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Split: No evidence Covid-19 exists

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 16:51
super-glue wrote:
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Putting aside thw fact that the authors name is solo and he sells cigars for a living, what caused so many people to die?
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 16:59
Concerned wrote:
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What caused so many people to die compared to?
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 17:12
Welcome back brother super glue. Solo the cigar guy certainly has a fertile imagination.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 17:24
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Okay Doctor abuzayd2k. But I think I'll trust what actual qualified doctors and nurses are saying in the references of OP over your opinion about the research of the author that you entitled 'imagination' with your air-tight highly reputable authority. Please leave us 'stupid' people to follow tinfoil hat nut cases so we can feel better about ourselves.
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 17:51
Concerned wrote:
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To clarify, you're asking if it doesn't exist then what caused so many people to die?

So I asked, "to die" compared to what? Were there no deaths before Covid-19?

You say "so many people" - again, "so many" compared to what?

Official Government Office for National Statistics:

Deaths 2019:
Jan 2019: 53,774
Feb 2019: 45,695
Mar 2019: 43,817
Apr 2019: 44,005
May 2019: 44,292
June 2019: 38,511

Deaths 2020:
Jan 2019: 56,597 (2,823 more) - steady rate from 10 year stats
Feb 2019: 43,555 (2,140 less) - steady rate from 10 year stats
Mar 2019: 49,641 (5,824 more) - steady rate from 10 year stats
Apr 2019: 88,049 (44,044 more) - higher rate from 10 year stats
May 2019: 52,315 (8,023 more) - steady rate from 10 year stats
June 2019: 42,577 (4,066 more) - steady rate from 10 year stats

In the United States, it's actually even lower that 2019.

So what killed so many people in 2019? Covid-18?

April shows a serge in UK but lockdown started on 16th March. So precautions start and then everyone starts dying? Do you have an answer to this @concerned and @abuzayd2k since you like to ridicule the author's occupation and name when you don't know him? Or is that your sole basis to dismiss his works?

In that case, what's your actual names and occupation? Maybe I should follow you as you know so much?
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 18:11
I'm of the view that it does exist, but has been exaggerated so highly in the West simply to kill people off, those who are a burden on the system and so on.

Those dying in poorer countries are far less than the richer ones. BAME is a lame excuse, these same people are doing well in their countries.

Same goes for those in Muslim countries.

The West has used this in their favour.
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 18:31
super-glue wrote:
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I'm sorry brother. I didn't mean to ridicule you. Please carry on.
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 18:47
abu mohammed wrote:
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I am of the view that SOMETHING exists but it was exaggerated. That something could be anything that kills people every year. Even your typical flu. Even that kills enough people to scare. What was different this time then? They started recording those deaths and expertly used the media to blow it up into a pandemic. The test, IMO might even be bogus. As in it tests something that is supposed to give a positive result in a majority of humans.

I don't care for conspiracy theories but from my experience of this world, a lot of what happens in it is deception for the sake of material gain, mostly wealth. To find out who is behind the deception just trace it back to whoever gains the most.

In my mind, this was the Y2K of the pharmaceutical/medical industry.
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 19:20
fod1083 wrote:
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I know of two medical staff members who were confirmed positive with the corona virus. They had all the symptoms early on, were in their 50's and came down with really really high temperatures, especially in the lower back region. They had loss of taste and smell. They went in to self isolation and didn't come into contact with anyone for about a month.

These same people along with all the other staff members were then told to have an antibody test as mandatory, including someone very close to me and I mean very close.

I know the tests are a shambles, but all the staff had to take it and got their results in a few days.

This test was to tell them if they had the virus or not and if they had it, they could sign up for blood donations etc.

Every single test came back negative, even the ones who allegedly were diagnosed positive with all the symptoms.

What a mess!

On the bright side, I've been at home with my kids since March and am just relaxing and enjoying their company, even now.

My kids will be going back to school next month, but I have no idea if I'll be going back to work any time soon.
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 19:28
Anyone from Blackburn, Leicester or parts of South Africa who can give us eye witness accounts as to whether some sickness exists and is at a different scale to what normally occurs?
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 20:41
The article starts with the issue of lack of evidence for what constitutes a disease/virus. So it doesn't exist the way it has been portrayed to us. Sure Covid-19 might exist, but it doesn't mean it's killed half a million people. That's what the article is about.

Just like Covid-19 is exaggerated, some members here have already exaggerate the article in the OP.

This might help explain the "high number" of covid deaths: - based in US but UK has the same policy as do many other countries.
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 22:05
You know what makes it acceptable and believable?


In 2011 they made a movie called "Contagion" and it depicts exactly what is happening now in 2020.

They made the event sit in the minds of people based on previous events and sold it to the world.

Today, in 2020, many people are simply reflecting back on the movie and basing their beliefs based on Hollywood.

Contagion is a movie that starts from Day 2 and apparently ends with Day 1, showing how the virus started and how it spread.

What we are witnessing today about touching, coughing, sneezing, masks, infection rates, deaths and so on, is all depicted in the movie.

We are literally living that movie in the West.
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 22:44
abu mohammed wrote:
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Remember Asterix the comic book?

The one below was released in 2017

Asterix, the Gaul from the eponymous French comic faced Coronavirus, a masked Roman villain with a reputation of stopping at nothing to win. In the 37th edition of the 'Asterix and the Chariot Race,' released in the year 2017, Asterix battles his way across Italy in a chariot race against the Romans.

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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 22:51
Concerned wrote:
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My elderly auntie and uncle passed away a few days ago in Blackburn. They lived in one house and their son and his family lived in the house opposite.

Apparently the sister in law first contracted covid and the whole family were infected including the elderly parents who lived opposite.

My auntie was taken to hospital with breathing problems. She did not last through the night. My uncle passed away 2 days later with a heart attack. Not sure if that was covid related.

While we are on the subject, my auntie and uncle were very good people mashallah. They looked after me when I lived in Blackburn as a kid, and ever since I can remember they were always hosting some random elderly person who had no one to look after them. My was always feeding kids from the street. May Allah give them both the highest and highest status in the akhirah.
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 21st August 2020 23:25
Concerned wrote:
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