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The risk of dying from Covid-19 is higher among those identifying as Muslims

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abu mohammed's avatar
abu mohammed's avatar
#1 [Permalink] Posted on 20th June 2020 01:57

The Evening Standard

The risk of dying from Covid-19 is higher among those identifying as Muslims, Jewish, Hindu and Sikh

Black men were three times more likely than white men to die with coronavirus, a new analysis of the ethnic impact of the disease revealed today.

Updated figures from the Office for National Statistics also showed that black women were more than twice as likely to die as white women.

When the effects of deprivation were taken into account, the difference narrowed to show black men were at twice the risk and black women at 1.4 times the risk.

Men of Bangladeshi\Pakistani and Indian ethnic heritage also had a higher risk of death than white men - 1.5 and 1.6 times respectively – once socio-demographic and household characteristics were accounted for.

A separate study today said that South Asian people were the most likely group to die from Covid-19 after being admitted to hospital across the UK – with diabetes a “significant factor”.

Of the 37,956 people to die with Covid in England and Wales by May 15, a total of 33,630 (88.6 per cent) were white, 2,355 (6.2 per cent) were Asian or Asian British and 1,513 (four per cent) were black African, Caribbean or British.

Nick Stripe, head of health analysis at the ONS, said: “People from a black ethnic background are at a greater risk of death involving Covid-19 than all other ethnic groups.

“The risk for black males has been more than three times higher than white males and nearly two and a half times higher for black females than white.

“Adjusting for socio-economic factors and geographical location partly explains the increased risk, but there remains twice the risk for black males and around one and half times for black females. Significant differences also remain for Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Indian men.”

A separate study on religion found the highest mortality rate of deaths involving Covid-19 was in Muslims, with 198.9 deaths per 100,000 males and 98.2 deaths per 100,000 females.

It found that Jewish people had an increased rate of death from Covid compared with Christians.

Mr Stripe said: “Jewish males are at twice the risk of Christian males, and Jewish women are also at higher risk.”

The separate hospital study looked at data from 30,693 people admitted to 260 hospitals and found a 19 per cent increased risk of death with coronavirus for those who were South Asian compared with white people.

Experts behind the study said 40 per cent of the South Asians in the group had diabetes - which was a “significant factor” in their increased risk of death.

The researchers, from the University of Edinburgh, said: “Ethnic minorities in hospital with Covid-19 were more likely to be admitted to critical care and receive IMV (ventilation) than whites, despite similar disease severity on admission, similar duration of symptoms, and being younger with fewer comorbidities.

“South Asians are at greater risk of dying, due at least in part to a higher prevalence of pre-existing diabetes.”
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Yasin's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2022 23:11
What utter rubbish they came out with in the early days of the agenda. I guess I must be an alien to be alive still.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 7th July 2022 09:19
The language of the assertion is very telling. The risk is higher in those "identifying" themselves as Muslims. In short, don't embrace Islam because Muslims are more likely to die from Covid, in turn implying that the Divine is especially harsh on those who propagate this fake path to salvation.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 7th July 2022 09:27
fod1083 wrote:
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Also to make the Muslims be the first to climb the altar.

They knew many of the Muslim's will follow others in to the lizard hole!

They forgot that the Muslims were also told to ascertain the truth!

SubhanAllah. A virus that picks and chooses by faith :(

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 9th February 2023 14:28
As has been said over and over.

People were murdered
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