getting converted to a temple.

Just one example of their intentions which everyone knows. Let alone the multiple Masjids that have already been destroyed/converted

There are thousands in India who discussed qitaal and died without any scratch on their body. But they did abuse others for not participating in qitaal.

Actions are judged by intentions, so each man will have what he intended.
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mSiddiqui's avatar
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#58 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd November 2023 11:39
May Allah Ta'ala aid all the Mujahideen throughout the world.

It needs to realised that Jihad became Fardh on everyone in that region once Israel started attacking.

Go ask Ulama who aren't Tablighi what should I do if Modi's boys come into the areas of Muslims and start attacking out of hatred for muslims. Am I supposed to look for another solution or should I pick up any object and go down fighting.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#59 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd November 2023 12:40
akbar703 wrote:
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So basically the Muslims in Bukhara and Samarkand were resisting, but once they thought the Nusrah had arrived they relaxed and stopped putting the same effort in and became overwhelmed by the enemy.

The moral of that story is in order to receive Nusrah you have to put in the work. If you rely on Nusrah alone you will be defeated.

The Communists after they conquered the Muslim lands declared Islam illegal.Entire generations grew up in kuffar. So much so that I remember a Scholar mentioned when he visited Bukhara in the early 1990’s, the people of that town and in the country of Uzbekistan had never even heard of Imam Bukhari.

Generations in the countries of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azarbaijhan etc. Grew up as communists.

The only people who were able to fully maintain their Deen in the Soviet empire, were the people of the Caucus mountains. That is Chechnya,Dagestan, Ingushetuia. The reason they were able to maintain their Deen is because the likes of Imam Shaamil led an insurgency. They fought for decades so much so that the Communists grew tired and made a peace agreement allowing the Muslims of the Caucus mountains.To Live independently according to the religion of Islam. And to maintain their religion and teach it to their children.

The very history of Soviet Union empire disproves everything you stated.

The communists demolished Islam and Islamic identity and sentenced those who taught and practiced it to death, from east to west in their empire. Except in the mountains of the caucuses were it thrived. The reason it thrived is because a very small community of people fought.
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akbar703's avatar
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#60 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd November 2023 13:09
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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So basically the Muslims in Bukhara and Samarkand were resisting, but once they thought the Nusrah had arrived they relaxed and stopped putting the same effort in and became overwhelmed by the enemy.

At that time, the tactics of baatil was to make ahle-haq relax. Today their tactic is to make the ahle haq continue with the war so that they can finish the ahle haq as many as they can. Could be to, (Allah maaf farmaye), an entire generation.
  • I respect each and every life of ahle haq,
  • it must not be offered without a purpose
  • Life must not be offered or at a place not worthy for the result or the same result can be achieved without sacrificing lives
  • every life must be saved.

But it is true that shaheed will be offered the best life in jannah.

@msiddiqui, Don't discuss tabligh here, tablighi forum doesn't discuss this. These are totally my personal opinion. And all respected brothers have right to differ with me.
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