Thanks for the link sister shahly thats cleared alot of things up in my mind now...jzk
The answer every time is NO!
Halal not only means the products but also the preparation.
Assalaam Alaiykum brothers and Sisters.
As you can see by my e-mail I have asked my Muslim brothers to sort out this halal mess, not one Muslim brothers is ready to make a stance,95% of our halal meat sold by our Muslim brothers in our butchers shop/resturant is Haraam (fact), the mosque don't care,our community leader don't care,every body is claiming to do halal,they make false claiming that they have monitoring people on site is all a pack of lies, they are all in it for money.
The only way this mess can be sorted out is for this Government to appoint an independent organisation to monitor it, and they should be payed from level that they collect,this government collects over 20 million pounds of level from halal meat industries.
I am asking all our sisters to make a stance, we Boycott eat and buy all meat and poultry on Saturday and Sunday in July, I promise you this government will take notice,money talks.
Please let us make a stance it will sort out this halal mess and also it will be good for you and your family's health to be vegetarian for 4 weekends.
Sent this e-mail to every newspaper,free newspaper,put a notice in mosque,put it in to the media don't believe our butchers/restaurants I have never meet a chore to say he is a chore, their all honest .
It will only take 4 weekends in JULY to sort this problem, Is that munch of a price to pay ,
Start sent this e-mail to all our sisters and ask them to sent this to their Friend and relatives and to Boycott all meat and poultry in JULY.
Your Brother in Islam
Abdul Raja
Dear brothers and Sisters.
I seek your support in trying to stop our Muslim community been coned
I would like you to go out and buy poultry from any multiple which has been certified by Halal Food Authority, they are claiming the product is halal and is suitable for the Muslim community , wrong the are in breach of their own regulation as advertised on their web-site,(read attachment ).
The halal slaughter procedure as endorsed on their web site states, I quote "The animal must not be anaesthetise, stunned to kill or otherwise rendered wholly insensible prior to slaughter. It must be CONSCIOUS and alive when it is slaughtered".
Unless the poultry is un-stunned, this is not possible, all animal that are stunned remain un-conscious.
Secondly it also quotes that, "The slaughterer must pronounce aloud the Arabic words, Bismillah,Allahu Akbar(in the name of Allah, Allah is the greatest)in a reverential tone, when slaughtering. this task can not be preformed by a machine.
This complete misrepresentation and false declaration of their halal slaughter, and the whole procedure that is been describe as if it is been preformed by a human.
Take the company that is selling the halal product to court (small court claim) remember legally you only have contract from the purchasing company that you have brought the goods from and not with HFA.
I promise you they will settle out of court, and bigger the company better the pay out.
If you want to halal then do it right no more machine killing.
Please forward this e-mail to 10 other brother and sisters.
May ALLAH protect us from the Fitna
Abdul Raja
Raja isn't listed as one of Allahسبحانه وتعالى's names.
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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