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Prophets before Wahi

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2013 10:15
In Bahr al-Kalaam, a book of 'aqidah written by the Maturidi Imam Maymun bin Muhammad an-Nasafi (d. 508 h.) it was said:

The Jabriyyah said: Allah the Most High created the believers as believers, and the unbelievers as unbelievers. Iblis, may the curse be upon him, always remained an unbeliever. Abu Bakr, 'Umar may Allah be well-pleased with them were believers before Islam. The Prophets were Prophets before the revelation and as a rarity so the brothers of Yusuf (alayhis salam) were prophets during their moment of disobedience.

The Ahl as-Sunna wa al-Jama'ah says: They became Prophets after the revelation Iblis became an unbeliever by leaving out the prostration...(Damascus: Maktaba Dar al-Farfur 2000, p. 66-67)


Conclusion: from the above quote we can clearly see that the claim of the Barelwis that our Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was already a Prophet by birth is the 'aqidahof the Jabriyyah. Imam Nasafi is clear that the Ahl al-Sunnah believes in Prophets becoming Prophets only after the revelation.
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