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Abdullah bin Mubarak's avatar
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#31 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 07:11
sipraomer wrote:
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The site is fine but avast has a tendency to do that, I used to have the same problem in the end changed to Microsoft Security Essentials on the advice of a few brothers.
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#32 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 07:15
Abdullah bin Mubarak wrote:
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Dear brother, i wrote whatever i thought was correct. Yes you are right that i lack wisdom and hikmah. Please made dua for me, and please guide me on my misguidance, where ever it is you find it necessary.
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#33 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 07:25
Abu_Bilal wrote:
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Tone is wrong that's all in my humble opinion.

Such attitude/tone will make people run a mile from Deen, seen it happen many a times in real life. It will not bring them closer. I'm sorry Hadhrat but I disagree with you.

Apologies of my blasphemy in your great honour as well. You probably see some issues in all of us here as a lot are not Hadhrat worshippers despite having respect .

I disagree with mufti Rafi Usmani as well especially for his support of Saudi in the bombing of Yemen, what do you have to say about that? His clips are all available on social media where he made such comments.

In regards to the khwarij we still await your analysis that you claimed of having done, but still haven't put up because you think it's too dangerous or you can't share it for some reason as to what exactly makes Daish khwarij.

Feel free to brand me as well I myself am full of mistakes :)


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#34 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 08:45
Abdullah bin Mubarak wrote:
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I think my tone was alright, since this humble one deals with such cases all day. The brother is sincere, but some of his analogies are not correct.

You can disagree with me, all you want. No problem. However if a layman accuses ulema of doing something wrong (WITHOUT knowing the whole background to the issue), then it is my duty as a humble student to answer the allegation.

Yes i know you are not a Hazrat Worshipper, and you should not be one too. But please allow me to say, that majority of the UK brothers are TOO blunt and straightforward, when they are addressing Ulema and Mashaykh.

I am not a spokesman for Mufti Rafi Usmani (DB) and for each of his views. Yemen is a sensitive issue, and i have my personal opinion regarding it. However, Mufti Rafi Usmani (DB) is 81 years old, Mufti e Azam for the ulema of Pakistan, a senior tasswuf sheikh, and a layman should atleast have respect while addressing him, and a layman should not just dismiss something without knowing the background. It is so ridiculous that on one hand you say you want to learn deen and that you are layman, and in the very next sentence, you just dismiss a senior aalim? I mean where is the concept of taqleed and showing respect for ulema?

As for the khawarij issue, this humble one has already stated a summary in one of the older posts. Also, i am not answerable to you, that i should PUT UP something to you for your kind perusal and review. The khawarij issue is clear cut, and Ahl e Haq ulema are unanimous on it, and there have been loads of threads on it, so what more do you want?

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#35 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 09:52
Abu Bilal wrote:
I think my tone was alright, since this humble one deals with such cases all day. The brother is sincere, but some of his analogies are not correct.[/quote]
Really you still think your tone was alright? I disagree, I find it really hard to believe you deal with such cases all day. If his analogies are incorrect why not deal with him with hikmah and baseerah and correct him which I'm sure you could have easily done and he would have listened, rather than ripping him apart ? If you don’t have basic courtesy and hikmah please seriously consider a career change as you'll only push people further away from Deen.

You can disagree with me, all you want. No problem. However if a layman accuses ulema of doing something wrong (WITHOUT knowing the whole background to the issue), then it is my duty as a humble student to answer the allegation.[/quote]
Then answer the other allegations as well then and be just rather making excuses and going along with what you fancy, and that is exactly why I posted it. You chose him to rip him apart based on your emotions and that he doesn’t know much. That’s the way it seems anyway, what’s in your heart Allah knows.

Yes i know you are not a Hazrat Worshipper, and you should not be one too. But please allow me to say, that majority of the UK brothers are TOO blunt and straightforward, when they are addressing Ulema and Mashaykh.[/quote]
Alhumdulilalh, you’ll meet two types 1) whos ghuloo has blinded them 2) who have love and respect but is limited and does not blind the mind,the heart the eyes. Honesty is the best policy rather than beating around the bush with false over exaggerated buttering.

I am not a spokesman for Mufti Rafi Usmani (DB) and for each of his views. Yemen is a sensitive issue, and i have my personal opinion regarding it. However, Mufti Rafi Usmani (DB) is 81 years old, Mufti e Azam for the ulema of Pakistan, a senior tasswuf sheikh, and a layman should atleast have respect while addressing him, and a layman should not just dismiss something without knowing the background.

You’re contradicting yourself here, let me just post your words again :
[quote] However if a layman accuses ulema of doing something wrong (WITHOUT knowing the whole background to the issue), then it is my duty as a humble student to answer the allegation

So as your duty defend his stance on Yemen as to why he justifies the killings and the bombings done by the Saudis ? Maybe we’re seeing it wrong, but to us it seems like injustice, please do tell us here if its not.
We have respect alhumdulilah, just don’t expect other to worship the ground you walk on or of your seniors.

The brother is confused yet you ripped him apart, didn’t you see that he is probably young and naeve with very basic knowledge ? However on the other side you saw that your shaykh is a senior Alim and shaykh of tasawwuf and an old man. Why the double standards maulana ? Be just.

[quote] It is so ridiculous that on one hand you say you want to learn deen and that you are layman, and in the very next sentence, you just dismiss a senior aalim? I mean where is the concept of taqleed and showing respect for ulema?

Be nice, otherwise no one will be interested in what you have to say regardless of how truthful the statement actually is. Your arrogance still fails you in realising your mistake. Would you have liked to be treated the same way if you were starting off ? Tomorrow the brother might be a big mufti who knows, this is in Allah’s hands so be humble. Why such behavior ?

[quote]As for the khawarij issue, this humble one has already stated a summary in one of the older posts. Also, i am not answerable to you, that i should PUT UP something to you for your kind perusal and review. The khawarij issue is clear cut, and Ahl e Haq ulema are unanimous on it, and there have been loads of threads on it, so what more do you want?

To be honest I actually wasn’t even going to reply to your post till I saw this comment and I apologise because I have had to take your whole post apart which is not nice, why do you need to sound patronising Maulana by making comments, ‘I’m not answrerable to you’ ? All I did was make a comment, why so touchy ? and you start of by calling yourself 'this humble one' Subhanallah.

In regards to the khwarij I’m well aware of them and have read/watched quite a bit alhumdulilah and spoken to other Ulema. Let me clarify my comments, in a recent thread on them you claimed to have all the proof/analysis and said you had done talks on them and know exactly how they are khwarij, so I and a few brothers asked you to share it which you ignored, So why make such comments in the first place if you won’t back it up ? Just would have been interesting to see your side, secondly why the need of the patronising comment, ‘Im not answerable to you’.

My sincere apologies if I touched a nerve or two, but the brother has every right to question, we live in such times where it’s needed at times as things are not crystal clear, this is the time of severe fitnah and Ulema Su are in abundance my Allah protect us from them. But I disagree with you ripping him apart and I believe you were wrong and harsh in doing so. On a side note there are also other senior alims/muftis who are also senior in tasawwuf too who have made mistakes and his links are not allowed on this site. Benchmark is Shariah always has been and always will be and never age, knowledge or rank in some order/group.

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Abu_Bilal's avatar
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#36 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 10:15
Abdullah bin Mubarak wrote:
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Wow brother, looks like you have been boiling up about me from some time, and you have exploded. I wasn't touchy at all. You have quite a few assumptions, which are not correct. I will not answer you, since you have already blamed me of arrogance.

However, just a small point. I come from a renowned background, as well as my in-laws. I have a senior post in a corporate organization, and i left all of this and joined a madressah. Alhamdolillah it was due to prayers of my mother and my shaykh, that Allah blessed me with deeni ilm. I can not thank Allah Almighty (SWT) enough for this favor. So, i won't be considering a carrier change.

Thank you.
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Abdullah bin Mubarak's avatar
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#37 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 10:21
Abu_Bilal wrote:
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No boiling up and no exploding. Just disagreed with you that's all. Please take my post apart as well like you did to that brother unjustly.

Do yourself a favour and go back to it :thumbsup:

What do you want me to do if you come up from a renowned background, did I ask for you to tell me ? Don't see how that fits in this conversation here, good background or not it means nothing.
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#38 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 10:36
Abdullah bin Mubarak wrote:
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Dear brother i am sorry, but i can not go back to the previous carrier. And about my background, that was due to the fact, that it took some 14-15 years for a carrier change. So it would be difficult at this stage to think about a carrier change. Alhamdolillah, Allah is taking some service of his Deen, from this no-one. So thinking about a carrier change at this change would be ungrateful to Allah's blessings. Oh, and the prayers and well wishes of almost majority of the akabireen of Deoband behind this no-one, a carrier change would be unjust and ungrateful to all those mashaykh too.

And what is your definition of "ripping apart"? Where did i exactly rip apart sipraomer? Maulana Yasin also said something similar here ..

Oh, and how you have created something big from nothing, and talked to me in harsh tone, isn't that ripping apart also?
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#39 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 10:39
@Abu_Bilal and Abdullah Bin Mubarak, السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Both of you have good points and I can see where both are coming from, except for the personal package :)

This is how I see it so far, unfortunately.

I don't feel that the questioner has a genuine need and I hope I'm wrong and pray for the best.

sipraomer wrote:
I am a married 31 year old man and can't learn deen from a madrassah.[/quote]
Fair enough, that's more or less all of us.

sipraomer wrote:
What I need to ask is that I want to listen Ulema in five major fields of Islam.
1. Tabligh,
2. Ilm (Quran o Sunnat, Correct Aqaid, Khatam e Nabuwat and Defense of Sahaba RA and Radd of Batil Aqaid)
3. Tassawuf
4. Jihad.
5. Islamic History [/quote]
To learn the Deen, first and foremost there are five pillars of Islam, which if you study well, it will cover you for life. It seems you wanted to learn of only four categories and the fifth topic was added later.

Question to you is "Why do you want to get into topics of debate and controversy"? Is this what you consider to be "knowledge"?

[quote="sipraomer"]However, I am also aware that ulema do make mistakes in some rulings out of political pressure or because of human error.

You have sufficient knowledge to know where Ulama make errors, i.e. you are educated to a certain level and just looking for something else to add to your deep knowledge.

Posts 5 & 6, you quoting Ulama through means of internet and personal interaction meaning you are in contact with reputable Ulama already.

Post 11 I missed some how and this is what prompted Maulana Abu_Bilal to go the extra mile and I agree. Why post videos of Jihadi groups? Why bring Taliban into this? What's the agenda?

For someone who can't learn Deen from a Madrasah, you are doing very well quoting verses of the Quran.

[quote]Is Mufti Zar wali Khan enough for Duroos of Quran... Is sticking to his lectures in Quran and Seerah enough...?

Have you heard all his lectures? Have you learnt everything from him that you are saying is it enough?

I'm getting a little confused now.

The Question he's asking is "HOW MANY ULAMA TO LISTEN!" not which ones :( according to the title
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Abdullah bin Mubarak's avatar
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#40 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 10:45
Abu_Bilal wrote:
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My sincere apologies if you think I have been harsh with you and talked to you with a different tone etc

Comment was Maulana and the way I see it, you could have been nicer and a bit more pleasant

I saw your posts in another light and that's how it came across to me and if I had been the 'op', I personally would have been deeply offended.

The career change remarks were meant in the sense that you could be gentler and may Allah continue taking service from, make dua for this one too. If we serve the Deen of Allah then im sure you'll agree that one should be gentle rather than harsh.

Nothing personal and I apologise in advance for any grievance caused,do remember me in your duas.
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Abdullah bin Mubarak's avatar
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#41 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 10:48
Abu Mohammed my brother I see where you're coming from and for the rest we'll just have to wait for op to clarify.

I ain't no spokesman for him either :p
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#42 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 11:08
Abu_Bilal wrote:
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Ok Mufti sahab, What is your opinion about Maulana Asim Umar (Hafidhullah) of Al-Qaeda. He is also a deobandi mujahid alim...He has also differences with ulema criticizing Maulana Ghazi Abdur Rasheed RH and other lal masjid brothers and sisters that their way of establishing shariah wasn't correct.

What is your opinion about Umme Hassan who has said that this is the (mujrimana Khamoshi) in the name of hikmah of ulema who have not openiy condemned the act of shia voilence in Raja Bazar killing Huffaz.

What is your opinion on democracy. Have you read Adyan ki jang of Maulana Asim Umar who has differed with the opinions of Mufti Taqi Usmani.. and clearly stated that democracy is kufr.

What is your opinion on rulers of Muslim majority countries who have sold their soul to kuffar. What about this clear verse of the Quran...

O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.

Yes I love true mujahideen and I love jihad. Yes I love the ghurabah. So what!

What about those from Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaat who are muftis and ulema yet they are angry about the majority of ulema who aren't waking up the ummah against the tyrant rulers and tyrant crusaders and this entire dajjali tyrant system?
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#43 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 11:12
Mufti sahab what about paper money. Isn't it a fraud?
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#44 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 11:13
abu mohammed wrote:
I don't feel that the questioner has a genuine need and I hope I'm wrong and pray for the best.

Oh well, I wasn't wrong and neither was either Maulana :(
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#45 [Permalink] Posted on 8th October 2015 11:20
abu mohammed wrote:
The Question he's asking is "HOW MANY ULAMA TO LISTEN!" not which ones :( according to the title[/quote]

[quote="sipraomer"]Ok Mufti sahab, What is your opinion about Maulana Asim Umar (Hafidhullah) of Al-Qaeda. He is also a deobandi mujahid alim...He has also differences with ulema criticizing Maulana Ghazi Abdur Rasheed RH and other lal masjid brothers and sisters that their way of establishing shariah wasn't correct.

What is your opinion about Umme Hassan who has said that this is the (mujrimana Khamoshi) in the name of hikmah of ulema who have not openiy condemned the act of shia voilence in Raja Bazar killing Huffaz.

What is your opinion on democracy. Have you read Adyan ki jang of Maulana Asim Umar who has differed with the opinions of Mufti Taqi Usmani.. and clearly stated that democracy is kufr.

What is your opinion on rulers of Muslim majority countries who have sold their soul to kuffar. What about this clear verse of the Quran...

O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.

Yes I love true mujahideen and I love jihad. Yes I love the ghurabah. So what!

What about those from Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaat who are muftis and ulema yet they are angry about the majority of ulema who aren't waking up the ummah against the tyrant rulers and tyrant crusaders and this entire dajjali tyrant system?

Now the title makes perfect sense. What a shame you came across as something totally different brother.
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