I was going to do a youtube video on this and upload it but thought I'll just explain in steps. I'll keep it simple.
Now while I support healthy ads to support sites, you must be aware of sites who force so much on you and other sites that are so congested with ads that sometimes it's difficult to locate the actual contents.
Block unwanted ads
Most ads are Haraam and filthy to say the least
Block sites completely yet leave some features open
This example
Block youtube completely as most video (related) suggestions are unsuitable for children, Muslims and I'd say unsuitable for humanity
At the same time, allow embedded youtube videos for use on 100% Halaal Nasheeds section of this site or embedded videos on peoples blogs, sites etc
What you need to do
Step 1:
Install Firefox - Please for the sake of technology and common sense, install Firefox. Internet Explorer security is playground for hackers
Internet Explorer bugs are never ending
Internet Explorer cannot be configured or controlled like Firefox
Using Internet Explorer on XP or lower? Microsoft has abandoned you
Step 2:
Once you've done that, congratulations. You have just given up your AMC Gremlin and replaced it with a Ferrari
Now install Adblock Plus - 99% of ads will disappear from your life

This should be enough but if you like knowing what you have in detail and wish to use it to its full potential, this page will help: adblockplus.org/en/getting_started
Once installed, you may have to restart the browser.
NOTE: When Firefox reopens, it will subscribe you to a list - this is not any email subscription or anything, it's just a list of filters to determine what is an ad and what is not. Just select EasyList and that should be sufficient
Step 3
Install BlockSite
Install Page: addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/blocksite/contribu...
Addon Page: addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/blocksite/

Once installed, restart of firefox will be required to enable it in the browser.
Step 4:
Configure BlockSite
Bring up the addons: (Menu) Tools > Addons
If the menu doesn't show up, press Alt on the keyboard
Alternatively, type in about:addons in the address bar and it'll bring up the addons window
On the left, click Extensions
Then click options

Click "Add" (on the right)
and Add the following: www.youtube.com/watch*
This will block the youtube page which has the video and all the related videos links etc. It also means you won't read the 90% filthy and useless comments on there.
However, the embedded videos should still work. Please try this, appreciate topic, leave a reply, let everyone know it helps. At home, it's a peace of mind now honestly.