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Pfizer, Oxford and other Vaccines

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#46 [Permalink] Posted on 20th January 2021 15:04
Asaaghir wrote:
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It says video has been removed.
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#47 [Permalink] Posted on 20th January 2021 15:05
Rajab wrote:
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I challenge you to refute anything she says in the video.

You people and your logic is so it ignorant.

If these same people said something positive about Islam that you weren't aware of, you will still say they are trump nut jobs.

Have the decency to accept my challenge. It shouldn't be difficult since you know how to Google
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#48 [Permalink] Posted on 20th January 2021 15:08
bint e aisha wrote:
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Someone is following me and my fellow members on the youtube finds. We've got a stalker reporting

@bint e aisha
I appreciate that you took the effort to try, mashaallah.
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#49 [Permalink] Posted on 20th January 2021 15:21
This post has been reported. It could be due to breaking rules or something as simple as bad use of bbcodes which breaks the page format. We will attend to this soon.

Violating Rules - Please accept our warnings

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#50 [Permalink] Posted on 20th January 2021 15:50
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Search Google and it will also tell you that Dajjal will show you fire and those who jump into the fire will be saved. Because the fire is not really fire but the garden of paradise.

Maybe this is more suitable for you to watch.

What youtube want to show you and don't want to show is controlled by Dajjal's helpers, whether they know it or not.

So what if there is another platform to access what his henchmen want to hide.
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#51 [Permalink] Posted on 20th January 2021 16:13
Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter all these platforms are unabashedly censoring anything that is alternative to the "official narrative". That should tell you which masters these serve.

What they actually want is for the people to think as little as possible for themselves, accept any narrative they sell, and remain engrossed in their games and other entertainment avenues like zombies while the world around them is changed to suit the whims of a select few.
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#52 [Permalink] Posted on 20th January 2021 16:16
Asaaghir wrote:
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Jazakallah, those videos by Luqmay are excellent. My kids will appreciate them.
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#53 [Permalink] Posted on 20th January 2021 19:23
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Please do not incite feuds by posting from Wikipedia. Wikipedia is banned on this site for a reason.

If someone wants to know about something, go to the source first, not Google/Wikipedia.
Here's wikipedia's own admission on the fact that it cannot be relied upon for accurate information and why.

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#54 [Permalink] Posted on 20th January 2021 19:50
The Ulama-e-Haqq in South Africa have confirmed, that use of any vaccine regardless of the ingredients IS unquestionably HARAAM.
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#55 [Permalink] Posted on 20th January 2021 20:47
Imam Ali wrote:
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So are online forums such as this one according to them, Haraam.

What's their reasoning for vaccines being Haraam? I understand you can't post links but do you know based on what it's classed as Haraam by them?

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#56 [Permalink] Posted on 21st January 2021 01:12

Why is the U.S. allowing vaccines for those who are pregnant, but the U.K. isn’t?
Because the vaccines have not yet been tested in those who are pregnant, the U.K. has opted to wait for more data before recommending vaccinations for that group.
In the U.S., regulators decided to give people in this group the option to get the vaccine if they choose

Much more information in the link, but this paragraph demonstrates the fact that there are different opinions, risks, testing procedures in different parts of the world.
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#57 [Permalink] Posted on 21st January 2021 02:57
Yasin wrote:
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I'm sorry. I shouldn't have posted from Wikipedia.
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#58 [Permalink] Posted on 21st January 2021 07:57
I have had all my vaccinations offered by NHS from age of 8 weeks till I was 14. Alhamdulillah I did not suffer any adverse reactions but obviously I had no say in the matter as I was not an adult.

As an adult, I can now make an informed decision and I do want to get vaccinated against Covid-19 so can I take Gam-COVID-Vac as Pfizer, Moderna and Oxford Covid Vacs are not safe.
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#59 [Permalink] Posted on 21st January 2021 09:01

Covid: Israel vaccine fears 'out of context and inaccurate'
By Rachel Schraer
Health reporter

Israel, one of the top countries when it comes to vaccinating against Covid-19, bought large stocks of the jab in exchange for acting as the world's guinea pig.

And scientists are watching data shared by the country keenly, for signs of how effective the vaccine is when given to a whole population.

So there was understandable concern when the man coordinating Israel's Covid response reportedly suggested a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine might not be as effective as reported.

Thousands of people have tested positive after being jabbed. But are worries premature?

Addressing Prof Nachman Ash's quotes, the Israeli Ministry of Health said: "The comments of the Israeli Covid-19 commissioner regarding the effect of the first dose of the vaccine was out of context and, therefore, inaccurate. (So they need a disclaimer too)

"The commissioner said we have yet to see a decrease in the number of severely ill patients.

"As the second dose is now given to the most vulnerable of the population, we expect to soon see the full protective impact of the vaccine".

After vaccination, the body needs time to recognise the virus's genetic material and mount an immune response - producing the antibodies and T-cells that block the virus from entering cells and killing off those cells that do become infected.

And it takes over two weeks to really take effect, immunologists, including Prof Danny Altmann at Imperial College London, say .

'Early protection'
Clalit, Israel's largest healthcare provider, covering most of the population, compared the medical records of 200,000 vaccinated over-60s with the same number belonging to unvaccinated people.

For two weeks after the first dose, both groups tested positive for the virus at roughly the same rate.

But then, those vaccinated started to show 33% fewer new infections than the others.

"This is very early protection," Clalit chief innovation officer, Ran Balicher, who is also a public health professor advising the government, said.

And "already there is a 33% fall".

Infections continued to decline after that.

But there were too few for Prof Balicher to calculate by what percentage.

Same trend
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine's Prof Stephen Evans said: "It is not sensible to compare efficacy derived from an observational study of this type, which is subject to many biases, with the efficacy derived from randomised trials [such as those performed to test the vaccine in the first place]."

But the early evidence does follow roughly the same trend seen in Pfizer's clinical trials, which involved tens of thousands of people.

In those trials, the rate of new infections in the vaccinated and control groups also diverged after two weeks.

And that gap kept widening for more than 100 days after the first dose.

Severe Covid
Israel began vaccinating on 19 December, reaching 10% of its population by the end of 2020.

And now, about half a million of its nine million population have received two doses.

Given the time it takes for immunity to build and unvaccinated people to become exposed to the virus, incubate it and develop symptoms, the national data would not be expected to reflect the impact of vaccination for at least a month.

But Prof Balicher suggests some impact on severe Covid illness across Israel could be expected to be seen later this week.

Less effective
Pfizer hopes two doses of the vaccine will give up to 95% protection.

But even a much less effective vaccine could make the difference between a survivable illness and a fatal one.

The annual flu vaccine is about 40-60% effective.

And it stops hundreds of thousands of people from dying every year.

Fatal disease
"Efficacy against detected Covid-19 may be less important... than efficacy against hospitalisation and death," Prof Evans said.

And more people were likely to be protected from a severity of illness requiring admission to hospital than infection rates alone suggested.

The Clalit data, for example, does not distinguish between mild or symptomless infections and more severe or even fatal disease.

The judgement made in the UK was more lives could be saved by giving a larger group one dose quicker than giving a smaller group the maximum protection conferred by two doses.

And Prof Evans said: "The reports that have come from Israel are insufficient to provide any evidence that the current UK policy in regard to delaying the second dose of vaccines is in any way incorrect."
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#60 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd January 2021 23:03

CDC reports rare allergic reactions to Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine


Moderna vaccine

The Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, like the one made by Pfizer and BioNTech, appears to induce rare anaphylactic reactions in a small number of people who receive the vaccine, new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest.

As of Jan. 19, there have been 15 confirmed cases of anaphylaxis after receipt of Moderna’s vaccine and 45 confirmed cases of anaphylaxis after receipt of the Pfizer vaccine, the CDC said in a statement to STAT. That works out to a rate of 2.1 cases per million doses of the Moderna vaccine and 6.2 cases per million doses of the Pfizer, according to the agency.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can be life-threatening if not treated quickly.

“Early monitoring of both the Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines indicate that anaphylaxis following vaccination is a rare event, and although anaphylaxis is serious, it occurs shortly after vaccination (usually within minutes), is readily diagnosed, and effective treatments are available,” the agency said via email.
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