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Nafl Tawaf is better than Umrah?

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 25th January 2016 22:11
Asalamualaikum everyone.

It's been a while. I fly out next month to perform Umrah. Please do du'a that all goes well, and we're returned home safely to our families.

I originally intended to perform Umrah a day, but according to some brothers it's more rewarding to keep performing Tawaf than to spend too much energy, time, and money on performing Umrahs.

Has anyone else been told this before, and what is the evidence to support this claim?
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 26th January 2016 03:04
وَ عَلَيكُمُ ٱلسَّلَام وَ رَحمَةُٱللهِ وَ بَرَكَاتُه

Nope, however I have read about the advise of Ishraaq Salaah, and looking at parents with affection, for such deeds' (Maqbool Hajj and Umrah) rewards .

May Allah Ta'ala make your journey safe, accept your Umrah and all our deeds. Ameen.

Request duas.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 26th January 2016 03:33
ibn Ismail wrote:
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Reward for Looking at the Parents:

”ما من رجل ينظر إلى وجه والديه نظر رحمة إلا كتب الله بها حجة مقبولة مبرورة“ الرافعي عن ابن عباس (الجامع الصغير، ورمز السيوطي إلى الضعف)
Whoever looks at their parents lovingly, Allah will reward him with the reward of performing an accepted Hajj (Al Jāmi’ Al Saghīr)

Reward of Ishraaq Salah:

"من صلى الغداة في جماعة ثم قعد يذكر الله حتى تطلع الشمس، ثم صلى ركعتين كانت له كأجر حجة وعمرة، قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: تامة تامة تامة"

Translation: “Whosoever performs the Morning Prayer (Fajr) with Jamā’ah then remains seated and makes Dhikr until sunrises then he performs two Rakahs he will gain reward similar to Haj and Umrah.” Rasulullāh mentioned, “A complete (Haj and Umrah), complete, complete.”
[Sunan Tirmizhi, 1: 727, Hadith: 586]
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 26th January 2016 07:33
Imam Ali wrote:
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This is correct. I had asked Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf the same question and he also said to perform Tawaf rather than Umrah daily. He also mentioned this in an email separately.

I believe there is further information on this forum and references will be given later.
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 26th January 2016 09:45
Here is the email conversation of a few basic rules regarding Umrah in which lies your answer. This was from early 2009

Please note, I was not asking for a fatwa and I usually ask many "quick" questions to which I get my "quick" answers which do not require references or full details. The reason for this is that I would ask Mufti Saab personally and get more details if required later. Therefore, Mufti Saab would occasionally say, "I think" so I can pursue it further if needed.

abu mohammed wrote:

I have a question regarding Umrah and ihram.

Can a male go to masjid-e-taneem and put on the ihram from there and perform umrah. (this is for a non resident who will only be in Makkah for 1 week).

If the wife needs to go to masjid-e-taneem, the mahram must go with her, but does he also perform umrah as he has to accompany her during the tawaf and sai?

When I went for Hajj 13 years ago, we had performed to umrahs from the Miqat, however, after Hajj we (just the men) went to masjid-e-taneem and put on the ihram and performed umrah, where as our room mates who were salafi said that this was for ladies only and that they were allowed to put on the ihram from the hotel room and perform umrah.

I have come across some fatwas that say that if you are a resident within the miqat, you do not need to travel to the miqat or masjid-e-taneem, but to make intention from the place you are residing and then perform Umrah. This makes sense. But what is the ruling for non residents.

Can you please let me know what the situation is regarding this.[/quote]

Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf wrote:
Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

Men do the ihram from tan'im too and it is not just for women. I think it is only residents who can start their ihram from where they are. Non residents all have to go out to the miqat.

Imam Abdur-Rahman[/quote]

[quote="abu mohammed"]Salaam,

So does this mean that I can be in Makkah for 7 days and go to taneem everyday and perform Umrah.

[quote="Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf"]Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

Absolutely, it is the same for men and women. You could also go out toward Jidda by the old road and make umra from the miqat there.
However, ulama generally recommend that it is superior to make more nafl tawafs than perform whole umras.

Imam Abdur-Rahman

There was also a q&a with a link, for which I am still looking for and will update as soon as I find it inshaAllah.
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 26th January 2016 09:55
Question: 12869 India
If we stay in MAKKAH doing more UMRAH is best or more TAWAF is best?
Answer: 12869 May 24,2009
(Fatwa: 1168/910=H/1430)

It is better to perform tawaf excessively than performing umrah if one bears as much trouble and spends as much time as one does in performing umrah.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 26th January 2016 22:23
ibn Ismail wrote:
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Asalamualaikum brother.

Thanks for the du'as. It much appreciated. However, those narrations is not what I requested nor are they relevant, but thanks for sharing.

Regarding the first narration it's unreliable. As a matter of fact all the versions of this Hadith are unreliable.

See the following links:

I personally don't quote as per their suggestion. :)

For the second narration, is it sound:

There's nothing or equal to performing the actual deed (Umrah) itself. ;)
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 26th January 2016 22:27
abu mohammed wrote:
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Asalamualaikum brother.

It's understandable that performing Tawaf is easier, and less time consuming than performing multiple Umrah. However, my question pertains to is it more rewarding than Umrah.

I suppose that exchange between you, and the respected Mufti is some indication. However, I'll research further to see if it's based on an authentic narration or is it just an interpretation the Ulema have deduced since the Prophet (SAW) didn't or at least there is no mention of him doing more than Umrah each time he entered Makkah after the hijrah.

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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 26th January 2016 22:35

Muhammad (saw) lived in Makkah for many years, yet he only performed Umrah 6 4 times in his lifetime, but did Tawaf multiple times.

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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 26th January 2016 23:10
abu mohammed wrote:
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Umrah can only be performed when one is about to enter Makkah. From the point of hijrah our Prophet (SAW) only entered Makkah thrice.

Once when he went to perform Umrah the year after al-Hudaybiyah, when he conquered Makkah, and as we all know when he performed the Haj A- Wada'.

Therefore the Prophet (SAW) performed Umrah 4 times not 6:
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 26th January 2016 23:56
JazakAllah for the correction.

I meant 4 times, the first being in year 6. Mixed the numbers up
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 27th January 2016 09:40
Imam Ali wrote:
I originally intended to perform Umrah a day[/quote]

Imam Ali wrote:
Umrah can only be performed when one is about to enter Makkah

Are you intending to leave the boundaries (meeqat) or go to Masjid e Taneem every day? Taneem is the easier option since you are not a resident (according to Hanafi fiqh). Either way, the Fatwa from Daul Uloom Deoband also states "It is better to perform tawaf excessively than performing umrah". This is the same verdict from any other school of thought, including the Salafi.

[quote]Comparing state of Tawaf with state of Salat shows how important Tawaf is; it is an Ibadah in itself and brings great rewards for the one who performs Tawaf. The rewards associated with performing Tawaf are explained in following narration:

It was narrated that Abdullah bin Umar رضي الله عنه said: I heard Allah’s Messenger (saw) say, “Whoever performs Tawaf around the House and prays two raka’at, it is as if he freed a slave.”

(Hadith No. 2956, Chapters on Hajj Rituals, Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 4).

Therefore, Tawaf should be performed as much as one can. It is seen that many pilgrims going to Makkah perform one Umrah after another, an act which was not done by our beloved Prophet (saw). Prophet Muhamamd (saw) performed more than one Umrah (four in all), but he arranged separate trips for each. Therefore we should follow his Sunnah, and instead of performing one Umrah after another in a single journey, we should concentrate on performing as many Tawafs as possible. This shall Insha’Allah bring great rewards from Allah.

And Allah knows best.

What is Tawaf and Why, Further reading
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 27th January 2016 12:58
Jazak'allah for the links. I'll check it out.

I intend to Umrah everyday, and a many-MANY Tawafs, Insh'Allah. :)
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