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Pfizer, Oxford and other Vaccines

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#181 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2021 08:06
ssaad wrote:
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Yes thats true all vaccines no matter for whatever illness will represent a risk/ side effects. That severely affect small amounts of people.

I would further add that it would be wise to look at the research and statements of relevant experts in the branch of medicine being discussed.
In this case that would be someone who is an immunulogist. It is a very complex science and everyone who is from the medical profession will not have a thorough understanding or grounding in immunology.

Just like not everyone who is from the medical field will have an expert knowledge on diet and nutrition. That in itself is a specialised field and requires a seperate degree to become a dietician.
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#182 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2021 11:08
Asaaghir wrote:
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Rapid Response:
Five years imprisonment and/or a $66,600 fine for refusing coronavirus vaccination?

Dear Editor

From Australia, I'm watching the fast-tracked development of coronavirus vaccines with mounting concern.

Under the Australian Biosecurity Act 2015, refusers of coronavirus vaccination[1] in Australia could be at risk of five years imprisonment and/or a $66,600 fine.[2] [3]

This emergency power has been active since March 2020, and has been extended to December 2020 [4], with the potential for unlimited extensions.[5] 

It's possible this emergency power could be extended until a coronavirus vaccine is available, and that people in Australia could be under duress to have coronavirus vaccination, i.e. at risk of imprisonment and/or a huge fine, for a virus which is not a threat to most people under 70.[6]

We need to talk about this...
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#183 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2021 16:18
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#184 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2021 18:18
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#185 [Permalink] Posted on 25th June 2021 06:36
Asalam Alaykum,

On the Wifaqul Ulama (British) website there are fatwas of permissibility for the Pfizer, Moderna and Astrazeneca vaccines.

I do not see any fatwa for Johnson and Johnson, neither of permissibility and nor of impermissibility.

Can anyone please explain the stance of Wifaqul Ulama (British) on the Johnson and Johnson vaccine?
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#186 [Permalink] Posted on 25th June 2021 08:23
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#187 [Permalink] Posted on 25th June 2021 08:42
abu mohammed wrote:
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The contact page whose link you provided does not seem to be for asking for Fatawa but there is no harm in trying.

I don't reside in the U.K; it may be better if local residents such as yourself were to contact Wifaqul Ulama. But I would be willing to go ahead and contact them if nobody else steps forward.

Its in moments like these when one feels the absence of our brother Muadh Khan as he was playing a wonderful role of acting as a point of contact between the Ulama and the general public.

Brother, you also pointed towards the fact that just because a vaccine is halal (based on its ingredients), it does not mean that it is permitted because it could cause harmful side effects. I agree with you on this principle however that is a whole topic in itself.

If you don't mind sharing it, how have you and your family gone about the vaccines?
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#188 [Permalink] Posted on 25th June 2021 08:50
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#189 [Permalink] Posted on 25th June 2021 09:07
abu mohammed wrote:
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Full details sent by PM.
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#190 [Permalink] Posted on 25th June 2021 11:30
Yasin wrote:
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If one looks at the back ground of these list of Doctors it makes for interesting reading. A motley crew of Medical
Professionals from varying disciplines made of characters who are the good the bad and the ugly.

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#191 [Permalink] Posted on 25th June 2021 13:18
Updated report published 17th June 2021

MHRA Yellow Card Reporting up to 9th June 2021
Cumulatively 26 weeks for Pfizer, 22 weeks for Astrazeneca and 9 weeks for Moderna

* Pfizer - 15.6million people have received 26.3million doses - Yellowcard reporting rate - 1-in-220 people impacted
* Astrazeneca - 24.6million people have received 42.3million doses - Yellowcard reporting rate - 1-in-122 people impacted
* Moderna - 0.56million people received first dose - Yellowcard reporting rate - 1-in-131 people impacted

Currently overall 1-in-147 people who have received one or both doses of a covid-19 vaccine experiences a Yellow Card Adverse Event and this may be approximately a 10% reporting rate according to MHRA.

A significant proportion of these adverse events require urgent medical care, may be life changing or long lasting in effect, and represent immense human suffering and distress

Reactions - 202,036 (Pfizer) + 732,790 (AZ) + 12,042 (Moderna) + 2419 (Unknown) = 949,287

Reports - 70,950 (Pfizer) + 200,860 (AZ) + 4267 (Moderna) + 790 (Unknown) = 276,867

Fatal - 421 (Pfizer) + 885 (AZ) + 4 (Moderna) + 22 (Unknown) = 1332

Acute Cardiac - 2615 (Pfizer) + 7685 (AZ) + 77 (Moderna) + 20 (Unknown) = 10,370

Anaphylaxis - 376 (Pfizer) + 740 (AZ) + 12 (Moderna) + 2 (Unknown) = 1130

Blood Disorders - 6923 (Pfizer) + 6490 (AZ) + 239 (Moderna) + 28 (Unknown) = 13,680

Infections - 5030 (Pfizer) + 15,726 (AZ) + 198 (Moderna) + 65 (Unknown) = 21,019

Herpes - 1199 (Pfizer) + 2041 (AZ) + 25 (Moderna) + 11 (Unknown) = 3276

Headaches - 16,433 (Pfizer) + 78,088 (AZ) + 597 (Moderna) + 198 (Unknown) = 95,316

Migraine - 1618 (Pfizer) + 7096 (AZ) + 66 (Moderna) + 23 (Unknown) = 8803

Eye Disorders - 3398 (Pfizer) + 11,857 (AZ) + 124 (Moderna) + 40 (Unknown) = 15,419

Blindness - 46 (Pfizer) + 229 (AZ) + 1 (Moderna) + 3 (Unknown) = 279

Psychiatric Disorders - 3702 (Pfizer) + 14,883 (AZ) + 205 (Moderna) + 57 (Unknown) = 18,847

Skin Disorders - 15,005 (Pfizer) + 44,966 (AZ) + 2435 (Moderna) + 163 (Unknown) = 62,569

Spontaneous Abortions - 110 + 7 stillbirth/foetal death (Pfizer) + 86 + 3 stillbirth (AZ) + 4 (Moderna) + 1 (Unknown) = 201 + 10

Vomiting - 2320 (Pfizer) + 10,643 (AZ) + 102 (Moderna) + 37 (Unknown) = 13,102

Facial Paralysis incl. Bell’s Palsy - 485 (Pfizer) + 653 (AZ) + 16 (Moderna) + 3 (Unknown) = 1157

Face Swelling - 488 (Pfizer) + 925 (AZ) + 19 (Moderna) + 7 (Unknown) = 1439

Nervous System Disorders - 37,404 (Pfizer) + 158,126 (AZ) + 1769 (Moderna) + 482 (Unknown) = 197,781

Disturbances in Consciousness - 3049 (Pfizer) + 9442 (AZ) + 198 (Moderna) + 37 (Unknown) = 12,726

Strokes and CNS haemorrhages - 392 (Pfizer) + 1605 (AZ) + 5 (Moderna) + 4 (Unknown) = 2006

Guillian Barre Syndrome - 38 (Pfizer) + 294 (AZ) + 1 (Moderna) + 3 (Unknown) = 336

Dizziness - 5766 (Pfizer) + 22,126 (AZ) + 386 (Moderna) + 71 (Unknown) = 28,349

Tremor - 902 (Pfizer) + 9208 (AZ) + 34 (Moderna) + 36 (Unknown) = 10,180

Thrombosis & Embolism (All types) - 734 (Pfizer) + 4380 (AZ) + 12 (Moderna) + 20 (Unknown) = 5146

* Pulmonary Embolism - 246 (Pfizer), 1236 (AZ), 3 (Moderna), 5 (Unknown)
* Deep Vein Thrombosis - 156 (Pfizer), 928 (AZ), 1 (Moderna), 6 (Unknown)

Respiratory Disorders - 8709 (Pfizer) + 24,089 (AZ) + 308 (Moderna) + 72 (Unknown) = 33,178

Nosebleeds - 514 (Pfizer) + 1911 (AZ) + 24 (Moderna) + 6 (Unknown) = 2455

Seizures - 493 (Pfizer) + 1683 (AZ) + 29 (Moderna) + 9 (Unknown) = 2214

Paralysis - 191 (Pfizer) + 599 (AZ) + 11 (Moderna) + 3 (Unknown) = 804

Haemorrhage (All types) - 1013 (Pfizer) + 3126 (AZ) + 80 (Moderna) + 10 (Unknown) = 4229

Vertigo/Tinnitis - 1796 (Pfizer) + 5127 (AZ) + 97 (Moderna) + 19 (Unknown) = 7039

Reproductive/Breast - 3335 (Pfizer) + 7186 (AZ) + 378 (Moderna) + 32 (Unknown) = 10,931

* See Annex One for full reports
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#192 [Permalink] Posted on 25th June 2021 17:31
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#193 [Permalink] Posted on 25th June 2021 17:59
Images or videos (media) with people (eyes) is simply not permitted on public section to respect all opinions. If the video is beneficial, please convert it to audio format and repost. See this topic for help on video conversion to audio.
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#194 [Permalink] Posted on 27th June 2021 09:42
EU report: COVID vaccine injuries skyrocket over 1.5 million, and deaths to 15k+

The number of adverse reactions to the CCP Virus (COVID-19) experimental vaccines has soared to over 1.5 million injuries and 15k deaths of people, according to the latest data from Netherland-based EudraVigilance.

Health Impact News gathered and analyzed records from EudraVigilance, which revealed that as of June 19, the CCP Virus vaccines’ side effects had caused 15,472 deaths, leaving 1,509,266 people injured.

Compared to the data analyzed on May 22, the number of death cases has increased by over 3000, and as for injury cases, it was 4 million.

CCP Virus vaccine adverse reactions dated June 19, 2021. (EudraVigilance Screenshot via TheBL/Health Impact News)

The news outlet noted that the database was collected from 27 countries that belong to the European Union (EU). Which means that the actual number might be a lot higher if gathered all over Europe

The staggering figures were recorded from patients who were administered the jab manufactured by AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Janssen Pharmaceuticals (Johnson & Johnson).
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#195 [Permalink] Posted on 29th June 2021 15:14

The delayed side effects that can happen after having the Pfizer vaccine

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has said there are three delayed side effects that may happen to people who get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

The federal agency added new warnings – for vaccine providers and those who receive the jab.

The warnings came after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) met and confirmed a “likely association” between myocarditis and pericarditis and the Pfizer and Moderna jabs, both of which use mRNA, the Express reports.

But these cases are said to be rare, treatable and usually mild.

The FDA also notes the chance of heart inflammation as “very low”.

But recipients of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are being warned to “seek medical attention right away if you have any of the following symptoms”.

1. Chest pain

2. Shortness of breath

3. Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering or pounding heart

The FDA says symptoms of myocarditis and pericarditis don’t typically crop up right away, but tend to begin “within a few days following receipt of the second dose”.

The federal agency also urged recipients who’ve experienced myocarditis or pericarditis in the past to tell their vaccination producer.

For providers, the FDA says there’s “increased risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, particularly following the second dose”.

John Greenwood, president of the British Cardiovascular Society and a consultant cardiologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, told The BMJ: “Myocarditis is not an uncommon condition and it can be associated with many different viruses.

“In our hospital, for example, we may have one or more patients per week suspected of having it.”

He added: “For the vast majority of people myocarditis is a benign, self-limiting condition and can be easily treated with NSAIDs. For a very small number of people the heart muscle can become impaired.”

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