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LA Not the City of Angels

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 9th January 2025 14:38
Los Angeles - The City of Angels
akbar703 wrote:
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Can you answer 1 question and try not to get yourself into a rabbit hole ;)

Wood is fuel for fire. Everyone agrees!

Why is everything in the photo burnt down except the trees?

Who lives there? What needs destroying? Can they afford such destruction? Would they be complicit? Are they on someone's list?
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 9th January 2025 15:18
California. Complete burn out, but not the trees!

The Sonoma County town of Santa Rosa, the largest city in the wine country region, was decimated by one of the fiercest blazes, the so-called Tubbs fire, one of more than 20 fires wreaking havoc in California. Aerial footage shows block after block of some neighbourhoods obliterated with nothing left but charred debris, broken walls, chimneys and the steel frames of burned-out cars.

But trees!

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Compared with Drone footage of LA (now)
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akbar703's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 9th January 2025 17:33
26,000 acres of area burnt by wildfires . 105 Sq Kms.

Total area of Gaza 360 Kms.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 9th January 2025 18:12
akbar703 wrote:
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This thread is not about Gaza, but JazakAllah for the comparison and shear scale of devastation that Israel has carried out on Gaza, Palestine.

My question was about the trees. The image you shared is not a fake either. The trees, leaves etc didn't burn. How is that possible?

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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 9th January 2025 18:20
I am sure they will come up with some explanation for that. Anything but the existence of the Creator.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 9th January 2025 19:33
Remember Dr Judy D Wood and her findings on 911 and directed free energy? Or Directed Energy Weapons

(Will People also be sharing blue coloured, unaffected items as they did in 2001 and other atrocities?) Let's wait and see.


And before anyone says DEWs don't exist,
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 10th January 2025 10:22
James Woods said his entire neighborhood just had their homeowners policies cancelled. Omg no homeowners insurance - no insurance investigation!!!

abu mohammed wrote:
(Will People also be sharing blue coloured, unaffected items as they did in 2001 and other atrocities?) Let's wait and see.

Yes, they will and they have!

Jan 10 2025
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Aug 22 2023
Video of Blue and DEW
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abu mohammed wrote:
Try not to get yourself into a rabbit hole ;)

Rumor has it that things being destroyed before Trump gets into power and starts investigating Child Trafficking?
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Rajab's avatar
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 10th January 2025 10:42
Homes are made from things like wood, drywall, and man-made materials that catch fire and burn much more easily than living trees. The materials inside homes can also create very intense heat when they burn.

On the other hand, trees are full of water when they’re alive, which makes it harder for them to catch fire. Their bark and leaves act like a natural shield, protecting them from flames.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 10th January 2025 11:27
Rajab wrote:
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Yes, read that response/theory already. Probably verbatim ;)

I did a fire in my garden and used an incinerator (galvanised bin with holes)

I burnt fresh wood and soaked wood in there and the speed at which it burnt was amazing.

Live trees do burn as they did in the Amazon Rainforest Fires

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Rajab's avatar
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 10th January 2025 11:35
abu mohammed wrote:
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Normally, trees in the Amazon are pretty wet, but they can still burn if the conditions are right. During the dry season or in droughts, the forest dries out, and trees lose some of their moisture, making it easier for them to catch fire. A lot of the fires are started by people clearing land for farming or cattle grazing, and the leftover dry grass, leaves, and branches make great fuel. Since the Amazon is so dense, fires spread fast through dead plants and even the tops of trees, where the heat can get so intense it overcomes the natural moisture in the trees. On top of that, climate change is making the forest hotter and drier, which only makes these fires more likely and more destructive.
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abu mohammed's avatar
abu mohammed's avatar
#11 [Permalink] Posted on 10th January 2025 11:59
You are entering the Rabbit hole :)
even the tops of trees, where the heat can get so intense it overcomes the natural moisture in the trees

I guess what you are saying is that the heat wasn't hot enough to dry the leaves on the trees here, not even the ashes could affect the trees.

You are also implying that the fire only saw a straight path and didn't get blown left or right in the 100mph gusts, leaving the trees.

Hmm, let me think about that idea.

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World Of Allah
#12 [Permalink] Posted on 10th January 2025 18:23
Who lives there? What needs destroying? Can they afford such destruction? Would they be complicit? Are they on someone's list?

Who lives there?
P Diddy and so many of the pedophiles on the child trafficking list.

What needs destroying?
Underground tunnels and pedophilia evidence

Can they afford such destruction?
Collateral damage. If they could destroy the WTC only and I repeat only the WTC buildings were destroyed. No one was able to investigate the trillions of missing dollars (why were no other buildings destroyed? because of DEW. Each building was specially targeted)

Would they be complicit?
If they aren't, they too would be exposed. It would be worth the sacrifice

Are they on someone's list? Epstien

If someone wants to go into this deeper, see what Ally Carter has been saying for a long time. She claims, she was taken into an underground tunnel from Diddy's LA house where she says she was raped by people of power, including a President!

Could that be the reason of destruction? I don't see why not
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World Of Allah
#13 [Permalink] Posted on 10th January 2025 18:28
Rajab wrote:
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Lol, did you just share a community note from X?
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#14 [Permalink] Posted on 10th January 2025 21:05
The great reset in action, Zionist owned vulture capitalist companies like Black Rock, are probably going to purchase all that land at bargain basement prices. Rebuild and the rent at astronomical prices.
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akbar703's avatar
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 12th January 2025 16:29
Hadhrat Alqama RA narrates that he was one of seven people from his tribe who came to meet Rasulullaah SAS.

Rasulullaah SAS asked, "And what are the attributes that you have adopted during the Period of Ignorance?"

They replied,

  • Expressing gratitude when enjoying good fortune,
  • exercising patience when experiencing difficulty,
  • speaking the truth during occasions of confrontation,
  • being happy with the decrees of fate
  • and not expressing pleasure when an enemy is afflicted by calamity.

(Addressing the Sahabah RA Rasulullaah SAS exclaimed, "Intellectuals and well-cultured people! Their manners are close to those of the Ambiyaa because they are so excellent."

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