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#526 [Permalink] Posted on 30th June 2022 17:25
Yasin wrote:
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I know he will ask for evidence. He asks for evidence and sources when they are already provided anyway. Well, here is just one example.


Is It Any Coincidence? 57% of All Pre-Birth Baby Deaths in VAERS Occurred Over the Past Two Years

Between 1998 and May of this year, the total number of pregnant women who were vaccinated for all diseases and then lost their babies was 6695.

In just the past couple of years, 3816 babies died after their mothers received a COVID-19 vaccination, meaning 57% of all the vaccinations that resulted in a baby or fetus dying over the past 24 years took place when pregnant women started receiving COVID-19 vaccines.

Out of these 3816 deaths, 1559 babies died within the first ten days, and 2257 died from day 10 on.

Of the pregnant women who had spontaneous abortions or their babies died of other fetal disorders, 20% lost their babies on the day of vaccination, and 21% lost their babies in the following 9 days.

"Could it be a coincidence that a COVID-19 vaccinated woman loses her baby and 41% of the time the baby dies within 10 days of the mother's vaccination."

Video from Doctor

Hundreds of others saying the same thing from the frontline! A lot of this has already been shared. You have an agenda and Allah knows what that is, but it is clear that you wish to dismiss facts as fake news and allow our Ummah and mankind as a whole to suffer.

But, you (abuzayd2k) can play devils advocate and expose yourself further by denying these deaths and continue to promote these vaccines.
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#527 [Permalink] Posted on 4th August 2022 11:40
News posted 28 July, 2022
Call for teenage volunteers from across Greater Manchester to be part of COVID-19 vaccine study

NHS wrote:
Researchers will then examine reactions and immune response of vaccine combinations.

The study is single-blind and randomised, meaning participants will not know what third dose vaccine they are receiving until three months later.

Inna lillahi wa Inna ilayhi raji'un
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#528 [Permalink] Posted on 5th August 2022 14:20
Really absurd, lots of muslims have taken the vaccine in Hackney, North London, however i have not heard of an increase in a number number of unusual deaths within the community or any announcements of janaza salat in masjids.
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#529 [Permalink] Posted on 5th August 2022 14:45
Londoner3 wrote:
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You don't read the threads or watch the video's! There are multiple reasons behind that and instead of calling it absurd, we should be thankful to Allah that it hasn't affected many. Especially those who intended well, like caring for their parents being the only reason under pressure!

But what about those millions that have been affected? You've picked Hackney of all places out of the entire world.

Do you want a list of children who have died?
A list of Doctors who have died, some from the same hospital within days?
Did you see the 1000+ sportsmen drop dead (or have attacks) on camera?

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#530 [Permalink] Posted on 5th August 2022 15:00
All i can see is statements which has no proof, lots of spurious claims which don't stand up to scrutiny, just a rehash of claims with a mish mash of statements, if you can post the '1000 sportsmen who have dropped dead due to covid vaccine' then surely you and the other admin poster can post more reliable data.

You say millions have been affected, surely you mean billions?
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#531 [Permalink] Posted on 5th August 2022 15:04
Anyway, the future is live with covid with vaccines and other medication its effect will be mitigated, people have moved on and so should we all.
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#532 [Permalink] Posted on 5th August 2022 15:07
Londoner3 wrote:
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Millions+ registered officially
surely you and the other admin poster can post more reliable data.

It's all here already but you only see what you want to see. You are affraid of digging deep or asking questions in case you are in the wrong.
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#533 [Permalink] Posted on 5th August 2022 15:07
Londoner3 wrote:
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Not knowing the truth does not make one ignorant.
Not wanting to know the truth is what makes one ignorant!
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#534 [Permalink] Posted on 5th August 2022 15:13
Im not afraid, ive gone past that phase in life digging for more info for online debates, time to put away the covid stuff, stop the scraremongering and get on with ones life.
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#535 [Permalink] Posted on 5th August 2022 17:01
Londoner3 wrote:
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Living in a cocoon. There's more in the world than what revolves around you. You have to learn that there's things you won't hear about that happens and exists. Innocent children deaths: but that's okay to you because they're probably not in Hackney right?

You show clear signs of cognitive dissonance of the vaccinated. It's a defence mechanism to convince yourself you didn't take poison and to convince yourself you weren't fooled so badly. May Allah protect you if you took the poison. There's no need to promote the poison if you took it and pretend like it's fine. Just because only 30% of the vaccinated have died, heart attacks, and other side effects doesn't mean it's safe. No one is falling for your lies. Much stronger and stubborn people have given up and left the forum because they couldn't handle facts, data and actual science. You don't need to waste your time. Facebook and YouTube will reward you for promoting the poison, you should really go there.
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#536 [Permalink] Posted on 5th August 2022 17:05
And in all seriously, may Allah سبحانه وتعالى forgive every person who has unknowingly promoted the death jab poison. Ameen
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#537 [Permalink] Posted on 5th August 2022 17:08
Londoner3 wrote:
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Not really witnessed many Muslims with absolutely no empathy and hatred for pure evil. Let's hope you don't learn the hard way because I believe Karma is real. “Reaping what one sows”, or "tasting the fruits of one’s actions whether good or bad" is a concept in Islam. Be careful.
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#538 [Permalink] Posted on 7th August 2022 15:37
Yasin wrote:
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Millions of muslims do not see it as pure evil but as a necessity to get on with life with the vaccine, your opinion state its dangerous, fair enough but many don't share the view.

You may come to the conclusion thats its a dajjal system designed to kill humans or change them for the worse, thats your views. Just saying one of the views during covid times was 5g waves was causing it, many people were spreading this inc a few TJ, now that view has disappeared.

Just saying life will move on, it will take some time but people will move on, just like the mass conspiracy theories after sept 2001 attacks, it was convenient as we try and make sense out of what has happening around the world.
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#539 [Permalink] Posted on 7th August 2022 16:17
Londoner3 wrote:
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The fact that people are dying in higher numbers after the vaccine is not disappearing. It is increasing by the day.

This new phenomenon is being given a new name on a daily basis.

Eg... gardening causes heart attacks, exercising causes heart attacks, sleeping late causes heart attacks, sudden death, unexplained death at young age and so on.

Conspiracy theories will disappear but many truths will emerge and conspiracies are becoming fact as we're seeing already, very fast!
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#540 [Permalink] Posted on 7th August 2022 16:19
Londoner3 wrote:
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But this is you saying all of this influenced by BBC. What we say is simple, facts, observations and testimonials of the victims who we don't ignore like you do. Deduction is simple but only Allah guides those whom he wishes so if Allah prefers you to side with psychopaths then nothing we say will help you. Like I said, Facebook and YouTube will welcome you.
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