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Mars Landings Faked?

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Yasin's avatar
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#31 [Permalink] Posted on 19th March 2019 05:17
Are you saying that there are some things in which it is not important to be an expert to hold a particular view?

Absolutely. inshaAllah I'll post about this soon.
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#32 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2019 06:05
NASA's Mars Helicopter Completes Flight Tests, Ready to Fly to Red Planet

The Mars Helicopter will launch as a technology demonstrator with the Mars 2020 rover on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket in July 2020 from the Space Launch Complex 41 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.

It is expected to reach Mars in February 2021.

Weighing in at no more than 1.8 kilogram, the helicopter contains more than 1,500 individual pieces of carbon fibre, flight-grade aluminium, silicon, copper, foil and foam.

The helicopter is a technology demonstration project currently going through the rigorous verification process certifying it for Mars, which has much thinner atmosphere than Earth's. The planet also drops to icy temperatures that can destroy sensitive electronics.

To ensure that the helicopter copes with those conditions, NASA has created a Martian atmosphere here on Earth -- a 7.62 metre wide vacuum chamber in JPL's Space Simulator, in which carbon dioxide, the chief ingredient of Mars' atmosphere, has been injected.
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#33 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2019 06:07
Anonymous wrote:
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In these conditions they are selling plots on Mars, people want to buy it and stay there on Mars.
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#34 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2019 02:55
Yasin wrote:
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I wanted to provide a detailed post on this but I’ve not had the opportunity to do so. I also forgot about this post until I saw it recently so I had to follow up as promised.

Bypassing all the previous posts I'll reply to this as a standalone question not taking the context of this thread into account. The first quote below is the last question you put forward and the second quote is probably what led to your question so I'll address this.

abuzayd2k wrote:
Are you saying that there are some things in which it is not important to be an expert to hold a particular view?

abuzayd2k wrote:
so I don't know if this is an opinion that is echoed by the mainstream of experts in the field or if it is a minority opinion.

Expert opinion is not only important but the Qur'aan also advises to take matters to experts if the answer is not found directly in Qur'aan and Sunnah.

The problem with your question however, is the fact that being an expert is not a prerequisite of holding a view. The information and evidence that led to the view is what requires an expert.

So yes, being an expert makes the statement stronger where trust and reputation will help you make a decision but in no way is it required to hold a particular view.

Majority view also does not make something sound. Every new discovery is a minority opinion until it becomes mainstream so by definition being a minority opinion does not make it weak or unreliable.

At the same time, being mainstream does not make a belief sound. One example would be that scientists and all kinds of experts still, till today, believe that a human only uses 10% of his brain. This is still found in school textbooks and library books in the science section. But fMRI scans have revealed this isn't even close to reality. Now if a person who is not an "expert" found this out from an expert and states information based on this, would it become unreliable because the one who knows this is not a brain surgeon?

So yes, "it is not important to be an expert to hold a particular view" and to ask this specifically on anything that challenges your existing views would hinder learning. Always ask about the data, information, source, etc. and take it from there.

I do hope this helps and hopefully answers your question as well. If you prefer a reply more related to this thread and what the ongoing topic was including my post that triggered your questions in the first place then please let me know and we can start from there. No harm in clarifications if it's for better understandings. Jzk. Ws
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#35 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2019 08:46
Maulana Ali Mian nadvi RA has cautioned us while dealing with these type of subjects;
An attempted translation from urdu.

Exaggeration hurts us. Words like "west is nothing", "there is nothing to benefit from the west, it must be rejected outright". Remember when people realise that these discoveries and its benefits are true, then they shall mock us and reject us.
So dawah volunteers must be trained to accept reality and be moderate. While rejecting the western culture, we reject even their knowledge, we claim that there is nothing to benefit from their knowledge etc. We must say, "western knowledge must be respected and we must benefited from it as they are a necessity. But this knowledge is not enough to guide humanity to correct their behavior of humans and make them god fearing".
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#36 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2019 13:05
Guest-53423 wrote:
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I'm really sorry but what does this have to do with this thread or any post?
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#37 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2019 13:12
Yasin wrote:
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The topic of this thead is "mars landing faked".

One of the member has claimed that "mars landing is possible", for that other member has replied "who cares"
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#38 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2019 13:22
Guest-53423 wrote:
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Okay, jzk for the response. Use the quick quote reply option so the post you are replying to is quoted. As you posted immediately after my post it looked very off-topic. Jzk
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abuzayd2k's avatar
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#39 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2019 05:26
Yasin wrote:
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Jazakallah. What you said makes perfect sense, but for me this opens up a door to knowledge, and I am frightened of the consequences that knowledge will have for me. I am a muqallid in the truest sense, and I don't have the capability of sifting through varied expert opinions.

I have always been wary of conspiracy theories, but it seems I may now have to reconsider some of these theories and actually give weight to some of them. This is frightening.
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#40 [Permalink] Posted on 16th February 2020 07:10
Here is a picture taken by Curiosity of the Martian surface:

And, here are the Bagnold dunes:

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#41 [Permalink] Posted on 16th February 2020 07:32
abuzayd2k wrote:
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There is possibility that Machine landed on Mars, let us not deny that. Technology exists. But selling dreams of Man on Mars is day light robbery. The two way journey is about 18 to 24 months. I don't know who will survive in that journey.

And regarding those pictures, it depends on place where those pictures were taken and resolution, distance etc of the camera.
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#42 [Permalink] Posted on 16th February 2020 07:41
To allow man's journey towards Mars, the standard set today is; there must be minimum 3 test runs before sending human. Today there is no race, so no hurry, so let us hope, NASA will have minimum 3 test missions involving all the sequences:
1. Capsule launch
2. landing on Mars surface
3. take off from Mars.
4. Return journey to earth.
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In Need of Teaching's avatar
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#43 [Permalink] Posted on 16th February 2020 07:48
Anonymous wrote:
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I'm just curious. Why is it that you think NASA is bound to your opinion on how to conduct missions?

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#44 [Permalink] Posted on 16th February 2020 08:36
In Need of Teaching wrote:
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London to flight takes x hours. If someone claims he can do it even in half the time and he claims that airlines is not bound to you. I laugh.

NASA is mute observer to MARS path around the sun and NASA cannot change that path.
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#45 [Permalink] Posted on 16th February 2020 08:56
Key Facts About NASA's Mars 2020 Rover

Launch Window:
July 17 - Aug. 5, 2020

Feb. 18, 2021

So, today,it is long journey even for NASA. And return journey will be nearly double the period.
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