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India's vaccine inventor: Gursaran Talwar

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2022 12:14

Dr Gursaran Talwar, 68, has worked for almost 20 years to find a safe, long-lasting, and reversible contraceptive vaccine.

The Director of India's National Institute of Immunology began his research in the mid 1970s with financial support from the Indian government and IDRC.

Toxicology studies were conducted for 10 years. The vaccine increases production of antibodies against human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone which assists in preparing the uterus for embryo implantation.

The vaccine blocks this process and prevents pregnancy. Without the vaccine, 50-75% of embryos fail to be implanted because of antibodies to HCG; with the vaccine, 100% do.

The vaccine is administered once a month for 3 months. Although another form of contraception must be used during this time, protection afterwards lasts for a year.

Boosters are given annually. In a clinical study of 88 vaccinated women, 1 pregnancy occurred in 821 menstrual cycles.

Fertility returns with discontinuation of the vaccinations. Dr Talwar is also working on a contraceptive for the 3-month period using the purified extract of the neem tree, a male contraceptive, a treatment for prostate cancer, and a vaccine against leprosy.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2022 12:21

Ethical questions surround vaccine to reduce fertility

The prestigious journal Nature Medicine, in its February issue reported that the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is to do a clinical trial of a tetanus toxoid vaccine (TT) laced with a pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It is to be studied on 120 women in India.

This “vaccine” against pregnancy was developed by Dr G.P. Talwar in 1972. The idea is to produce antibodies to the pregnancy hormone, such that the women would not be able to carry a normal pregnancy. Women who were pregnant would abort and those not pregnant would be rendered infertile. The report is indeed disturbing. A few months earlier an article entitled “HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World” was published by Oller and colleagues in the Open Access Library Journal.

The Oller report described young women in Kenya who were vaccinated with this “Talwar vaccine” on the pretext of preventing maternal and neonatal (baby) tetanus. Many of the samples of the tetanus vaccine that tested positive for hCG was sourced from the Serum Institute of India.

The vaccine programme was promoted by the WHO and the Kenyan government, funded by the Gates Foundation. Mothers-to-be were encouraged to take the vaccine to prevent tetanus in their unborn babies, without being told that the vaccine would prevent the baby from ever being born. The Oller report highlights some interesting aspects of the campaign. The vaccines used in the campaign were not stored locally, but were distributed directly from Nairobi and the vaccines were guarded by the police. Every used vaccine vial was returned under police escort to Nairobi at considerable expense. It was advised that the vaccine is taken five times at six monthly intervals. This is unlike the tetanus toxoid schedule anywhere in the world and is exactly the schedule recommended for the “Talwar vaccine”. WHO publications apparently describe a long-range purpose to reduce population growth in unstable “less developed countries” and they are working on a more potent anti-fertility vaccine, using recombinant DNA.

In the context of these reports of the unethical use of the “Talwar vaccine” in Kenya, manufactured by Serum Institute of India, news of the ICMR study is alarming. It is claimed that the effect of the vaccine is not permanent, but there is no clear evidence that women will be able to conceive at will, after being immunised with this vaccine.

The credibility of the WHO and the Gates Foundation has been irreparably dented by this unethical sterilisation of women in Kenya. It is important that the ICMR, which has already been castigated by the 72nd Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare for its part in the HPV trial, seriously reconsider the need for this new clinical trial. Parliament and the public must seek to know who or what prompted the ICMR to study this vaccine developed and abandoned in India, 45 years ago.

Jacob Puliyel is a paediatrician. The opinions expressed are his own.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2022 12:58
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Asaaghir's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2022 14:51
@abu mohammed

Follow the Science (that's what every Government is advising)

The problem with following the science is that the science follows the money.
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2022 16:03
If only I was an admin/mod and if only there was a rating option that would let me stamp a post, bang in the middle. I would stamp it with

There are so many posts in this forum that appear to be nothing but the truth but in reality, they are posts for sheeple and blind followers of lies. Delusional Professionals who can't see beyond lies. Remember the post and video about the Emperor with no clothes?
ali wrote:
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We have been called morons by Dr76, we have been ridiculed by Muadh_Khan for suggesting that medical experts would willingly cause harm to people. Or that these things are "safe and effective" lol. Are these posts on infertility faked or conspiracy theories?

Where are they today?

Dr76 said that whatever we post on this forum on this topic has been debunked. LOL No it hasn't unless he Farce Checked it.
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Yasin's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2022 16:04
Asaaghir wrote:
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And then those who do follow actual science are right wing conspiracy nuts.
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abuzayd2k's avatar
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2022 19:05
Is there a need for validation from brothers Dr76 and Muadh_Khan? They've both left the forum, and are unlikely to return.
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Asaaghir's avatar
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2022 21:01
abuzayd2k wrote:
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So no comments regarding the reality of the thread then?

Just sidetrack as usual.

Coming to your point:
Good people, sometimes the best of us make mistakes.

We learn from our mistakes and rectify them.

We err in public, we apologise in public.

They are both able to rectify their error in judgment. They left the forum at their own will! They were given similar penalties as was you. You continue post because you chose to.

Others might not want to post because they might hurt their ego or their ego has been tainted. Fortunately Dr76 and Muadh_Khan are not of that category, but they chose not to post at their own will. But their error and guidance may have hurt someone, damaged someone's health temporarily or even permanently. It could've even killed someone and we'll never know.

Dr76 did say that they have vaccinated 90,000 people and no one suffered side effects, except on the day or day after and that's it.

But if they actually followed the threads properly and watched the evidence, they would realise that millions have been injected with dangerous batches or placebos.

Just because 90,000 people were fine for Dr76, doesn't mean the 2,000,000 plus were lies. Or "it happens"

Just look at the stats, the wealthy nations have a higher number of vaccinations and the highest number of deaths and the poorer nations that have less vaccinations have much lower deaths.

Also note that the deaths increased and decreased whilst the rollout happened

Connect the dots and see the evidence.
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Yasin's avatar
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2022 21:21
Asaaghir wrote:
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They are both able to rectify their error in judgment.

Muadh_Khan was banned. Others stopped posting at their own will.
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Yasin's avatar
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2022 21:25
Just because 90,000 people were fine

This is also untrue. It doesn't harm immediately. Anything that happens have all without investigation been marked as coincidence, unrelated or underlying even though ot never existed before the jab. So it's very easy to claim everyone was fine because something the two doesn't exist to the culprits.
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Asaaghir's avatar
Spinistan Throne
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2022 21:38
It is related that ‘A’isha said, “The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to say in his illness from which he died, ‘O ‘A’isha, I still feel the pain of the food which I ate at Khaybar and now I feel as if my aorta is being severed by that poison.'”
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abuzayd2k's avatar
abuzayd2k's avatar
#12 [Permalink] Posted on 25th June 2022 03:20
Here's how I see it.

In Feb-Mar 2020, people first started discussing the topic on this forum. Due to the lock downs, many infrequent members also logged in along with the more regular ones and shared their views. Things were calm up to this point.

When reports of deaths began to come in, some brothers said that the illness is not fatal, and all deaths are being marked due to a new disease under some agenda, when even being hit by a bus and dying was labeled a death due to the disease.

I've seen things come full circle, with some brothers now saying all deaths (immediate and remote) are due to some experimental deadly vaccine under the same agenda.

Just replace "virus" with "vaccine" in all those discussions and you'll see how the tables have turned. One group said, "the virus kills," and the other group is saying, "the vaccine kills." The symmetry is uncanny.

Of course, both sides say that the science and the facts are on their side, while saying that the other side is delusional.
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Yasin's avatar
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 25th June 2022 06:45
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Wrong as usual.

One side has data, statistics and videos of the side effects including dropping dead at the site within minutes of the poison. The other side has NOTHING. I repeat, NOTHING. Nothing in terms of factual data backed by science. What it has is TV, hospital acting scenes, registered crisis actors, highly paid scientists on payroll without evidence, radio and MSM fearporn and 'feelings'.

Truly only Allah can guide and only He is capable of making a deluded person think the ones on Haque are deluded. Alhamdulillah I along with many millions of smart people are on the side of those who are saved from the poison and can see evil in plain sight. Only through His mercy.
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abuzayd2k's avatar
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 25th June 2022 09:09
Only through His mercy.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 25th June 2022 11:07
abuzayd2k wrote:
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When reports of deaths began to come in, some brothers said that the illness is not fatal, and all deaths are being marked due to a new disease under some agenda, when even being hit by a bus and dying was labeled a death due to the disease.

At first, the first point of this was not my view, then I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears what was going on.

Thereafter, I was able to confirm the videos, posts and everything else.

The virus didn't kill! If you watched the evidence being provided, you will realise how elderly patients were being killed intentionally, call it assisted suicide if you wish. Evidence already given from each of the horses mouths.

The exaggerated numbers of deaths in the UK went down from over 150,000 to only 6000! And this is from the FOIA, shared on this forum.

Just to show you the reality of things and your methods of responding, please accept our deny the message of this thread, then we can move on.

So no comments regarding the reality of the thread then?

We're the women fraudulently injected to become infertile or not?

Yes or No?
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