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The Fatwa on taking Preventative Measures during a Pandemic

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 28th June 2021 22:46
As a preventative measure, is it permissible to inject healthy animals during a Wabaa (pandemic)?

If the injection is known to be beneficial after being tried and tested, then it will be permissible.

(Kifaayatul Mufti Volume 9, Page 149- Dar Al-Isha’at)

And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.

كتبه حممد کفایت هللا کان هللا له, دهلى

Mufti Kifayatullah Dihlawi was first president of the Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind (1919–1940) and was also regarded as Grand Mufti of India.
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 28th June 2021 22:51
The Fatwa of Hazrath Mufti Mahmood Al Hasan Gangohi (Rahmatullahi Alayh) Regarding Injections to Combat Plagues and Chickenpox

Question: If there is a plague in an area, or chickenpox has spread, is it permissible to take an injection in such a condition?

Answer: Just as it is permissible to adopt permissible means of cure to protect oneself, this (taking injection against plague and chickenpox) too is also permissible. (Fatawa Mahmudiyyah Volume 27, Page 276 - Maktabah Mahmudiyyah)

And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.

حرره العبد حممودغفر له دارالعلوم دیوبند 91ه

Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi was a grand Mufti of Darul Uloom Deoband and Mazahir Uloom, Saharanpur.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 28th June 2021 22:56
The Fatwa of Darul Uloom Deoband Regarding Polio

Question: 1. Nowadays, (BCG and TNT) are given to children today, is that correct?

2. Also please shed light on Polio drops.

Answer: The ruling applicable to other forms of medication is similarly applicable to injections. As such, those medications which are in and of themselves permissible may be adopted for purposes of cure and treatment.

(Darul Iftaa Deoband, Fatwa #11333)

And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.

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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 28th June 2021 23:03
The Fatwa of Hazrath Mufti Abdur Raheem Lajpuri (Rahmatullahi Alayh) to Combat the Cholera Virus

Question: During the Wabaa (virus, plague, pandemic) of Cholera, the government gives diarrhea injections, is there any problem in taking that injection?

Answer: There is no problem (in taking the injection). It is permissible to take preventative measures as a means of cure. Only that which Allah decrees will occur.

(Fatawa Rahimiyyah Volume 10, Page 168 - Dar Al-Isha’at)

And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 28th June 2021 23:07
The Fatwa of Hazrath Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Rahmatullahi Alayh) to Combat Infectious Diseases with Impermissible Substances containing Medicinal Properties

Question: What is Hazrath’s view regarding vaccinations? The doubt is the pus (extracted from the boils of Chickenpox is used to treat Chickenpox) is impure and it is not permissible to use anything impure.

Answer: You are correct. The original view of the Hanafi Madhab is that it is impermissible to use medication which contains haram substances. However, the present day Ulama have permitted the use of Haram substances for medicinal purposes.

Therefore, if anyone is afflicted (with such a disease which requires him to use an impure substance), he will not be held accountable.

(Imdad Al-Fatawa Volume 4, Page 208 - Maktabah Darul Uloom Karachi)

And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 28th June 2021 23:14
The Fatwa of Darul Iftaa Binori Town on taking the Covid-19 Vaccine as a Preventative Measure

Question: I am an Imam in Dubai. The coronavirusinjection has arrived here. Those people that are government employees, it is compulsory for them to take the injection. Some people are saying that it (the injection) is very dangerous, and it is a plot against Islam. What do the Muftis say regarding that?

Summarized Answer: If the injection is taken as a preventative measure and as a form of treatment, then the Shar’i ruling is that if an expert doctor confirms that the vaccine is not harmful, it is proven to be beneficial, based on experience, and that there is no harm or impure ingredients present in the vaccine, then it will be permissible.

Similarly, if the injection is administered on a person who has already contracted the virus, and an expert doctor confirms that the vaccine is not harmful and there are no Haram ingredients present in the vaccine, then it will be permissible. If there are haram ingredients present in the vaccine and an expert doctor states that there is no Halal alternative and that the treatment is confined only to that Haram vaccine, and it is proven beneficial through experience, then as a last resort, such a vaccine may be used as a form of treatment only according to need.

(Darul Iftaa Binori Town Fatwa #200017)

And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 29th June 2021 00:13
It should be advised to all readers that the above does not apply to the alleged covid 19.

Covid 19 has not been proven to by isolated, purified or contained by any scientist. There is no medical pandemic. The population has actually increased in 2020/2021. This fact alone goes against the entire pandemic claim.

These Fatawa should not be mistakened to refer to covid 19. That would be misleading.

Please refer to all the informative threads posted here about the political reality of this covid movement, its fanatic followers and its psychotic leaders.
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