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No evidence Covid-19 exists

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#31 [Permalink] Posted on 24th August 2020 22:53
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Everything has its place. What's a positive outlook on possible murder by policies/law? Please enlighten us. I pray you're never in a position to decide whether to send a loved one to hospital during these times to find positive outlooks you derived from it.

fod1083 wrote:
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A lot was under very strong pressure as shown in the interviews in the OP. I find it shocking how easy it is for it to be ignored while we're being informed by people risking their jobs, reputation and possibly their lives. Worse is when someone tries to use Islam to ignore, dismiss and hide truths, hide information. As you can see, not one person has quoted that part to me or replied about the video. Most likely they're scared to watch it. Weak people will avoid information that shows the possibility of this being true. They won't even consider the possibility.

Can anyone tell me if that nurse is lying about everything? If every recording she took is fake? If the government officials admitting the criteria of covid death is lying as well?

Someone recently read an NHS letter to me, I wish I can get a copy of it. It was basically to sign the person away to them and waive all liabilities of what follows. That the person has to come into the hospital alone, no one can accompany the patient etc. If I get a hold of a copy I'll share it. Luckily it scared them and they didn't go and the problem went away itself.
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#32 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 02:07
super-glue wrote:
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Life and death ultimately is in the hands of Allah Taala. When a loved one developed severe breathing difficulty, we took our patient into the government system. It was the most harrowing 72 hours for us all. When the authorities threatened to put our patient on the vent, we pulled a LOT of strings and spent hours running from pillar to post, and finally they discharged our patient to our family. We took our patient out of the system and into private care where our patient remained critical for over 96 hours. By the grace of Allah Taala, our patient is now back home after a fortnight in critical care and isolation and regaining strength. Many of us in direct contact with our patient developed moderate symptoms that Alhamdulillah resolved over the course of a week to two weeks.

I hope you can see why the title of the thread triggered a dismissive response from me the first time around. And, I'm sorry I responded that way. It was childish and immature of me.
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#33 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 05:12
abuzayd2k wrote:
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No doubt about everything happening with the Will and Permission of Allah. There can be no doubts about that at all. Which is why I never dismiss what people label as conspiracy theories. Got to keep an open mind. Because having faith in Allah and realizing the true nature of this world kind of go hand in hand. Nobody said that a Muslim can't do both. It's not like if someone believes an outlandish-appearing theory, that person has lost his faith in Allah. His faith in Allah will protect him from those outlandish designs of the transgressors, inshaAllah.

This world is full of deception and with the emergence of Dajjal drawing nearer I think most of what we will see will be deception. Unfortunately Muslims have been conditioned to be seen as such lower-class citizens of the world that they are DESPERATE to appear cool and conforming. They are scared of even thinking, let alone saying something that questions the global narrative that is fed to everyone. Though it shouldn't matter to anyone whether someone believes you or not, or what someone thinks of you, you can at least remain in a state of caution for your own self. Your point about distrust is true, it's a very bleak existence, but our distrust of everything to do with the world will harbor us against the web of deceit that will be spun by Dajjal, inshaAllah. With the Help of Allah, of course. You will remain aloof from Dajjali elements only if you distrust them.

At the very least your above post acknowledges that the government's "system" for the response to Covid was already preparing to make a casualty out of your patient and not even prepared to give him a chance.
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#34 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 05:33
abuzayd2k wrote:
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If the title was, "Evidence of covid-19 tamper" perhaps readers would watch the video and take a listen to the evidence of the murder, manipulation, ill treatment of non infected people, forced fake diagnosis, ethnic cleansing etc and not simply dismiss it as TRIAGE.

TRIAGE is a reality and we accept that people of authority DID use this under unforseen circumstances, BUT the video is proof of financial benefits, fraud, lies, deceit, murder, forced upon many care workers who tried their ultimate best not let this happen, but, vulnerable human beings were forced to contract the virus and ultimately due of it.

If what I'm saying in this post makes sense, then at least watch the video, either bit by bit, skipping through it, or just listen to it in the background.

What happened was a reality. Many of our loved ones died of the virus, their death was destined, however, it is unfortunate that they were put through this harrowing situation.

Ending up in hospital was the worse thing that could happen, else they would've had better chances of living.

That's what this thread is really about!

If you recall previous threads by superglue, he does tend to name the threads in a way to get into everyone's head, for example, the thread on supporting Israel and killing of Palestinians etc. Perhaps its reverse psychology and it works for some but not for others.

The video is evidence that triage was used illegally. People died and did not have the virus!

Thus the title, "No evidence - covid-19 exists" because it did not in many who were killed without the virus!
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#35 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 06:12
The nurse in the video just released a book:

From amazon:

Product Description
Undercover Epicenter Nurse blows the lid off the COVID-19 pandemic.

What would you do if you discovered that the media and the government were lying to us all? And that hundreds, maybe thousands of people were dying because of it?

Army combat veteran and registered nurse Erin Olszewski’s most deeply held values were put to the test when she arrived as a travel nurse at Elmhurst Hospital in the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. After serving in Iraq, she was back on the front lines—and this time, she found, the situation was even worse.

Rooms were filthy, nurses were lax with sanitation measures, and hospital-acquired cases of COVID-19 were spreading like wildfire.

Worse, people who had tested negative multiple times for COVID-19 were being labeled as COVID-confirmed and put on COVID-only floors. Put on ventilators and drugged up with sedatives, these patients quickly deteriorated—even though they did not have coronavirus when they checked in.

Doctors-in-training were refusing to perform CPR—and banning nurses from doing it—on dying patients whose families had not consented to “Do Not Resuscitate” orders.

Erin wasn’t about to stand by and let her patients keep dying on her watch, but she knew that if she told the truth, people wouldn’t believe her. It was just too shocking. Willing to go to battle for her patients, Erin made the decision to go deep undercover, recording conversations with other nurses, videos of malpractice, and more. She began to share what she found on social media. Unsurprisingly, she was fired for it.

Now, Erin is standing up to tell the whole horrifying story of what happened inside Elmhurst Hospital to demand justice for those who fell victim to the hospital’s greed. Not only must the staff be held accountable for their unethical actions; but also, this kind of corruption must be destroyed so that future Americans are not put at risks. The deaths have to end, and Erin won’t rest until the bad actors are exposed.

Undercover Epicenter Nurse: How Fraud, Negligence, and Greed Led to Unnecessary Deaths at Elmhurst Hospital is a shocking and infuriating inside exposé of the American healthcare system gone wrong. At the same time, it’s the story of a woman who traveled from the small-town streets of Wisconsin, to the battlefields of Iraq, to the mean streets of Queens, on a quest to help fight for her country. With this book, the real battle has begun

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#36 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 06:25
I really don't want to watch the video right now. I have seen discussions in mainstream media from April debating whether ventilators do more harm.

So the the virus is real, and can be deadly, but when it reached the US and UK, they created propoganda around the virus and used it for their own agendas.

What about China, were they also deliberately killing people when the virus started in wuhan?

What about the rest of the world, like Pakistan for example? Why would they deliberately kill their patients? Rushing to put some people with complications on ventilators in countries besides the US and UK could be due to other reasons like following the initial advice of ventilators being an effective treatment, and hospitals not keeping up to date with the latest information, confusion and uncertainty over whether its use is harmful, or a reflection of the sub standard level of health care in that country.

My country initially received a large number of ventilators donated by a couple wealthy individuals living in the US. Alhamdulillah we had very few deaths , so I am not even sure if we used any. Initially we weren't sure if we were going to recieve the ventilators as Trump had attempted to block exports of ventilators in order to keep then for use in America. At that time everyone was trying to secure ventilators.
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#37 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 06:43
Concerned wrote:
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I think the stats will speak for itself.

I mentioned this earlier. The West has more deaths than the origin of the BAME, how so?

This gets brushed away with poor diet, lack of vitamins and so on. But these people have a worse diet in their home countries but they didn't have such a high death rate.
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#38 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 08:54
Let us compare the present chaos with chaos in Deen.

Shaykhul Hadeeth RA had once said that Ummah was offered knowledge of basics of deen and they were following it with complete faith; Aamanna wa saddaqna.

In this century tragedy stuck, knowledge of Fiqh, ilm-ul-hadith etc which were discussed among experts indoors were brought in public; the result is Chaos.

The same way, common man was offered treatment and advised on precautions to be followed. Today, individual views on; How, Why, Why not, Conspiracy etc is placed in public domain. We don't know the opinion of experts who differ with that particular view. So let us consult medical expert on whom we have faith and follow his advice, that is safe for good health.

Ya Allah allow us to not be deceived in this world. Aameen.
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#39 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 09:41
ssaad wrote:
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Every soul shall taste death!
This world is full of deception/delusion

Full verse
(Surah Ale Imran verse 185)
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#40 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 12:19
abu mohammed wrote:
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Baqarah 185 deals with the merits of Ramadan.
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#41 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 12:24
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Post fixed.
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#42 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 12:31
abu mohammed wrote:
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The illusion according to the tafseer of the ayah is that material enjoyment in this life will be the cause of great hardship in the next, and great hardship in this life will be the cause of enjoyment in the next.

I don't understand how that applies to the delusion/deception mentioned in this thread.
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#43 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 13:28
abuzayd2k wrote:
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It was in addition to the dua by brother ssaad. The delusion / deception of this world is truly real and shouldn't be dismissed. A much needed dua indeed.
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#44 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 14:02
abu mohammed wrote:
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There is a masnoon dua from prophet SAS in Abu Dawood

9829-dua for protection from misguidance.JPG
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#45 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2020 15:48
abu mohammed wrote:
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I do tend to clickbait subject lines sometimes. I do that on email as well. Sadly it's more effective. To be honest half the times I do not think it will hit nerves so severely. This was one of those cases where I assumed the information will be appreciated and members can contribute to validate or scrutinise it sensibly because of what everyone is going through. I didn't think some would defend a virus and fight tooth and nail turning a complete blind eye to what was posted.

I didn't before but I now believe that it's weakness and alethophobia which I can accept and understand. Where it falls apart is fighting against a possible truth without even considering it because then it falls under delusion. I say "fighting against a possible truth" because no one has actually replied about the videos, about the questions raised, about the points made. Instead they looked for evidence that the virus exists which is clearly a very low priority point of discussion in this thread and OBVIOUSLY there will be evidence for it. Why would anyone assume there'd be a global pandemic without evidence (whether true or not)?

Yes life and death is in Allah's hands. How can this be grounds of dismissal of what's maybe being done in hospitals? And if it's solely based on death being in Allah's hands and fate, then why is there a punishment for murder in the Qur'aan?

I admit I can be very condescending but never without reason. It will always be connected directly to the way a reply is posted that triggers it.
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