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Pfizer, Oxford and other Vaccines

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#241 [Permalink] Posted on 1st October 2021 16:31
An alternative to vaccines?

Further experiments!

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#242 [Permalink] Posted on 7th October 2021 17:08
Covid vaccine set to be mandatory for all frontline NHS workers under plans by Sajid Javid

Covid vaccinations for frontline NHS staff are almost certain to be made compulsory as part of a drive by health secretary Sajid Javid to protect the most vulnerable from the virus.

Javid, who this week said unvaccinated care home staff should “get out and get another job”, is understood to be similarly determined to root out health service workers who refuse to get jabbed.

A formal consultation on making Covid and flu vaccination a condition of employment in the NHS is due to end on October 22, and the health secretary is ready to act swiftly to implement the change, i has been told.

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Following a change in the law enacted this summer, staff in care homes have until November 11 to get double jabbed for Covid, after which point they will be legally barred from work without vaccination.

The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) has separate but similar plans to require all NHS frontline staff to be fully vaccinated – unless they have a medical exemption.

Javid is privately furious with the risk that unjabbed NHS staff pose to vulnerable patients when working in both hospital and in community settings.

Unjabbed staff also pose a threat to their colleagues, who could be forced off work during what could be one of the most difficult winter health crises of the pandemic.

He is understood to want to be “even more hardline” with health service staff than with care home staff, not least as they are directly employed by the state rather than by private providers.

While no one in government wants to publicly pre-empt the consultation, it is understood that Boris Johnson is fully behind Javid’s belief that unjabbed health staff pose a risk to the most vulnerable

Javid also wants to offer extra reassurance to vulnerable patients that they can enter hospital and be sure that all those around them are double jabbed.

There is also a concern in government that unjabbed care home staff, who are barred from working with patients from next month, have been moving into the NHS.

The vast majority of NHS staff have been double jabbed. Latest weekly figures for England show 1,326,000 have had a first jab (92%), 1,277,000 (89%) have had a second jab. But 8% have not had any jab at all.

Statistics published in September also showed that uptake rates can vary widely between NHS trusts, from around 78% to 94% for both doses.

Hospital surgeons are already required to have a Hepatitis B vaccine and chief medical officer Chris Whitty has said he believes getting Covid jabbed ought to be seen as a professional “duty”.

Javid is also keen to ensure NHS staff get the flu jab, precisely because he sees flu as possibly the biggest strain on the hospital system this winter.

Last winter, flu was at unusually low levels as Covid predominated.

National flu vaccination rates in the health service have increased from 14% in 2002 to 76% last year. Yet in some settings, rates are as low as 53%.

Although most care homes have worked with the government, a minority have warned that there could be 100,000 staff who quit the sector.

The DHSC has played down the claims, and Javid has been getting data from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on vaccinated staff in individual care homes across the country,

The consultation on care home jab compulsion also advised that if care settings were not subject to mandatory requirements, the need for NHS mandation would be even stronger.

The UK’s Royal Colleges remain unanimously against mandatory vaccination for NHS staff, stating that attempts to force people to have a Covid jab will distract from getting as many people protected as possible.

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, the coordinating body for the UK and Ireland’s 23 medical Royal Colleges and Faculties, said it “firmly believes” that all health and care staff should choose to be vaccinated. The Academy Council endorsed this view at its meeting on July 22 and has not changed its position.

Professor Dame Clare Gerada, a former president of the Royal College of GPs, urged the Government to act with caution over any decision to introduce mandatory vaccination.

She told i: “I agree with the Royal Colleges that this could backfire. My main worry is not about anti-vaxers but about the vaccine hesitant. If you are going to push anything it is much better to do so through discussion and consensus. I do worry that this will end up potentially excluding some people, such as those from ethnic minorities, who might be more hesitant to take the vaccine.”

Caroline Abrahams, charity director at Age UK, said: “If this is to be mandated the Government also needs an oven-ready plan for replacing the staff who will choose to walk away. Just hoping for the best won’t do.”
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#243 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2021 05:38
The stand taken by the Academy of Royal Medical Colleges should be taken into consideration by the government. Politicians should resist the temptation to act on personal biases and consider the opinion of experts when drafting policy.

The complete statement of the Academy of Royal Medical Colleges is indeed very balanced and sensible. Any mandates are counterproductive without addressing the issues responsible for hesitancy. Coercion is never a good primary strategy.
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#244 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2021 15:51
Nordic nations curbing Moderna shots

Finland has joined other Nordic countries in suspending or discouraging the use of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine in certain age groups because of an increased risk of heart inflammation, a rare side effect associated with the shot.

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare said on Thursday that authorities will not give the shot to males under age 30. They will be offered the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine instead.

Source: Al Jazeera
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#245 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2021 20:18
abu mohammed wrote:
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Merck’s Covid Pill Could Pose Serious Risks, Scientists Warn

Merck ‘s announcement that its antiviral molnupiravir had halved hospitalizations in a trial of high-risk Covid-19 patients was met with enthusiasm on Friday, inspiring a vision of a world in which treating a Covid-19 infection could be as trivial as swallowing a few pills.

Some scientists who have studied the drug warn, however, that the method it uses to kill the virus that causes Covid-19 carries potential dangers that could limit the drug’s usefulness.

Molnupiravir works by incorporating itself into the genetic material of the virus, and then causing a huge number of mutations as the virus replicates, effectively killing it. In some lab tests, the drug has also shown the ability to integrate into the genetic material of mammalian cells, causing mutations as those cells replicate.

If that were to happen in the cells of a patient being treated with molnupiravir, it could theoretically lead to cancer or birth defects.

Merck (ticker: MRK) says it has run extensive tests in animals that show that this isn’t an issue. “The totality of the data from these studies indicates that molnupiravir is not mutagenic or genotoxic in in-vivo mammalian systems,” a Merck spokesperson said.

Scientists who have studied NHC, the compound that molnupiravir creates in the body after it is ingested, however, say that Merck needs to be careful.

“Proceed with caution and at your own peril,” wrote Raymond Schinazi, a professor of pediatrics and the director of the division of biochemical pharmacology at the Emory University School of Medicine, who has studied NHC for decades, in an email to Barron’s

This is just half of the article!
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#246 [Permalink] Posted on 13th October 2021 13:30

عن أبي سعيد الخدري -رضي الله عنه- مرفوعاً: "لتتبعن سنن من كان قبلكم، حذو القذة بالقذة، حتى لو دخلوا جحر ضب لدخلتموه. قالوا: يا رسول الله، اليهود والنصارى؟ قال: فمن؟ "
[صحيح] - [متفق عليه. ملحوظة: الحديث مروي بالمعنى، ولفظة: (حذو القذة بالقذة) وردت في حديث آخر حسن.]

Abu Sa‘īd al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Surely, you will follow the ways of those nations who were before you, in everything as one arrow resembles another, so much so that even if they entered a hole of a sand-lizard, you would enter it." They said: "O Messenger of Allah, do you mean the Jews and the Christians?" He replied: "Who else?"
[Sahih/Authentic] - [Al-Bukhari and Muslim with its two versions]

Abu Sa‘īd al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) tells us that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) informed that this nation will blindly follow the previous nations in their habits, policies, and religious practices, and that it will try to imitate them in everything - as the feathers of an arrow resemble the feathers of another arrow. The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) further affirmed such resemblance and imitation by stating that if the previous nations entered the narrow and dark hole of a sand lizard, this nation would attempt to enter it. When the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) inquired about those nations and if they are the Jews and Christians, the Prophet replied in the affirmative.
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#247 [Permalink] Posted on 13th October 2021 16:55
Inventor of mRNA Interviewed About Injection Dangers

What do you sheeple make of this?

“I recently learned that these vaccines have likely killed over 25,800 Americans (which I confirmed 3 different ways) and disabled at least 1,000,000 more. And we’re only halfway to the finish line. We need to PAUSE these vaccines NOW before more people are killed.....

.....You will understand why there are so many side effects and why these are so varied and why they usually happen within 30 days of vaccination. You will understand why kids are having heart issues (for which there is no treatment), and temporarily losing their sight, and ability to talk. You will understand why as many as 3% may be severely disabled by the vaccine.”

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#248 [Permalink] Posted on 13th October 2021 16:58
Another interview confirming the above
Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine technology, sits down with Del to give his honest concerns about why this is the wrong technology to use against #Covid19 and, in particular, the danger it could pose to young people.
Gene altering therapy confirmed at 14 minutes in case you don't want to be told the rest of the truth!
How the vaccine helps the virus in the long term, listen from 30 minutes.
37:30 minutes What concerns does Dr Robert Malone have?
42:00 minutes Fact Check are lying!

The video tends to buffer a lot for me, but what an amazing interview!
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#249 [Permalink] Posted on 19th October 2021 14:11
Co-Lin Powell dies of Covid-19 after getting double jabbed.

US military leader Colin Powell, who helped make the case for the Iraq War by fabricating 'evidence', has died aged 84. He will now be held to account by his Creator.
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#250 [Permalink] Posted on 27th October 2021 15:24
Many aren't interested in Covid anymore, but the least you could do is watch this short video and pause for thought, remember death.

Majority of the clips are from actual News broadcasts footage

WARNING: Contains images of people (obviously) showing their awrah. However, I'm sharing this with the intention that it could save my brothers and sisters from going through the same pain, agony, trauma or even death!
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#251 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2021 10:39
Regurgitating what I've been trying to say from day 1!

Someone PLEASE explain the logic to me!

Health/Medical Workers will be losing their jobs if they do not get vaccinated. The reason for the pressure is to protect patients. Can anyone understand this logic?

They are indirectly preaching that being vaccinated means that they will not spread Covid-19

If you believe in the fakery, then please tell me that being vaccinated means that you CANNOT spread the virus so therefore, it is perfectly logical to ask all health/medical workers to be vaccinated. But if being vaccinated doesn't mean they cannot stop the spread, where is the logic? People are simply getting vaccinated to protect themselves, not others!!!!!!

This is such RUBBISH.

If you understand what I'm saying, do you agree or disagree with me? Please ask others if you do understand

Raise your questions and create awareness. Ask the right questions before being dismissed.

I will personally be bringing this up with one of the leading Doctors, a Project Manager and a Senior Administrator working on the PUSH of the vaccine (in a local area) and ask this very simple question:

If I am vaccinated, do I stop the spread of the virus? If not, then what difference is there between a vaccinated and not vaccinated individual when coming in contact with patients?
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#252 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2021 11:55
Asaaghir wrote:
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After accepting defeat on the questions you pose which by the way has 100% success rate, the last thing they're left with is "IF I do catch it it won't be as bad"

So I asked for research data on this claim, I searched a lot and there's absolutely nothing. It's literally the last card they can play to justify their love and thirst for the mRNA jabs.
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#253 [Permalink] Posted on 5th November 2021 16:32
Asaaghir wrote:
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People who don't want to take the vaccine are not all anti vaxx - they don't want to take it because they could die. That's what's stopping them.

These official numbers prove it

Pfizer Altered Its Formulation For Kids 5-11

According to the CDC, 26,000 Americans have now been permanently disabled due to the vaccine!

86% of deaths have no other explanation other than the vaccine!

Vaccinated people are spreading the virus just as much as the non vaccinated!

Hospitals are filled with vaccinated people!

Majority of people dying in hospitals are the vaccinated!

Pfizer changed the ingredients for children but did not do a trial run!

Everything that was being labelled as fake news or is now appearing in medical journals as fact!

Pfizer changed their formulation for 5-11 year old kids. They added tromethamine, a blood acid reducer that is used to stabilize people with heart attacks

Respiratory depresion, IV thrombosis & more
Page 14

Apparently Ivermectin can't be used because we don't have enough data but In an 8 hour video, 6 hours into it,
the FDA said "Let's vaccinate children to see how the vaccine is because we don't have enough data."

How come deaths in Israel go up when vaccinations go up? And go down when vaccinations go down? (see chart in video)

300,00 excess deaths in VEARS - How many Americans have to die?

Why didn't the highly unusual causes of death in these kids raise any red flags?

So much more in the breakdown in this linked video of the 8 hour FDA meeting.

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#254 [Permalink] Posted on 5th November 2021 16:58
FDA Buries Data on Seriously Injured Child in Pfizer’s Covid-19 Clinical Trial
The FDA should not authorize the Pfizer jab for younger children until it conducts a proper trial

When Stephanie and Patrick de Garay enrolled their 12-year-old child Maddie and her two brothers in Pfizer’s Covid-19 clinical trial, they believed they were doing the right thing.

That decision has turned into a nightmare. Maddie, a previously healthy, energetic, full of life child, was within 24 hours of her second dose reduced to crippling, scream-inducing pain that landed her in the emergency room where she described feeling like someone was “ripping [her] heart out though [her] neck.”

Over the next several months the nightmare continued, during which Maddie was hospitalized several times and suffered numerous systemic injuries, requires a tube through her nose that carries her food and medicine, and a wheelchair for assistance.

Ms. de Garay documented every detail of Maddie’s injury and reported it to the principal investigator for the Pfizer trial at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital where the vaccine clinical trial was occurring and where Maddie was treated and admitted. They first tried to treat Maddie as “a mental patient,” telling the family it was psychological and in Maddie’s imagination. Then they claimed it was unrelated to the vaccine (copy of recording with hospital below), and when that argument failed, Pfizer listed this traumatic adverse event as “functional abdominal pain” when reporting to the FDA.

Ms. de Garay reported what occurred to the CDC and FDA through VAERS in June 2021 but nobody from these agencies sought additional information or followed-up with the de Garays. Ms. de Garay also reached out to Dr. Nath, a Chief in the NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, responded by stating he was “Sorry to hear of your daughter’s illness” and that “We have certainly heard of a lot of cases of neurological complications form [sic] the vaccine and will be glad to share our experience with them.” (Copy of this email is in the link below.) Unfortunately, other than a call arranged by Maddie’s neurologist, there was no follow-up or response from NIH or any other federal health agency. Even after Ms. de Garay did a press event on June 28, 2021 with Senator Ron Johnson, neither Pfizer nor any health agency reached out in any manner to address Maddie’s injury or obtain any additional information.

Full article and source in link
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#255 [Permalink] Posted on 8th November 2021 14:34
Asaaghir wrote:
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I have watched the video in post #253 and apart from it being very interesting straight from the horses mouth :) they even accept that being vaccinated or not vaccinated is the same in terms of who can spread whatever it is they are alledging to spread. This article is also from within this video.

The BBC accidently allowed this on their news site :)

According to the study, which ran from September 2020 to September 2021 and included 440 households in London and Bolton doing PCR Covid tests:

  • People who are double jabbed have a lower, but still appreciable, risk of becoming infected with the Delta variant compared with unvaccinated people
  • They also appear to be just as infectious
  • Vaccinated people clear the infection more quickly, but their peak viral load - when people are most infectious - is similar to that seen in unvaccinated people
  • This may explain why they can still readily pass on the virus in household settings

BBC NEWS wrote:
Prof Ajit Lalvani, of Imperial College London, UK, who co-led the study, said: "The ongoing transmission we are seeing between vaccinated people makes it essential for unvaccinated people to get vaccinated to protect themselves from acquiring infection and severe Covid-19, especially as more people will be spending time inside in close proximity during the winter months.

"We found that susceptibility to infection increased already within a few months after the second vaccine dose - so those eligible for booster shots should get them promptly."

There's no end to getting jab after jab after jab.....whilst there are still millions who have not been tested for anything nor vaccinated for anything and life goes on as normal.
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