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Pfizer, Oxford and other Vaccines

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#166 [Permalink] Posted on 21st June 2021 16:30
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#167 [Permalink] Posted on 21st June 2021 17:25
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#168 [Permalink] Posted on 21st June 2021 17:27
At times we tend to become dogmatic but in cases where we have not received wahi, we should always remember that there is also a possibility of being wrong.


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#169 [Permalink] Posted on 21st June 2021 17:28
dr76 wrote:
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The chances of dying from covid-19 is low for majority of the population.

So as per the fatwa, if there is NO medical need, the vaccine is not required, right?
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#170 [Permalink] Posted on 21st June 2021 17:33
dr76 wrote:
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First people were told, "There is no danger in taking the astrazenica vaccine"

Then people were told, "Anyone over 60 should not.take the AZ vaccine"

Then people were told "Anyone over 40 should not.take the AZ vaccine"

Now are told, "Anyone over 30 should not take the AZ vaccine"

And I assume you will see where this is going.

They are learning with time.

Those that died, they were collateral damage!

It's an expensive yet money making experiment.
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#171 [Permalink] Posted on 21st June 2021 17:46
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#172 [Permalink] Posted on 21st June 2021 18:05
Asaaghir wrote:
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Don't waste your energy explaining.

Continue to share valid information. If anyone is still brainwashed after all the available evidence and believes there's a global pandemic requesting Muslims to take experimental mRNA jabs modifying the creation of Allah then there's no hope in trying to explain with logic or even evidence.

Just make Duaa for them and concentrate on those who still have hope of being saved. Those who genuinely don't know.

I can stop misinformation here Alhamdulillah which I will continue to do.
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#173 [Permalink] Posted on 21st June 2021 19:16
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#174 [Permalink] Posted on 21st June 2021 19:21
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#175 [Permalink] Posted on 21st June 2021 19:25
Please stick to the current topic. Irrelevant posts, posts inciting a debate or disrespect towards another member will be removed without notice. Jazakumullah
Please only post relevant issues to the current topic, otherwise please start a new topic. Jazakumullah
Please maintain respect for each other and Ulamaa (if topic is about a scholar) by avoiding accusations and slanderous comments. Also remember that in order for criticism to be constructive, it must be channeled in the right direction. If there is any doubt in a matter, it is better to ask, clarify or to remain silent rather than to speak ill of another person.
Covid 19/Coronavirus & Vaccine discussions are not permitted on the forum. You may share articles or post your personal thoughts with references for your information and conclusions. While it's okay to disagree with someone if your disagreement is backed up by your own sources, fallacies such as appeal to popularity and other fallacies that cause arguments without an end will be marked as reported and disabled from threads.
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#176 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd June 2021 19:47
Asaaghir wrote:
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AstraZeneca Covid vaccine linked to rare neurological disorder in India, UK

NEW DELHI: Eleven people who received the AstraZeneca-Oxford Covid-19 vaccine have developed a rare neurological disorder called Guillain-Barre syndrome, clinicians in India and England have reported in two separate studies.......

The Time's of India
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#177 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd June 2021 20:22
Coming soon to a country near you (or even in your country)

Get vaccinated or face prison or loss of employment!

Dictatorship being phased in for flu lol.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#178 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2021 01:42
Are Covid Vaccines Riskier then advertised..?

Some scientists have raised concerns that the safety risks of Covid-19 vaccines have been underestimated. But the politics of vaccination has relegated their concerns to the outskirts of scientific thinking—for now.
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#179 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2021 01:52
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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Having perused the thread my personal conclusion is vaccines
do indeed present a risk.

But has the entire world institutions governments, and nations and medical establishments conspired to create a very elaborate hoax about a non-existent Pandemic....? Would have to do alot more reading to come to a reasonable and unbiased conclusion. ....!

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#180 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2021 05:41
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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An ordinary drug used by everyone is risk for a few. One doctor was saying, if we inject ordinary distilled water, a few will get exposed to risk.

I took mandatory meningitis vaccine before haj, I had faced the same effects like the present covid vaccine.

Someone had shared some time back that 20% of the vaccinated will die within a week. Where are these guys.

I don't understand, the economy of countries is dying, and we are made to believe that they earn a few millions through vaccination.

In my country, vaccination is free.
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