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Losing sanity over new modern day issues question and help please

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 17th February 2023 15:38
Salaam im new to the forum, and tbh been away from the deen for a few yrs partly due to divorce and depression and partly due to being let down by local ulama. and i have a question which has been buggin my sanity for ages and i cant answer anyone who argues otherwise about it.

my background is previous deobandi darul uloom student and relatively strict family background from indo pak. (strict as in strict opinions/fatwas)

this was my childhood, now 10 yrs into the big wide world of work i am facing people from different backgrounds, mainly modern hanafis who wil pray in salafi mosques behind people who have done masah on cotton socks etc. been seen and confirmed and also promoted by same said individual. now when advising a hanafi colleague, he showed me this link and was like just like we allow them to hold quran and pray in saudi, on this link shows its

edit: link cant be posted as im new so pasted at the end of this post

an opinion in shafi school even if unorthodox and just pray behind em for sake of unity and dont pray alone or anything

and its been a recent thing on my mind as more ppl i meet this day and age very rare anyone actuaslly washed their feet any more.
shaykh how can this be allowed, i thought all 4 schoosl were in agreement re masah on cotton socks typa thing

its a new craze is this amongst ppl sayin if it valid in some way in 4 schools of thought
its fine even if u dnt follow that school of thought
scary scary times
: on this though i am a bit confused on the whole
whether it shud be water proof or not and if not then why do they allow the thick seal skin socks, when they degrade quick and let water through after a few washes
its a shafi fatwa but with internet every one going everywhere

its affecting my sanity, in that i now see people praised with no fist length beards etc but get told they have done lots of deen work and helped so many muslims. its just the whole either islam has gone
with easier fatwas now making everything makrooh not haram, or the islam i knew was wrong, im at loss, should i trim my fist beard because its not as important as i thought? we are all open faasiqs these days so not fit to be imams be it with pants below ankles or bad language etc. just finding it hard, as i was always told no haraam, be it tattooss etc and a friend who did it recently molly told him dont need removing yes it was wrong but money and pain done in removing it rather give that money to much needed charity?

not sure how that can be when it was pain to have it in first place wasnt a concern then? just seeing this whole inclusion and allowance for everything and you cant say no this is not permissible as someone somewhere will have as reason you can do it

Any advice is appreciated but atm i just feel like running to the hills to protect this lil bit of islam i knew that i dnt see anymore. when i was younger and grew up i would see it practically and thats not as visible anymore



Question: Assalam alaykum,

During my school days I used to pray after making wudu by wiping over cotton socks and not washing my feet as this was the general practise of all students in my school. Do I need to repeat all those prayers?

Answer: Wa alaykum al-Salam

The official view of the Shafi’i school does not allow one to wipe over cotton socks, as it does not fulfill the condition of having the quality of preventing water from penetrating it, should water be poured over it.

That being said, alternative views do exist within the Shafi’i school. One such view only required that the sock should prevent water from penetrating it, when one wipes over the sock with soiled hands, and not when water is poured over it. Another view stated that the quality of preventing water from penetrating the sock is not a condition at all. [Majmu’ sharh al-Muhadhdhab]

Based on these two unofficial alternative views within the Shafi’i school, wiping over cotton socks would be permitted. It is generally preferred that one acts according to the preponderant view of the school, while one is permitted, in his personal capacity, to act upon an unofficial view.

In addition and in retrospect, the scholars have stated that people’s actions are to be judged according to any view that exists within the four schools that deems their actions valid (haml al-nas ‘ala aysar al-madhahib). What this effectively means is that your wudu while wiping over cotton socks was valid based on the unofficial views mentioned above and consequently your prayers.

And Allah knows best
[Shaykh] Abdurragmaan Khan
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 17th February 2023 17:08
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 17th February 2023 18:10
Please always post in the correct section. Categories are there for a reason and posting too many times in the wrong section increases our work to move it to the correct section. Doing this often could enable temporary restrictions on starting new topics.

Yasin wrote:
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 19th February 2023 10:03
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