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Pfizer, Oxford and other Vaccines

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#76 [Permalink] Posted on 9th February 2021 15:43

Vaccinated German care home residents test positive for British coronavirus variant

8 February 2021

Fourteen German residents of a care home have tested positive for the British Covid-19 variant despite being vaccinated - but have only developed mild symptoms.

The residents of the care home near Osnabrück, near the Dutch border, all tested positive for the B.1.1.7. variant of the coronavirus after receiving two jabs with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccination in January.

None of the elderly people have had serious symptoms, however, which could indicate that the vaccination has effectively protected them from serious illness caused by the new strain.

On Monday BioNTech released data that showed its jab was also effective against the British and South African variants of the virus, which are more infectious.

Nevertheless, Eugen Brysch, from the German Foundation for Patient Protection, called on the government to increase testing in care homes where residents have been vaccinated in order to better understand what risk the new strains of the virus pose there.

“It is becoming increasingly apparent that vaccinated people are not immune to the coronavirus and can pass it on,” Brysch said. “But vaccination can still be helpful in preventing an outbreak of the disease. This doesn't have to be a scary scenario - we will have to live with the virus."

The cases were discovered on Friday after one of the carers’ rapid test results turned up positive. All of the residents and staff were tested and 14 residents were found to be positive.

“At least as far as vaccination is concerned, there is little to worry about after this news over the weekend,” commented Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung science writer Joachim Müller-Jung.

Jung pointed out that BioNTech had never claimed that its vaccination, which is based on imitating the virus’ RNA, prevents infections.

“The mRNA vaccination protects effectively against the Covid-19 disease, but whether and to what extent it can also prevent infection and transmission of the virus remains unclear,” wrote Jung.
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#77 [Permalink] Posted on 9th February 2021 21:02

(Below is the end of the article, see link for full article)

A series of knocks: Oxford/AstraZeneca’s bumpy road to Covid vaccine confidence

The latest blow to the vaccine’s public image has been the small trial in just over 2,000 people under age 40 in South Africa. It found “minimal protection” – later said to be 10% – against mild to moderate disease caused by the variant. South Africa announced it was pausing its rollout of the vaccine and will give it to 100,000 people step by step, watching to see if anyone ends up in hospital.

No one was severely ill, hospitalised or died, but the worry is that these were younger people, so less likely to get seriously ill. Oxford/AstraZeneca point to all the trial data showing that nobody has been seriously ill after getting their vaccine (or any of the others) and experts believe the protection is still there against the variant. Once more, however, confidence in the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is likely to take a knock, whether or not it is justified
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#78 [Permalink] Posted on 10th February 2021 12:37
Top UK scientist warns ‘unpredictable’ Covid evolution threatens vaccine success

Jeremy Farrar says further virus mutations that reduce jab efficacy should be expected

February 9, 2021

One of the UK government’s top scientific advisers has warned that early signs the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is less effective at stopping mild and moderate cases of the South African coronavirus variant are a “worrying harbinger” for 2021.

Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust medical charity and a member of the government’s Sage advisory committee, told the Financial Times that this year was “very unpredictable” as new viral variants less susceptible to current control methods were likely to undermine efforts to contain the virus.

Signs of the reduced efficacy of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine against the 501.V2 variant in a limited South Africa study have already caused the country to suspend rollout of the jab, pending more data.
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#79 [Permalink] Posted on 11th February 2021 01:10

South Africa may swap or sell AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine
10 February 2021

Health workers were due to be vaccinated until the plan was scrapped

South Africa is considering swapping or selling the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine against coronavirus, the health minister says.

The country has one and half million doses of the AstraZeneca jab.

But plans to use it to vaccinate health workers have been put on hold after a small study suggested a "minimal" effect against the country's new variant in young people.

It now intends to use a vaccine from Johnson & Johnson instead.
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#80 [Permalink] Posted on 12th February 2021 01:20

Coronavirus restrictions could last until at least all adults have been vaccinated, a senior Public Health England official has warned.

Dr Susan Hopkins told Sky News some measures may have to stay in place beyond that, until more is known about COVID-19 transmission, so "we can release everything and get back to life as it was".

Speaking on a special programme, COVID Crisis: Learning The Lessons, she admitted it was "difficult to say" if rules this summer could be tighter than they were during the same period last year.
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#81 [Permalink] Posted on 13th February 2021 16:51
Covid: Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine to be tested on children

13 February 2021

A new trial is to test how well the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine works in children.

Some 300 volunteers will take part, with the first vaccinations in the trial taking place later in February.

Researchers will assess whether the jab produces a strong immune response in children aged between six and 17.

The vaccine is one of two being used to protect against serious illness and death from Covid in the UK, along with the Pfizer-BioNTech jab.

As many as 240 children will receive the vaccine - and the others a control meningitis jab - when the trial gets under way.

Volunteers who live near one of the four study sites - the University of Oxford, St George's University Hospital, London, University Hospital Southampton and Bristol Royal Hospital for Children - are being asked to sign up.

Those interested in taking part must complete a short questionnaire.

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Andrew Pollard, professor of paediatric infection and immunity, and chief investigator on the Oxford vaccine trial, noted that most children were relatively unaffected by Covid and were unlikely to become unwell with the virus.

But he said it was important to establish the safety and immune response to the vaccine in children and young people as some children might benefit from vaccination.

There are currently no plans for children to be vaccinated with the Oxford-Astrazeneca jab in the UK, as it has only been authorised to prevent Covid in people aged 18 or over.

The Pfizer-BioNTech jab is only authorised in those aged over 16. The vaccine priority list also excludes anyone under the age of 16, even the clinically extremely vulnerable.

Earlier this week England's deputy chief medical officer, Prof Jonathan Van-Tam, told ITV News several trials were under way to develop vaccines that were safe and effective in children, saying it was possible there would be some licensed children's vaccines by the end of the year.

The University of Oxford said its was the first trial of a Covid vaccine in the six to 17 age group. It said other trials had begun but only measuring efficacy in those aged 16 and 17.

More in the link.

Ironically, there's another link on the same page (also below) talking about why children will not be vaccinated. It's all to do with non testing and experimental as well as the fact that children are not effected as much.
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#82 [Permalink] Posted on 16th February 2021 01:19
AstraZeneca hands chief £15.4m pay package
Pharma group behind coronavirus jab plans higher future potential payouts for Soriot

February 15, 2021

AstraZeneca’s chief executive has been handed the same pay rise as staff across the company, though future payouts could swell his £15.4m package after a year in which he oversaw the launch of one of the world’s most promising coronavirus vaccines.

Pascal Soriot received a package that included a base salary of £1.29m, annual bonus of £2.3m and payouts under a long-term incentive scheme worth £11.1m for 2020, the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical group disclosed in its annual report on Monday.

The Frenchman’s total pay, equivalent to 197 times that of the Cambridge-based company’s median pay, rose £140,000 from 2019 levels. He is also due to receive a 3 per cent salary rise for this year to which all employees are entitled, bringing his base pay for 2021 to £1.33m.
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#83 [Permalink] Posted on 16th February 2021 04:47
The tech industry had the Y2K hoax to propel it and the pharmaceutical industry has Covid.
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#84 [Permalink] Posted on 18th February 2021 02:42

BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine is less potent against South African variant

Covid-19 jab still works but produces only a third of the antibodies it did for original virus, study finds

The BioNTech/Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine appears to be significantly less effective against the virus variant that emerged in South Africa, according to a study published on Wednesday.

The vaccine still works against the strain known as 501Y.V2, but the shot produced only a third of the antibodies that it did for the original virus in a lab study using an engineered virus.

The partners said there was “no clinical evidence” that people vaccinated with their Covid-19 shot lacked protection against the variant. It is hard to draw firm conclusions from lab experiments on how the vaccines will work on the variants in humans.

But they said they were making investments and talking to regulators so they could seek authorisation for an updated vaccine or a booster shot “once a strain that significantly reduces protection from the vaccine is identified”.

The vaccine from BioNTech/Pfizer was the first to receive emergency approval in many countries, including the US and the UK. The pair expect to make up to 2bn doses this year.

Full article in source
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#85 [Permalink] Posted on 18th February 2021 20:07
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#86 [Permalink] Posted on 19th February 2021 02:50
Quotes from the same news report posted above:

Such symptoms, as reported in clinical trials for the AstraZeneca shot, can include a high temperature or headache and are a normal sign that the body is generating an immune response. They usually fade within a day or so.

The other shots approved in Europe, developed by Pfizer and Moderna, have been linked to similar temporary side-effects, including fever and fatigue.

“Between 10% and 15% of those vaccinated may have side-effects from this vaccination, but it is only a feverish state, fevers, nausea and within 12 hours it goes away.”

Following similar reports from other hospitals, the French medicines safety agency said on Feb. 11 that such side-effects were “known and described” but should be subject to surveillance with regard to their intensity.

The issues in France highlight how some doctors and hospitals are still learning how best to administer vaccines as governments race to tame the pandemic and get shots in arms as quickly as possible.

It’s also the latest setback for the French vaccination campaign which has been criticised for a slow start. Last week, the government said just over 3% of the population had received their first dose.

In Sweden, two of 21 healthcare regions paused vaccinations of workers last week after a quarter called in sick after getting the AstraZeneca shot.

The Sormland and Gavleborg regions said that around 100 out of 400 people vaccinated had reported fever or fever-like symptoms. Most cases were mild and in line with previously reported side-effects.

Both regions said they would resume vaccinations, and the Swedish Medical Products Agency saw no reason to change its vaccination guidelines.
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#87 [Permalink] Posted on 19th February 2021 21:39
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#88 [Permalink] Posted on 20th February 2021 00:06
abu mohammed wrote:
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This is all about money. Pfizer see AstraZeneca making loads of money so they need to cash in and not make a loss

This is a huge money making gimmick

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#89 [Permalink] Posted on 20th February 2021 18:51
just hold tight, once lockdown ends next month we will know definitively if vaccines work or are a hoax. if the death and infection rate continues to fall despite interactions it can be assumed its legit, if it makes no difference then its a hoax
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#90 [Permalink] Posted on 20th February 2021 20:10
mkdon101 wrote:
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Will have to wait longer to know if any potential side effects are in action.

Will the birth rate go down?
Has there been an increase in birth defects?
What has changed in the DNA of the future generations?
Any increase in autism?
Any decrease etc etc etc etc

So many unknowns
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