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Government mind control

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abu mohammed, Taalibah
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#31 [Permalink] Posted on 29th January 2020 13:03
tasbeeh wrote:
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It failed. You can read up on it. It's not classified or anything.

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#32 [Permalink] Posted on 29th January 2020 14:55
thomp22 wrote:
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thomp22 wrote:
However if there were no planes then there were no plans either. So something is missing.

Well there is another theory which I came across recently.

Just before 8:46 a.m, American Airlines Flight 11 was diverted away and landed at a secure base. A decoy plane was used to hit Tower 1, be it in the sense of a cargo plane or a manipulated video.

Just before 9:03 a.m, United Airlines Flight 175 was diverted away and landed at a secure base. A decoy plane was used to hit Tower 2, be it in the sense of a cargo plane or a manipulated video, a missile, whatever!

Just before 9:37 a.m, American Airlines Flight 77 was diverted away and landed at a secure base. A decoy plane/missile was used to hit The Pentagon.

The above 3 planes were to meet up at the base with flight 93 and its passengers!

Passengers of all these flights were rounded up and were boarded onto flight 93!

Just after 10:00 a.m, the fourth flight, United Airlines Flight 93, crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, southeast of Pittsburgh, killing all the passengers on board all 4 flights!

Interesting theory and a good possibility too :)
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#33 [Permalink] Posted on 29th January 2020 18:51
Conspiracy theories are a waste of time. Not to say that i don't believe some are true, but unless you can prove them emphatically, then you just sound like another mad man.
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#34 [Permalink] Posted on 29th January 2020 19:35
Intrepid wrote:
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So you like to waste your time on truth?

I don't get it!

But the others are madmen. :(

I see contradiction and conspiracy on your post lol.
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#35 [Permalink] Posted on 29th January 2020 21:23
Asaaghir wrote:
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Nope the point being if you can't prove it, then it's better staying quite, or else loose all credence and no one will believe you even when you find the truth. Doesn't mean you stop searching.
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#36 [Permalink] Posted on 8th February 2020 17:31
Government mind control also happen when they use Hollywood as scapegoat for covering the truth with the truth.

It's amazing how they pull it off.

They've done this with Silly Billy Clinton and his affair, with 9/11, with the moon landings, with the murder of people. They depict the truth in the form of movies and people say, yep, they actually did go and these are the stupid reasons why conspirators say its all been faked.

Capricorn One
Wag the Dog
The insider
Hidden agenda
Green zone
Ground zero
Death of a president
Conspiracy theory
All the Presidents Men

The list can go on. That's how you control the minds of people. You tell them this is a fake but its just a movie
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#37 [Permalink] Posted on 8th February 2020 18:04
Just because there is a movie, people will automatically say, yep, these people are lying and they are basing it on a movie.

Capricorn One. Fantastic story line. Well used to help them enforce their lies with a depiction of the lie in the form of a movie.

Mind control completed, job well done.

Budget $10m gross earnings $100m

Larry Silverstien, purchased WTC a few months before the incident for about $15m, changes his insurance policy to include an act of terrorism and wins $5 billion. A nice pay pack for him and his co conspirators, the Israeli and American government! Both had the chance to destroy plenty of evidence in the building he pulled down, amazing.

Silverstien didn't make one claim for the attack, he made two claims, one for each tower! WTC7 was a small sacrifice along with thousands of innocent people.

But hey, we aren't specialists in the field and we need to follow the usool of the Ulama. Lol!

Every conspiracy they play, affects the Ummah. All our inventions are brushed under the carpet and we become the barbaric nation who don't allow LGBT, who oppress our women because they want to dress like Mary, the mother of Jesus. Because they want to label us as the murderers, the terrorists, the fanatics.

You buy one lie, you've bought them all.

You are part of their agenda and you've let the Ummah down.
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#38 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2022 09:30
I searched for a thread where I could post this tweet. This thread was opened in 2015 and I think the message is getting clearer by the day.

This tweet is funny :)
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#39 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2023 17:06
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#40 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2023 18:58
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#41 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2023 21:26
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#42 [Permalink] Posted on 15th December 2023 13:51
In our face!

They Put The Truth in Movies/ Cartoons and Spread Their Lies Through The Media

Watch as clip after clip after clip shows you the World Trade Center is going to be destroyed and even the exact date of 9/11 multiple times. This is undeniable.

It’s Called Predictive Programming.

Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion - Alan Watts
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#43 [Permalink] Posted on 15th December 2023 16:06
abu mohammed wrote:
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This has been happening for a long time, maybe even started right with the invention of the television. The television is one of the foremost tools of Dajjal intended to program the brains of humans to accept the fitnahs that he wants to normalise in societies. The Muslims need to vigorously boycott it.
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