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Madina Series Book 1: Lesson 1 (Part 1)

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 5th May 2011 22:37

Asslamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

Today on the blessed day of Jummuah, we begin the book with the Taufeeq and total reliance upon our Creator and after sending the best of the salutations on the best of the creation, our beloved and honourable Nabi (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam).

Chapter 1: Vocabulary
This Hadha هَـٰذَا
What? Maa مَا
Who? Man مَنْ
A House Baitun بَيْتٌ
A Door Babun بَابٌ
A Mosque Masjidun مَسْجِدٌ
A Book Kitabun كِتَابٌ
A Key Miftahun مِفْتَاحٌ
A Pen Qalamun قَلَمٌ
A Desk Maktabun مَكْتَبٌ
A Bed Sareerun سَرِيرٌ
A Shirt Qameesun قَمِيصٌ
A Star Najmun َنَجْمٌ
A Boy Waladun وَلَدٌ
A (Male) Student Taalibun طَالِبٌ
A Man Rajulun رَجُلٌ
A (Male) Businessman Taajirun تَاجِرٌ
A (Male) Teacher Mudarrisun مُدَرَّسٌ
An Handkerchief Mindeelun مِنْدِيلٌ
A Dog Kalbun كَلْبٌ
A Cat Qittun قِطّ
A Donkey Himaarun حِمَارٌ
A Horse Hisaanun حِصَانٌ
A Rooster Deekun دِيكٌ
A Camel Jamalun جَمَلٌ
Yes Na'am نَعَمْ
No Laa لا

We will try to synthesize and teach using techniques and methods from various different programs and institutes in the West to ensure that the students grasp the basic concepts and are able to advance  quickly while deepening their understanding of the language. There are various forums and sites which are teaching these books and our approach will NOT follow any of them specifically.

So far, you have learnt that each word in the Arabic language is:

  1. Either definite or indefinite
  2. Either Marfoo, Mansoob or Majroor with Marfoo being the default state of the word

If you are still not clear about this concept, it is suggested that you review the previous lessons before proceeding, but here is a Summary of the two rules which you have learnt:

Rule (Arabic Nouns are Marfoo by default):

By default, Arabic Nouns Marfoo and something happens to the word for it to become Mansoob or

Majroor so it is safe to pronounce most words with a Dammatain on the last letter e.g. مسجدٌ, رسُولٌ , رَبٌّ , مَدرَسِةٌ

It is essential that the vowel on the last letter is pronounced and in our experience, this is a critical mistake that many students make!

Lets recall how to make a noun definite:

Rule (How to make a Noun definite):  

By default a noun in Arabic is always indefinite and it is made definite by prefixing “ال” to it and when “ال” is added one of the vowels (e.g. one of the Dammas, Fathas or Kasras) drops out e.g. المسجدُ, الرسُولُ , الرَبُّ , المَدرَسِةُ

It is essential that the second vowel on the last letter is dropped and in our experience, this is a critical mistake that many students make by having “ال” and also Dammatain, Fathatain & Kasratain on the last letter.

Introduction to Nominal Sentences:

A simple nominal sentence in Arabic contains two words and they are both nouns i.e. the first word is a Noun and the second word is a Noun. More complex structures will be taught and explained in a Lesson or two.

  1. First word is مُبْتَدَأ (Mubtada) or subject or you can also call it the topic of the sentence.  It is always Marfoo and always definite.
  2. Second word is خَبَر (Khabar) or predicate or you can also call it the topic of the comment.  It is always Marfoo and usually indefinite.

So lets recap the three areas where the two words will match in a simple nominal sentence:

  1. مُبْتَدَأ (Mubtada) & خَبَر(Khabar) will both match in case ending i.e. they will be Marfoo
  2. مُبْتَدَأ (Mubtada) & خَبَر (Khabar) will both match in gender i.e. if the first word is masculine, the second one will also be masculine and vice versa
  3. مُبْتَدَأ (Mubtada) & خَبَر (Khabar) will both match in Plurality i.e. if the first word is singular, the second one will also be singular and if the first word is feminine then second word will also be feminine

So lets recap the ONLY AREA where the two words will NOT match in a simple nominal sentence:

  • مُبْتَدَأ (Mubtada) is always definite & خَبَر (Khabar) will usually be indefinite.

Examples of simple Nominal Sentences:

القرآنُ كِتَابٌ

Analysis is as follows:

  1. First word (Al-Qur'anu) is Mubtada because it is Marfoo and definite
  2. Second word (Kitabun) is Khabar because it is Marfoo and indefinite
  3. Translation is "The Qur'aan is a book."

السَيَّارَةٌ جَدِيدِةٌ

Analysis is as follows:

  1. First word (As-Sayyaratu) is Mubtada because it is Marfoo and definite
  2. Second word (Jadeedatun) is Khabar because it is Marfoo and indefinite
  3. Translation is "The Car is new."

Rule  (أَ or هَل turns the sentence into a question):
When you place a أَ (Aa) in front of a nominal sentence OR هَل (Hal) in front of a nominal sentence, it becomes a question, that’s all!

You have the choice to use أَ (Aa) OR هَل (Hal)

Examples of simple Nominal Sentences turned into a question?

  أَ القرآنُ كِتَابٌ ؟

 أَ السَيَّارَةٌ جَدِيدِةٌ  ؟


  هَل القرآنُ كِتَابٌ ؟

 هَل السَيَّارَةٌ جَدِيدِةٌ  ؟



Recognising مُبْتَدَأ (Mubtada) & خَبَر (Khabar)is pivotal to your understanding of the Arabic languge. It isn't difficult but you will need to practise.

Arabic isn't hard at all but does require some work on your part. Here are your resources again:

  1. Madina Book 1 :
  2. Arabic Keyboard:

Your assignment is to make 3 Nominal sentensces of your choice and then turn them into questions.

Pick any words you like from the book BUT break down your sentensce and analyse like I have done very clearly as examples for you.

Laziness and taking shortcuts won't get you anywhere! : - )

Jazakullah Khairun

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xs11ax's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 6th May 2011 00:44

i know i havent done part to of lesson 0. i could have done it without thinking about it but i wanted to understand what i am doing and not just copy from your examples. i have not had the time to sit down and do it properly but have read through it a few times though.

anyway i am going to jamaat early Friday morning so i ask to be excused but inshallah i will catch up on monday.

i appreciate your hard work and effort muadh bhai and hope you do not get offended at my apparent slackness after giving your precious time to help us. jazakallah khair.

make dua.

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Muadh_Khan's avatar
Muadh_Khan's avatar
#3 [Permalink] Posted on 6th May 2011 10:50

"xs11ax" wrote:
salaam i know i havent done part to of lesson 0. i could have done it without thinking about it but i wanted to understand what i am doing and not just copy from your examples. i have not had the time to sit down and do it properly but have read through it a few times though. anyway i am going to jamaat early Friday morning so i ask to be excused but inshallah i will catch up on monday. i appreciate your hard work and effort muadh bhai and hope you do not get offended at my apparent slackness after giving your precious time to help us. jazakallah khair. make dua. wasalaam

W-Salam Bro,

There is nothing to get offended about. I will continue to post the Lessons and its upto the people who want to learn to do the work, Insha'Allah.

What I do say is that for those who want to learn, they need to set aside time "PERMANENT SCHEDULE" to do it, whatever it may be 10 minutes day etc.  Trying to do it at own pace won't work in the long run because sooner or later slackness will set in.

Make dua for me while in Jamaat.

Jazakullah Khairun

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ummi taalib's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 6th May 2011 12:07
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Yasin's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 6th May 2011 15:20
ummi taalib wrote:
Q. is it "haal" or "hal"?....
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Yasin's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 6th May 2011 15:55
When translating "Is" and "Do", use Hal

هل الرجل طالب؟

Is the man a student?
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ummi taalib's avatar
ummi taalib's avatar
#7 [Permalink] Posted on 6th May 2011 19:59
Yasin wrote:
When translating "Is" and "Do", use Hal

هل الرجل طالب؟

Is the man a student?

Q. so in what situation is the hamzah used?
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 6th May 2011 20:44
Q. so in what situation is the hamzah used?


Use "Hal" هل on questions that are not time related (not present).

Is the man a student?
Does Zaid study?
Do you study?

The above will all have "Hal"

Hamzah is used on the present (as opposed to non-tense)
Are you studying?
Is Zaid studying?
Isn't Zaid studying?

The above will have Hamzah

I hope I've explained it properly.
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2011 12:28
As salaam alaikhum Wr wbr

1. اَلقَميصٌ جَديدٌ The shirt is new

2. اَلبَيتُ قَريبٌ The house is near

3. اَلحصَنُ جَمِيلٌ The horse is beautiful

4. أ اَلقَميصٌ جَديدٌ Is the shirt new?

أ اَلبَيتُ قَريبٌ 5 Is the house near?

هَل اَلحصَنُ جَمِيلٌ 6 Isn't the horse beautiful?

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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2011 18:45

Asslamo Allaikum All,

I had requested sentensces and grammatical breakdown and illustrated by example as to what was needed for the student to practise. Please ensure that this is carried out on your paper at home because practise will Insha'Allah, help.

Examples of simple Nominal Sentences:

القرآنُ كِتَابٌ

Analysis is as follows:

  1. First word (Al-Qur'anu) is Mubtada because it is Marfoo and definite
  2. Second word (Kitabun) is Khabar because it is Marfoo and indefinite
  3. Translation is "The Qur'aan is a book."

السَيَّارَةٌ جَدِيدِةٌ

Analysis is as follows:

  1. First word (As-Sayyaratu) is Mubtada because it is Marfoo and definite
  2. Second word (Jadeedatun) is Khabar because it is Marfoo and indefinite
  3. Translation is "The Car is new."
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ummi taalib's avatar
ummi taalib's avatar
#11 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2011 20:34
assalaamu 'alaykum
sorry my homework looks well post

الرَّجُلُ طالِبٌ
The man is a student
"the man" is mubtada - as it is marfoo' and definite and "student" is the khabr - as it is marfoo' and indefinite

القَلَمُ جَديْدٌ
The pen is new
"the pen is the mubtada - as it is marfoo' and definite and "new" is the khabr -as it is marfoo' and indefinite

المَسْجِدُ بَعيْدٌ
The Masjid is far
"the masjid" is the mubtada - as it is marfoo' and definite and "far" is the khabr - as it is marfoo' and indefinite

أ الرَّجُلُ طالِبٌ
Is the man a student?

أ القَلَمُ جَديْدٌ
Is the pen new?

أ المَسْجِدُ بَعيْدٌ
Is the Masjid far?
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 12th May 2011 10:10
as salaam alaikhum wr wbr

apologies did not have time to complete the home work, here is the rest.

اَلقَميصُ : مبتدا مرفوع و علمة رفعة الظهرة الاخرة is the subject it is definit and it is marfoo the sign of its marfoo is the damma at the end.

جَديدٌ : خبر مرفوع و علمة رفعة الظهرة الاخرة : is the predicate/news it is indefinite and it is marfoo the sign of its marfoo is the dammatain.

اَلبَيتُ is the subject it is definit and it is marfoo the sign of its marfoo is the damma at the end.

قَريبٌ is the predicate/news it is indefinite and it is marfoo the sign of its marfoo is the dammatain

اَلحصَنُ is the subject it is definit and it is marfoo the sign of its marfoo is the damma at the end.

جَمِيلٌ is the predicate/news it is indefinite and it is marfoo the sign of its marfoo is the dammatain

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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 17th May 2011 19:16

Asslamo Allaikum,

A suggestion has been made that vocabulary should be listed at the beginning of each lesson so please revisit the beginning of this lesson.

Jazakullah Khairun

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samah's avatar
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd December 2013 04:50

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

اَلمَسجِدُ قَرِيبٌ
أَاَلمَسجِدُ قَرِيبٌ؟

Analysis: (Al-Masjidu) is Mubtada' because it is Marfoo` and definite. (Qareebun) is Khabar because it is Marfoo` and indefinite.
Translation: The masjid is nearby. (Is the masjid nearby?)

اَلبَيتُ قَدِيمٌ
أَاَلبَيتُ قَدِيمٌ؟

Analysis: (Al-Baytu) is Mubtada' because it is Marfoo` and definite. (Qadeemun) is Khabar because it is Marfoo` and indefinite.
Translation: The house is old. (Is the house old?)

اَلكَلِمَةُ ثَقِيلَةٌ
أَاَلكَلِمَةُ ثَقِيلَةٌ؟

Analysis: (Al-Kalimatu) is Mubtada' because it is Marfoo` and definite. (Thaqeelatun) is Khabar because it is Marfoo` and indefinite.
Translation: The Kalimah (lit. the Word) is heavy. (Is the Kalimah heavy?)

By the way, is my placement of hamza correct? Should it be close to the next word, or should one space be between the hamza and Mubtada'?

جزاك الله خيرا
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bint e aisha's avatar
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 21st March 2018 19:45
السلام علیکم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Well explained lessons MashaAllah. May Allah ta'ala reward you immensely. Ameen

Just wanted to ask a small question. Someone please clarify. In this example: السَيَّارَةٌ جَدِيدِةٌ Mubtada is supposed to have dhamma instead of dhammatain since it is definite, right? And جَدِيدِةٌ with Kasra on د does not sound perfect. Should there be Fatha instead of Kasra?
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