After reading yet another post by Asaaghir on AIDS or VAIDS I came across many many doctors talking about this. One of them gave a brilliant explanation on how this is happening.
In the video by a Jewish doctor, he explains how people will get AIDS without being so blunt about it. The doctor also claims that he has treated world leaders like Trump and others.
You probably seen him around on websites or social media where much of the news is barred. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko.
He talks about an antidote and how he got to his findings. An informative article which I will share and link in case it is taken down.
Thoughts of Dr.Zelenko
Antidotes to the Bioweapon Were Developed Beforehand
Analysis made by Dr.Mecola
Zelenko goes on to recount a relatively recent realization. Back in March 2020, he saw a MedCram video, episode 34,1, in which Dr. Roger Seheult explained some of the principles that he then ended up building his COVID protocol on. Seheult specifically quoted a paper that described the functioning of zinc ionophores.
That mechanism is what Zelenko relied upon when developing his protocol. However, he didn’t realize until December 2021 that the author of that central paper was Dr. Ralph Baric. Why does that matter? Zelenko explains:
“In 1999, Ralph Baric, funded by the U.S. government, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, figured out how to take an animal virus and have it be able to infect other species, different animals, in other words, cross-species infection.
In 2015, the same Dr. Ralph Baric and Dr. Zhengli [at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China], funded by the National Institutes of Health, figured out how to make a corona bat
virus infect human beings augment its lethality to human lives. That was in 2015. But in 2010, Baric published that paper that I’m referring to.
So, the development of the weapon happened in stages. Still, before it was unleashed onto the human population or its development could infect human beings, an antidote was made. Research paid for by the government was published.
The same people that made the bomb, let’s say, also created the antidote to diffuse the bomb. And then, when the pandemic arrived, doctors like myself, out of necessity, came up with creative solutions based — in my case, unknowingly — on this work. And immediately, that information was marginalized and suppressed, and doctors were de-platformed for advocating for it.
So, the government who made the bomb also knew about the solution. And the reason why is they didn’t want to die. The stakeholders here don’t want their families to die. But for you and me, they have a different agenda. So, they had that information.
I know that the Google executives are all taking hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for prophylaxis, as is half of Congress. And so, the people that have orchestrated this knew the answer and used it for themselves. Even doctors know the answer for themselves.
They prescribe [these drugs] for themselves, or they call me. But when patients come, they say there’s no treatment, go home, take Tylenol. So, this is mass murder.”
What’s the Real Agenda?
Antidotes to the Bioweapon Were Developed Beforehand
Analysis made by Dr.Mecola
Zelenko goes on to recount a relatively recent realization. Back in March 2020, he saw a MedCram video, episode 34,1, in which Dr. Roger Seheult explained some of the principles that he then ended up building his COVID protocol on. Seheult specifically quoted a paper that described the functioning of zinc ionophores.
That mechanism is what Zelenko relied upon when developing his protocol. However, he didn’t realize until December 2021 that the author of that central paper was Dr. Ralph Baric. Why does that matter? Zelenko explains:
“In 1999, Ralph Baric, funded by the U.S. government, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, figured out how to take an animal virus and have it be able to infect other species, different animals, in other words, cross-species infection.
In 2015, the same Dr. Ralph Baric and Dr. Zhengli [at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China], funded by the National Institutes of Health, figured out how to make a corona bat
virus infect human beings augment its lethality to human lives. That was in 2015. But in 2010, Baric published that paper that I’m referring to.
So, the development of the weapon happened in stages. Still, before it was unleashed onto the human population or its development could infect human beings, an antidote was made. Research paid for by the government was published.
The same people that made the bomb, let’s say, also created the antidote to diffuse the bomb. And then, when the pandemic arrived, doctors like myself, out of necessity, came up with creative solutions based — in my case, unknowingly — on this work. And immediately, that information was marginalized and suppressed, and doctors were de-platformed for advocating for it.
So, the government who made the bomb also knew about the solution. And the reason why is they didn’t want to die. The stakeholders here don’t want their families to die. But for you and me, they have a different agenda. So, they had that information.
I know that the Google executives are all taking hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for prophylaxis, as is half of Congress. And so, the people that have orchestrated this knew the answer and used it for themselves. Even doctors know the answer for themselves.
They prescribe [these drugs] for themselves, or they call me. But when patients come, they say there’s no treatment, go home, take Tylenol. So, this is mass murder.”
What’s the Real Agenda?
Click on link to continue reading. I will try and post the rest of the article when time permits inshaAllah.
I have given this title so it's open to non (vaccine) related discussions too.
Islam hold the greatest antidote so Quran and Hadith are welcome.