The Evolution of the Sheeple
Al-Jowhari said: الإمَّعة is a person who has no opinion with others and says the same things everyone else does. Moreover, it’s incorrect to use this word for a woman.
Ibn Al-Athir said: الإمَّعة is the person who follows others in their opinions, and he hasn’t one of his own. This word applies to the person who goes around telling everyone, I am with you.
So based on this word, “الإمَّعة “ and the definitions presented by the linguists of Arabic we will use the current English term sheeple for it throughout this article in the various hadith and narrations.
An Interesting take and talk on YES-MEN (aka SHEEPLE)
Please read full article or listen to the video in the link
I have posted this on the Covid-19 section for a reason!