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Chronological Order of Major Hanafi Jurists

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Maria al-Qibtiyya
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 29th October 2014 16:29
The following is a chart of the names, birth/death dates, and works of major Hanafī jurists, starting from the Imām of the Madhhab until the jurists of the present century. In this chart, we have sufficed on the relatively prominent jurists; as otherwise, there would be no end to the list. Many other Hanafī scholars could be added, but were omitted due to their prominence in fields besides Fiqh. Wherever possible, both the dates of birth and death were mentioned. Otherwise, only the date of death is mentioned, preceded by the abbreviation, “d.” When an approximate date is mentioned, it is preceded by “ca.” (circa). The abbreviation “p.” means “post.”............
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Arfatzafar's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 29th October 2014 16:52

Kindly delete this thread. I think it's already been posted on the forum.
Sorry for this mistake
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 29th October 2014 19:27
Arfatzafar wrote:
View original post

InshaAllah we will leave it as it is because it has been posted as a link and not a dedicated thread. (may also be as a thread with a different name)

Maybe you could post the entire article here and continue with it

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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd March 2015 19:38
The following is a report that mentions the forty-scholar council of Imām Abū Hanīfah rh.a and its grading. It is reported in Fadā’il Abī Hanīfah of Ibn Abī al-‘Awām:
My father narrated to us, he said: my father narrated to us, he said: Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Salāmah narrated to me, he said: Ibn Abī Thawr wrote to me narrating from Sulaymān ibn ‘Imrān who said: Asad ibn al-Furāt narrated to me:

The companions of Imam Abū Hanīfah who document the books (i.e. legal issues) were forty personalities. The leading ten among them were Abū Yūsuf, Zufar ibn Hudhayl, Dāwūd al-Tā’ī, Asad ibn ‘Amr, Yūsuf ibn Khālid al-Samti, and Yahyā ibn Zakariyya ibn Abī Zā’idah, and he was their scribe for thirty years. [3]

1) The chain of transmission commences from the transmitter of the book,Abū al-‘Abbās Ahmad ibn Muhammadi.e. the grandson of Ibn Abī al-‘Awām, the author. He is the first to say, “My father narrated to us.”
2)Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allāhi.e. the son of the author. He is the second to say, “My father narrated to us.”
Ahmad was a judge in Egypt, and his father Muhammad hailed from a household of distinguished scholars. [4]The above two are only the transmitters of the book. [5]When citing the incident in reference, al-Kawtharī inFiqh Ahl al-‘Iraq mentioned Ibn Abī al-‘Awām as the narrator from Imam al-Tahāwi. [6]
3) The author of the book,Abū al-Qāsim ‘Abd Allāh ibn Muhammad Ibn Abī al-‘Awām. Muhammad ibn Yūsuf al-Sālihī mentioned him among those who wrote on the virtues of Imām Abū Hanīfah and said, “They are all reliable and expert Hanafis who had vast knowledge.” [7]‘Abd al-Qādir al-Qurashī said, “He hailed from a household of distinguished scholars.” [8]
4)Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Salāmah.He is none other than Imām Abū Ja’far al-Tahāwī, whose lofty position is well-known and requires no introduction. [9]
5)Ibn Abī Thawr. His full name is Abū al-‘Abbās Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allāh ibn Abī Thawr who is also known as Ibn ‘Abdūn. Ibn Yūnus said, “He was a scholar of themadhhabof the Iraqis and studied jurisprudence according to the school of Imam Abū Hanīfah.” [10]Qāsim ibn Qutlūbughā included him inal-Thiqāt min Man Lam Yaqa’ fi al-Kutub al-Sittah(reliable narrators who are not found in the six canonical books) and quoted Ibn Yūnus who said he is well known. [11]
6)Sulaymān ibn ‘Imrān. He was also known as Kharūfah and was a judge. Abu ‘Abd Allāh al-Qayrawānī said, “He was diligent in his affairs and possessed intuition.” [12]
7)Asad ibn al-Furāt.He was the student of Imām Mālik, Imām Abū Yūsuf, and Imām Muhammad. Al-Dhahabī said, “He was the Imām, erudite scholar, judge, leader, and the foreman in the ranks of the Mujāhidūn.” [13]
Although Asad ibn al-Furāt never met Imām Abū Hanīfah, he was a direct student of the scholars who were part of Imām Abū Hanīfah’s council, such as Imāms Abū Yūsuf, Muhammad, Yahyā ibn Zākariyyā ibn Abī Zā‘idah, and Asad ibn ‘Amr al-Bajalī. [14]Moreover, Ibn Abī al-‘Awām relates a similar report via Nūh Abū Sufyān from al-Mughīrah ibn Hamzah [15]who was a student of Imām Abū Hanīfah. [16]
One issue worth noting is that Imām al-Tahawī authored a book on the virtues of Imām Abū Hanīfah entitled, “’Uqūd al-Marjān.” [17]It is possible that the report under discussion is from the book in reference. This is because al-Qurashī directly cites the chain of al-Tahāwī via the above-mentioned route without the intermediary of Ibn Abī al-‘Awām in several place inal-Jawāhir al-Mudiyyah. [18].........
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