Below is the reply from the Imam of IFI.
The reply is marked in
Dear Abu Mohammed
Assalamu alaykum.
Your e-mail query regarding Halal slaughter was passed to me.
Here are the answers to your questions:
1) Do you authorize stunning of any kind?
We authorise stun to stun in the case of poultry only.
2: Do you authorize Mechanical slaughter?
3: Do you authorize the slaughter of the people of the book, if so, is this the same meat that is supplied to Subway as Halal?
We do NOT authorise the slaughter of the people of the book.
4: Do you authorize slaughter of shia/sunni/qadyani slaughter, Is this same meat supplied to Subway too?
We authorise the slaughter of Suuni. We do not have experience of slaughter by Shia or Qadyani. I assume the question regarding the last two categories is theoritical. The question of the Qadyani is easy to answer as we would NOT authorise it. The Shia would not be our choice, however if presented to us it would require further consideration.
5: If you authorize the Halal meat for Subway, then who are HFM and Habibi? I can't find any information regarding them except that which is found on Dream Farm Foods, as Habibi is a part of Dawn Farm Foods and is certified by 'Halal Food Monitoring' - as per the HFM stamp on the Habibi page on the Dawn Farm Foods website. Where does your role come into play?
We have no role in certifying Habibi production, however we will raise the question with Dawn Farm Food.
Wassalamu alaykum.
Yahya M. Al-Hussein (Imam)
Islamic Foundation of Ireland
163 South Circular Road,
Dublin 8,
Tel. 00 353 1 4533242.
And my reply
Alhumdulillah, Jazakallahu khair. May Allah reward you immensely for your time and intentions.
As I understand, Dawn Farm has nothing to do with you, but the meat supplied to subway is from you.
If I have misunderstood, please correct me.
The information submitted on the IFI website suggests that you do/would authorize the meat of the people of the book. Is that a general rule as an acceptance and not a policy?
Jazakallahu khairun for your time.
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