You can disagree with me, all you want. No problem. However if a layman accuses ulema of doing something wrong (WITHOUT knowing the whole background to the issue), then it is my duty as a humble student to answer the allegation.[/quote]
Then answer the other allegations as well then and be just rather making excuses and going along with what you fancy, and that is exactly why I posted it. You chose him to rip him apart based on your emotions and that he doesn’t know much. That’s the way it seems anyway, what’s in your heart Allah knows.
Yes i know you are not a Hazrat Worshipper, and you should not be one too. But please allow me to say, that majority of the UK brothers are TOO blunt and straightforward, when they are addressing Ulema and Mashaykh.[/quote]
Alhumdulilalh, you’ll meet two types 1) whos ghuloo has blinded them 2) who have love and respect but is limited and does not blind the mind,the heart the eyes. Honesty is the best policy rather than beating around the bush with false over exaggerated buttering.
I am not a spokesman for Mufti Rafi Usmani (DB) and for each of his views. Yemen is a sensitive issue, and i have my personal opinion regarding it. However, Mufti Rafi Usmani (DB) is 81 years old, Mufti e Azam for the ulema of Pakistan, a senior tasswuf sheikh, and a layman should atleast have respect while addressing him, and a layman should not just dismiss something without knowing the background.
You’re contradicting yourself here, let me just post your words again :
[quote] However if a layman accuses ulema of doing something wrong (WITHOUT knowing the whole background to the issue), then it is my duty as a humble student to answer the allegation
So as your duty defend his stance on Yemen as to why he justifies the killings and the bombings done by the Saudis ? Maybe we’re seeing it wrong, but to us it seems like injustice, please do tell us here if its not.
We have respect alhumdulilah, just don’t expect other to worship the ground you walk on or of your seniors.
The brother is confused yet you ripped him apart, didn’t you see that he is probably young and naeve with very basic knowledge ? However on the other side you saw that your shaykh is a senior Alim and shaykh of tasawwuf and an old man. Why the double standards maulana ? Be just.
[quote] It is so ridiculous that on one hand you say you want to learn deen and that you are layman, and in the very next sentence, you just dismiss a senior aalim? I mean where is the concept of taqleed and showing respect for ulema?