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Pfizer, Oxford and other Vaccines

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#16 [Permalink] Posted on 21st December 2020 14:23
Islamically Permissible COVID-19 Vaccines Available in the US for 2020-2021 Season

Prepared by Mawlana Mateen A. Khan MD, Dr. Ramzan Judge PharmD, and Mufti Adil Farooki MD.


Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine is ḥalāl and permissible to take.

(Other vaccines have not yet been evaluated due to lack of information. Check back as they become available.)
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#17 [Permalink] Posted on 24th December 2020 07:11
A very interesting read, taken from

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies and call for co-signing the petition
December 1, 2020

On December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and the lung specialist and former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed an application with the EMA, the European Medicine Agency responsible for EU-wide drug approval, for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, in particular the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42).

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon demand that the studies – for the protection of the life and health of the volunteers – should not be continued until a study design is available that is suitable to address the significant safety concerns expressed by an increasing number of renowned scientists against the vaccine and the study design.

On the one hand, the petitioners demand that, due to the known lack of accuracy of the PCR test in a serious study, a so-called Sanger sequencing must be used. This is the only way to make reliable statements on the effectiveness of a vaccine against Covid-19. On the basis of the many different PCR tests of highly varying quality, neither the risk of disease nor a possible vaccine benefit can be determined with the necessary certainty, which is why testing the vaccine on humans is unethical per se.

Furthermore, they demand that it must be excluded, e.g. by means of animal experiments, that risks already known from previous studies, which partly originate from the nature of the corona viruses, can be realized. The concerns are directed in particular to the following points:

  • The formation of so-called “non-neutralizing antibodies” can lead to an exaggerated immune reaction, especially when the test person is confronted with the real, “wild” virus after vaccination. This so-called antibody-dependent amplification, ADE, has long been known from experiments with corona vaccines in cats, for example. In the course of these studies all cats that initially tolerated the vaccination well died after catching the wild virus.
  • The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.
  • The mRNA vaccines from BioNTech/Pfizer contain polyethylene glycol (PEG). 70% of people develop antibodies against this substance – this means that many people can develop allergic, potentially fatal reactions to the vaccination.
  • The much too short duration of the study does not allow a realistic estimation of the late effects. As in the narcolepsy cases after the swine flu vaccination, millions of healthy people would be exposed to an unacceptable risk if an emergency approval were to be granted and the possibility of observing the late effects of the vaccination were to follow. Nevertheless, BioNTech/Pfizer apparently submitted an application for emergency approval on December 1, 2020

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#18 [Permalink] Posted on 26th December 2020 17:04
Anyone able to answer:

I didn't think so!
abu mohammed wrote:
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#19 [Permalink] Posted on 26th December 2020 22:19
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#20 [Permalink] Posted on 27th December 2020 00:06
Yasin wrote:
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Very interesting!

The UK government had granted pharmaceutical giant Pfizer a legal indemnity protecting it from being sued, enabling its coronavirus vaccine to be rolled out across the country.

It's not just the UK, it's everyone.

Pfizer and some of these other companies CANNOT be sued for any side effects of the vaccine and so on.

They have their backs well covered.
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#21 [Permalink] Posted on 30th December 2020 07:26
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#22 [Permalink] Posted on 31st December 2020 14:24

Vaccinated U.S. nurse contracts COVID-19, expert says Pfizer shot needed more time to work

(Reuters) - A nurse in California tested positive for COVID-19 more than a week after receiving Pfizer Inc's vaccine, an ABC News affiliate reported on Tuesday, but a medical expert and the U.S. drug maker said the body needs more time to build up protection.

Pfizer "will review all available information on this case and all reports of any confirmed diagnosis following vaccination," the drug maker said in a statement to Reuters.

"Based on our Phase 3 safety and efficacy study, the vaccine provides some protection against COVID-19 within about 10 days of the first dose and substantially boosted after the second dose, supporting the need for a 2-dose vaccination series", it said.

"Individuals may have contracted disease prior to or right after vaccination", the statement added.

Matthew W., 45, a nurse at two different local hospitals, said in a Facebook post on December 18 that he had received the Pfizer vaccine, telling the ABC News affiliate that his arm was sore for a day but that he had suffered no other side-effects.

Six days later on Christmas Eve, he became sick after working a shift in the COVID-19 unit, the report added. He got the chills and later came down with muscle aches and fatigue.

He went to a drive-up hospital testing site and tested positive for COVID-19 the day after Christmas, the report said.

Christian Ramers, an infectious disease specialist with Family Health Centers of San Diego, told the ABC News affiliate that this scenario was not unexpected.

"We know from the vaccine clinical trials that it's going to take about 10 to 14 days for you to start to develop protection from the vaccine," Ramers said. "That first dose we think gives you somewhere around 50%, and you need that second dose to get up to 95%."
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#23 [Permalink] Posted on 31st December 2020 17:20
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#24 [Permalink] Posted on 8th January 2021 01:51

Covid: Nurse 'angry' over positive test despite vaccination

This nurse doesn't get it and the government don't get it either!


Your body will fight the virus.

And the government are being stupid to delay the second dose for those who need it, otherwise, what's the point. If the makers say when, that's when. Not when parliament says so.

Working on the NHS frontline, she was initially relieved to be offered the chance of a vaccine and despite difficulties getting an appointment, she received her first dose of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine last month.

"It gave me peace of mind. It made me feel safer and that I was doing the right thing for my family... but it gives a false sense of security," she said.

The nurse, from west Wales, said she was told it would take 10 days for the vaccine to offer some protection and reduce the risk of transmission.

However three weeks after the jab, she began to feel unwell and was "shocked" when she tested positive for coronavirus.

"I developed quite severe symptoms - a really bad cough, high temperature, breathlessness and that was three weeks after having the vaccine. I was petrified for my family," she said.

Despite her best efforts, which even included boil-washing her uniform, Bethan's partner and one of her children also tested positive.

"Within days we were dropping like flies and my family's symptoms were more severe than mine," she added.
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#25 [Permalink] Posted on 8th January 2021 03:01
This post is basically put together with everything I've been saying, brother Asaaghir can confirm or deny at his own will.

I've asked these questions over and over.

The answers are in the questions and is common sense!

Asaaghir wrote:
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Each one of these can easily be answered by the professionals, specialists, scholars, Ulama, Muftees and a lay person who has a brain.

Anyone who denies these facts cannot be trusted!

If a doctor tells me that these are lies, I would like to see his qualifications and would like to see his licence revoked, that's how strongly I feel about it.

My response to my questions/facts

The vaccine will not give you immunity, period. TRUE

You will still catch the virus and spread it. TRUE

You will be a carrier and you will endanger others because you think you can't catch it. TRUE

When you take the vaccine, you will still have to follow all guidelines, in other words, masks, sanitiser, washing and the rest of it. TRUE

Anyone else want to call me a fitnahmonger, scaremonger, conspiracy theorist? Go ahead.

Will you agree that what I've been trying to say is fact!

Or do you still require so called official qualified opinions?

I'm sure anyone with an ounce of intellect can see that what I'm saying is based on actual findings and not false information. In fact, I can guarantee you, these can and will be proven.

I'm an engineer, but that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. I have knowledge in other fields. I have access to information that many can't get. I have access to information everyone can get but doesn't know how to use it. I can get information from very reliable sources who are qualified in many fields. So please don't try to narrow me down to being a member of an online cult of a believer in social media garbage.

Facts are facts, if you can't see that, I honestly can't help you.

Being biased and one sided also won't help you. Don't be judgemental and assume that you can't be wrong, will never help you either.
I can be wrong too and I'm more than happy to be corrected. But please never label anyone!

I don't want to be the cause of Fitnah nor do I want to spread lies based on my own education. I'm here to shed light on something and not let others get blinded by lies and fairy tales.

I like to think outside the box, some like to think inside their smaller darker boxes.

(If you think I'm talking about you, that's your call, I'm talking about my brother who calls me a conspiracy theorist, but Alhumdulillah, he's not been able to prove me wrong once)

(My little brother is the one who sent me the link to this BBC article above)
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#26 [Permalink] Posted on 11th January 2021 16:58
Posting here are requested.

Answering The Myths
Click on the link above to find answers from experts, revealing the truth behind each statement.

MYTH: GPs are making a lot of money from COVID vaccinations
MYTH: COVID is no more dangerous than the flu
MYTH: COVID vaccine causes irreversible side effects
MYTH: COVID is caused by the 5G network
MYTH: COVID deaths are being exaggerated
MYTH: Doctors want to force people to be vaccinated
MYTH: The COVID vaccine ingredients are Haram
MYTH: Vaccines contain aborted foetal cells
MYTH: Vaccines are being used to chip and track the population
MYTH: Vaccines are unsafe – that is why no pregnant women were in trials
MYTH: Pharmaceutical companies are all evil so we can’t trust them
MYTH: The vaccine was approved too quickly to be safe
MYTH: The vaccine may modify your DNA
MYTH: The inventor of the PCR test said it was not made to detect diseases such as COVID
MYTH: PCR is inaccurate and overestimating COVID infections
MYTH: 99.97% recover from COVID, but 3% get major side effects from vaccine
MYTH: Wearing a mask is bad for your health
MYTH: We should just wait for herd immunity
MYTH: If hospitals are so busy why are Nightingale hospitals empty?
MYTH: A nurse took the COVID vaccine & died on camera
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tanveerzakee's avatar
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#27 [Permalink] Posted on 12th January 2021 03:41
The link above unclutters a lot of the issues related to COVID-19, and helps to sieve out propaganda and misinformation. Thank you for posting this.
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super-glue's avatar
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#28 [Permalink] Posted on 12th January 2021 12:56
MYTH: GPs are making a lot of money from COVID vaccinations

So the argument here (on the site you posted) is that it covers their working hours, venues, equipment, admin and staff, training, educating patients, monitoring patients.

This is only true if they didn't get paid for their working hours in the first place, if they did absolutely nothing else, if they didn't have a venue, if they had no equipment, every GP has admin and staff, no one hires new admin staff just for vaccines, they don't educate patients out of hours and there's no monitoring which I have confirmed, they simply give follow up appointments.

So yes, even a child can tell you there's a profit. Even if it's 1p, it's profit. So it's not a myth, it's Math and common sense.

MYTH: COVID is no more dangerous than the flu

All statistics point to this. It's based on the their own data so why is this classed as a myth? They justify this with research from a university? The university goes by the numbers provided. In case anyone is unaware of the Covid death requirement, ANY TYPE OF DEATH, even suicide is a Covid death if the person tests positive on their admittedly unreliable tests.

MYTH: COVID vaccine causes irreversible side effects

How can they possibly claim it's a myth? At the same time, no one can possibly claim there's irreversible side effects. It's way too early for either claim. So it's neither a myth nor a claim.

MYTH: COVID is caused by the 5G network

This is a very stupid claim by conspiracy theorists. I don't want to explain anything. The tech people have done this in detail. Pure myth.

MYTH: COVID deaths are being exaggerated

Hit by a bus, tested positive for flu = covid death. If this isn't exaggerated then nothing is. Anyone with common sense would see right through it. Nice try.

MYTH: Doctors want to force people to be vaccinated

I personally know one person who was forced by using her pregnancy as a fear-tactic to force a flu jab without consent. I have no doubt the same can happen for this new "vaccine" but why the hell is this listed as a myth? How can they possibly monitor every place administering them to know? Again, looks a little too defensive to not have a reason behind it.

MYTH: The COVID vaccine ingredients are Haram

This can be a myth only if none have been found to contain Haram. As far as the information posted on this site, there's no Haram so this one can be for now.

MYTH: Vaccines contain aborted foetal cells

Apparently the myth is based on previous vaccines so they did exist in vaccines so how is this is a myth? The explanation on the site itself proves vaccines did indeed contain foetal cells. What clown prepared this deceiving list?

MYTH: Vaccines are being used to chip and track the population

Lol.. This one can pass as well. It's baseless and if that kind of nano-tech was available, we'd be ordering cheap chinese versions from Amazon to plant on our kids.

MYTH: Vaccines are unsafe – that is why no pregnant women were in trials

If it's a general statement then yes it can pass as a myth. But if it's to say that "Vaccines are safe" then the statement is NOT a myth. We already have stats on those who suffered reactions (minor to some very serious ones) even if it's 0.00001% it can't be categorised 100% safe.

MYTH: Pharmaceutical companies are all evil so we can't trust them

This is a childish claim so this can pass as myth

MYTH: The vaccine was approved too quickly to be safe

Not a myth. Just simple common sense. Yes there's approval processes. But at the same time, pro-vax lot can claim it was urgent which would also be correct so to class this as a myth is silly and to claim this as a reason to not trust it is also silly.

MYTH: The vaccine may modify your DNA

Too early to tell. Can't call it a myth or a valid claim.

MYTH: The inventor of the PCR test said it was not made to detect diseases such as COVID

Who cares. Makes so sense to claim this in the first place. So this can pass a myth I guess.

MYTH: PCR is inaccurate and overestimating COVID infections

100% true. Not a myth. Check ALL those used multiple tests one after the other and see the results. Basic testing, simple experiment, anyone can do it.

MYTH: 99.97% recover from COVID, but 3% get major side effects from vaccine

Definitely a Myth. How specific lol. 99.97% recover from active and dormant flu viruses diagnosed as Covid. 3% side-effects on vaccine is way too early to say. It could be 50% tomorrow and it could be 0%. It's way too early and I have no idea why this list is even out there.

MYTH: Wearing a mask is bad for your health

Stupid one to add again. Wearing a mask doesn't effect health. Prolonged wearing does. All documented. The other side is also available like the idiot who ran an entire lap (approx. 1500 meters) wearing 70 or so masks and he was fine. Then there's the kids who who died in school oxygen deprived running around with mask on. Then there's all the kids who didn't die that wore masks and ALL THE KIDS WHO DIDN'T DIE NOT WEARING ONE. So context is important here. Can't just make a claim or call it myth without context.

MYTH: We should just wait for herd immunity

This is a lengthy subject that numerous scientists have discussed about. How it became a myth to the author of this list is beyond my understanding.

MYTH: If hospitals are so busy why are Nightingale hospitals empty?

Why Nightingale hospitals? Very odd one to list.

MYTH: A nurse took the COVID vaccine & died on camera

An actual myth, well done author.

Uncertainty with lies

In those fancy images, if these clowns are claiming them as "truths" and "facts" and anything contrary as "myths" then why feel obliged to add: "the final responsibility is always the responsibility of the individual" at the bottom of every image?

For example, on this very site it says that "The views expressed by guest scholars are based on academic understanding and research" which is an honest and responsible disclaimer. I presume this is for the Q&A section only. If it said that acting upon anything is the reader's responsibility and crudely shifted the responsibility away from the one who published the answer in the first place then I would not trust the scholars or site. This kind of disclaimer also keeps doors of redaction, retraction and clarifications open. BIMI's disclaimer is a typical "well we did tell you it was your choice" when they're found to be wrong or even liable for damages.
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#29 [Permalink] Posted on 12th January 2021 13:54
MYTH: GPs are making a lot of money from COVID vaccinations

So the argument here (on the site you posted) is that it covers their working hours, venues, equipment, admin and staff, training, educating patients, monitoring patients.

This is only true if they didn't get paid for their working hours in the first place, if they did absolutely nothing else, if they didn't have a venue, if they had no equipment, every GP has admin and staff, no one hires new admin staff just for vaccines, they don't educate patients out of hours and there's no monitoring which I have confirmed, they simply give follow up appointments.

So yes, even a child can tell you there's a profit. Even if it's 1p, it's profit. So it's not a myth, it's Math and common sense.

I won't go through the list. In this very first one, I can safely say, "Yes, they do hire additional paid staff just for the vaccination"

In fact, I can even tell you how much each person is being paid hourly, from GP to Nurse to admin to steward... These are not staff members per say. They are hired if they opt in and volunteer themselves to work at certain locations.

Each patient is actually monitored for 15 minutes at the vaccination centre only.

A Doctor wrote:
GPs are not able to give vaccines rapidly as each patient has to wait for 15 mins after their dose and each dose has to be made up, mixed, administered, needs premises, admin staff, nursing staff to monitor for immediate reactions/ side effects etc.

The vaccine is not earning GPs a lot of money. Many are losing money because they work extra hours or weekends etc to vaccinate as many people as possible.

Having said that, yes, everyone one is interested in the money and many are interested in putting a stop to the virus and myths and not necessarily the money.

Yes, the rest of the post I can either agree/disagree but I'm only sharing what I was sent for sharing.
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super-glue's avatar
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#30 [Permalink] Posted on 12th January 2021 14:09
abu mohammed wrote:
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Thank you for confirming.

Can you answer the following (if you have the info) so I can update my post:

1. Who pays the salary for these extra hire?
2. What's the hourly rate?
3. When do they hire? Is there a threshold of minimum bookings? Would they hire if they just had to vaccinate 5 people in the day?

About the monitoring:

The monitoring is within hours so there's no "extra" cost (expense). The monitoring I meant was after they've gone. That's how it sounds in the image.
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