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No evidence Covid-19 exists

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#76 [Permalink] Posted on 31st August 2020 01:20
Did anyone see the part about the patient who survived intubation by having it removed. He was the only one to be extubated and survived. You know why and how he lived?
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#77 [Permalink] Posted on 31st August 2020 21:40
xs11ax wrote:
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The main reason for the title of thread is because it's exactly the title of the article. I didn't want to change it. It's not my claim though. And yes the clickbait aspect is always shamelessly good sometimes. I apologise for that.

I would go as far to say that Covid-19 as it is portrayed in the media and by the government is very questionable based on a lot of the research and information provided in the article. The fact that nurses and doctors came forward implicates crimes as well. You just can't completely ignore that. I did not leave the home for 2 months in the beginning. The garden was my outside. I didn't go looking for this. The first audio recording I received I told the person not to forward it because the guy sounded like an idiot using the F word 3-5 times in every sentence.

Others need to realise I shared good information fully referenced. I went through it all first and only then I posted it as it validated with me. It wasn't a random message I received on WhatsApp.

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#78 [Permalink] Posted on 31st August 2020 23:22
super-glue wrote:
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I'm sorry, but I can't talk, discuss, debate, argue, fight about anything when I am not sure what your position is. You shared an article that claims there is no such thing as covid, but you believe there is? Or there isnt? You shared a video that claims doctors are killing patients using covid. So covid does exist? You have introduced different sources that contradict each other, but taken what suits you from each source, and reject what doesnt suit you? I'm confused.

My general position is that I have no doubt that some levels of healthcare is entirely focused on profit, such as the pharmaceutical companies and have no qualms about putting the lives of others to make money. I also believe that some, maybe many doctors are career doctors and their only interest in medicine and their patients is to make money. I also believe that SOME, a very small minority of doctors are psychotic and get pleasure from killing people in cold blood.

But what you want us to believe is that hundreds of thousands of doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals are colluding together to carry out a global mass extermination. And that it is so obvious that the only proof required is a video blog by someone who claims to be a nurse. And that it is so obvious that many netizens have seen through the facade. And that either the law and leadership machine of the entire world is so ignorant that they have no idea this is happening or that they are also in on it.

You are making a huge claim so it requires concrete proof.

Personally I don't believe that so many people of the world can unite on such a lie that leads to a global mass extermination. If that's what you want me to believe then you need to provide concrete proof.
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#79 [Permalink] Posted on 1st September 2020 17:25
You shared an article that claims there is no such thing as covid, but you believe there is?

Covid-19 existing is not relevant to what's being done in its name. Just because guns exist I'm not going to wear bullet-proof vests 24/7 unless gun crimes/war breaks out in my neighborhood. Guns existing does not automatically mean if a person is hit by a bus then cause of death is gunshot.

I will not say Covid-19 "definitely" exists. My position is that for every possible reason Covid-19 does exist. There's similar viruses, there's plenty of scientific data on it. There's no reason to believe it does not exist. But

You have introduced different sources that contradict each other, but taken what suits you from each source, and reject what doesnt suit you? I'm confused.
Don't just say it, show it otherwise you can believe what you want.

But what you want us to believe is that hundreds of thousands of doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals are colluding together to carry out a global mass extermination
When did say or imply this? Again, don't take your own meanings, I kindly request you to quote me before blabbing nonsense please.

And that either the law and leadership machine of the entire world is so ignorant that they have no idea this is happening or that they are also in on it.
Same advice as above, quote me first then ask your questions because at the moment you're saying whatever you want then asking me for concrete proof about it. Don't be like muaz, abuzd, bint-asha etc.

You are making a huge claim

If you actually saw the first post, the only thing I actually said was, "Watch the last video in references. It's heart breaking." - everything else was the article but did you see how sheeple pounced on me personally?

Did anyone else notice that I posted it in "People's Say" and not in "Hoax" section?

Check the info and take it as you wish. Contribute, don't try to force your ignorance on others. If you're right, then your contribution will do its job. You will convince otherwise you'll end up losing more and respect (at least to me anyway)
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#80 [Permalink] Posted on 1st September 2020 17:30
I would like to add I am never angry when posting. I'm thinking very clearly.

I have an important question for anyone:

Does anyone personally know someone who died from "Covid-19" and you personally saw him suffer from breathing problems and then die without getting help i.e. not at hospital?

And then because they didn't get help they infected family members (and as it's so contagious and deadly that we have to wear masks) they died as well (not at hospital) or they recovered in the covid ward after getting infected by the first person who died and you saw suffering.

The certainty with which some you talk I'm sure you know plenty of people so please let me know.

If you tell me you do and 2 members can vouch for the persons honesty then I won't post on this subject again no matter what I believe or feel. In fact, I'll even change my stance and promote the narrative if you post the names of these people.
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#81 [Permalink] Posted on 1st September 2020 18:15
super-glue wrote:
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Covid-19 existing is not relevant to what's being done in its name. Just because guns exist I'm not going to wear bullet-proof vests 24/7 unless gun crimes/war breaks out in my neighborhood. Guns existing does not automatically mean if a person is hit by a bus then cause of death is gunshot.

Not sure what all that is. All I'm saying is you posted a claim that someone else has made that covid doesn't exist. I am trying to understand why you posted it. Do you agree with It? If you do then I understand why you posted it. If you don't agree with it then I don't understand why you posted it. So do you agree or disagree with It?

I will not say Covid-19 "definitely" exists. My position is that for every possible reason Covid-19 does exist. There's similar viruses, there's plenty of scientific data on it. There's no reason to believe it does not exist. But

Still don't understand your position. Does it exist or doesn't it exist?


Don't just say it, show it otherwise you can believe what you want.

In your opening post you shared an article that claims covid doesn't exist. This is at the beginning of the post. Then at the very end of your post you shared a video by that nurse who claims patients are dying of Covid due to malpractice, negligence, incompetence, etc of the medical industry. So one days it doesn't exist and the other says it does exist. These 2 sources contradict each other.

When did say or imply this? Again, don't take your own meanings, I kindly request you to quote me before blabbing nonsense please.

This is what I understood from your posts. You shared a video of a nurse claiming that people are being killed off using covid. It was my fault for assuming that this is the same for all hospitals where people are dying due to Covid. So can you clarify please. Is it just that one hospital where people are being killed off due to Covid or is it not limited to that one hospital and similar is happening in hospitals in different parts of the globe?

Same advice as above, quote me first then ask your questions because at the moment you're saying whatever you want then asking me for concrete proof about it. Don't be like muaz, abuzd, bint-asha etc.

You shared a video. Of a nurse. Who claims doctors are killing off patients due to Covid. And the law is not doing anything about it. I assumed this is happening in hospitals across the globe (because people are dying in hospitals across the globe), and the law is not doing anything about it. So. Are people being killed off like in the hospital where the nurse worked. And. Is the law not doing anything about it like in the hospital where the nurse worked?

If you actually saw the first post, the only thing I actually said was, "Watch the last video in references. It's heart breaking." - everything else was the article but did you see how sheeple pounced on me personally?

You shared the article. There are many different articles across the net. But you shared that particular article. So people rightfully assumed you support that article because why else would you share It, right? Are you now saying you only agree with the last video?

Check the info and take it as you wish. Contribute, don't try to force your ignorance on others. If you're right, then your contribution will do its job. You will convince otherwise you'll end up losing more and respect (at least to me anyway)

Kindly stop using words such as your ignorance, sheeple, and then talk about respect. I have no idea who you are and I don't need your respect. I can start calling you ignorant, conspiracy nut job, sheeple, blind follower of the blind etc. But I am trying to stop myself from falling to your level. Not out of respect for you, but out of respect for myself. I was raised in the streets and I can start slinging insults as well. If you can't reply to me without insults then do yourself a favour and stop replying to me.
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#82 [Permalink] Posted on 1st September 2020 18:20
super-glue wrote:
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My uncle and auntie died a few weeks ago from covid. First my auntie and then 2 days later my uncle died. The initial person who was infected was their daughter in law. She passed it onto her husband and kids as well.

You still need to clarify whether you believe covid exists or not. If you already have then forgive me for being thick. A yes or no answer will do. Do you believe covid exists? Yes or no?
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#83 [Permalink] Posted on 1st September 2020 18:26
super-glue wrote:
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All three members of my paternal uncle's household were infected because they came in contact with a patient in their infirmary. My cousin's breathing was so difficult, he resigned himself to the fact that he might not make it to the morning. Alhamdulillah, he recovered after 15 days of illness. My paternal uncle was caring for him, and he developed severe breathing difficulty about ten days later. He required bipap and aggressive antiviral as well as steroid treatment and for the first few nights in private intensive care, we feared he might not make it. Alhamdulillah, he's home now and regaining his strength. My paternal uncle is a very senior GP and his son, my cousin, is also a GP. In private care, my paternal uncle was under the care of a very experienced senior pulmonologist and an internist.

The third member of the family had a high fever for a week but did not develop breathing difficulty. Tests had confirmed covid19 for all three.

None of them have any prior history of breathing illnesses.

Another cousin's wife, in her 20s, also in our city, passed away three weeks ago, after developing pneumonia.

My neighbour from a few houses down played soccer professionally for the railways. Last month he attended an official event. He developed flu like symptoms on his return home. The family didn't think it was serious until about a week in when he started to have difficulty breathing. None of the hospitals nearby had a vacant bed. Our region is currently riding through a peak in cases. He passed away last week. He was 25.

Another neighbour from about 20 houses down was in his 50s and very active. He developed breathing difficulty and was admitted last month. He passed away on the third day of his hospitalization.

All of them had tested positive.
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#84 [Permalink] Posted on 1st September 2020 18:32
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Get ready for...
Yes, but no, but this, but that, but....
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#85 [Permalink] Posted on 1st September 2020 18:37
abuzayd2k wrote:
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May Allah have mercy on them, and their family, and my family, and your family, and the whole ummah and grant all our marhoom jannatul firdaus.
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#86 [Permalink] Posted on 1st September 2020 18:44
xs11ax wrote:
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I asked the same question to you recently and you said they were in hospital, eventually.

What super glue is asking and what I had asked earlier was about deaths in the house.

Reason for putting it that way was because there were very few deaths in the homes because they isolated themselves, took precautions and got better, most probably naturally.

What became apparent was that the deaths counted for, were the ones in hospitals and care homes where questions are being raised by family members
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#87 [Permalink] Posted on 1st September 2020 18:48
abuzayd2k wrote:
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May Allah have mercy on them all and give everyone a healthy life.

So from your list, only one person died and didn't go hospital?
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#88 [Permalink] Posted on 1st September 2020 18:48
abu mohammed wrote:
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I asked the same question to you recently and you said they were in hospital, eventually.

They were taken to hospital and passed away within a few hours with breathing difficulties.
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#89 [Permalink] Posted on 1st September 2020 18:53
abu mohammed wrote:
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I'm not arguing against negligence, incompetence, malpractice, corruption, etc in the medical industry. I know these things happen.
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#90 [Permalink] Posted on 1st September 2020 18:53
abu mohammed wrote:
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