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#106 [Permalink] Posted on 13th October 2011 14:16
Below is something I just came across so please dont quote me on that, but can someone shed more light on this please, I will remove the name of the scholar as to not create confusion if the quote is wrong.

al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani mentioned about Shaykh....... in his al-Durar al-Kamina (1:153-155) from Najm al-Din Sulayman ibn `Abd al-Qawi al-Tufi al-Hanbali (d. 716 AH) who said:

He became convinced that he was a scholar capable of independent reasoning (mujtahid). Henceforth he began to answer each and every scholar great and small, past and recent, until he went all the way back to `Umar (r) and faulted him in some matter. This reached the ears of the Shaykh Ibrahim al-Raqi who reprimanded him. Shaykh........ went to see him, apologized, and asked for forgiveness. He also spoke against `Ali (r) and said: "He made mistakes in seventeen different matters."

I dont want to mention Shaykh...... but this is something you can ask the learned people and clarify. I'm sure they would be able to fill the gap if there is any truth in it. And if there is, then SubhanAllah.
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#107 [Permalink] Posted on 13th October 2011 14:53
The quote is authentic. It can be found in full in English as quoted by G.F.Haddad in 'The refutation of him [Ibn Taymiyya] who attributes direction to Allah'; pages 41-43. A very useful book to have to shock pseudo salafis about their imam who they love to blindly follow.
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#108 [Permalink] Posted on 13th October 2011 15:01
Maybe the remarks made in the book are true, but I'm not sure about G.F.Haddad, isn't he Barelwi.

Are there any more references?

From my understanding, the Salafi dont have a problem with the fact that he has given direction to Allah.

infact there is a site with so many remarks like that, but I cant verify them if they come from him or not. Therefore I dont bring it up. Most of the stuff on the site is against Aqeeda at-Tahaweehaya.

I cant remember the site but it has some stupid pictures on them which should be removed. Its an anti salafi site. And I dont believe it.
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#109 [Permalink] Posted on 13th October 2011 21:54
An important lesson for me first and then everyone else inshaAllah

Rasūl Allāh ملسو هيلع هللاىلص mentioned the following ḥadīth,

"One of the most detested people in the Sight of Allah is he who is obstinate and argumentative." [Bukhārī]

By constantly debating and discussing a person's heart becomes hard, his ibādāt (acts of worship) become mechanical and all he thinks about and is perturbed about are the fine points of religion, which are best left to the Ulamā (scholars), whilst at the same time neglecting the major aspects. This leads to a character of criticizing others starting by those around him, followed by those in religious authority (present and past) and even as far as criticizing theṢaḥābah (Companions of Rasūl Allāh ملسو هيلع هللاىلص, may Allah be pleased with them). Debating, criticizing and obstinacy stem from arrogance.

However the teaching of Islam is that rather being critical of others, a person should be critical of himself. Before thinking of criticizing others a person should ask himself whether he is in a moral or scholarly position to do so and whether it is the genuine, sincere and constructive criticism a Muslim imparts to his fellow Muslim referred to in the ḥadīth,

"A believer is a mirror of a believer." [Abū Dāwūd]

What this means is that if a Muslim sees a fault in his fellow Muslim he should sincerely advise him in the best way possible.

My Allah always remind me of this.
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#110 [Permalink] Posted on 13th October 2011 23:32

"Muadh_Khan" wrote:

[quote="Daywalk3r"]Heres a 1 hour talk from Mufti Rafi Usmani (HA) he gave for ulama May 2011 (the whole talk is really worth a listen) 


Will translate this talk as it answers most of the questions and concerns of everyone in this thread, Insha'Allah.

Jazakullah Khairun

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London, Stokenewingt
#111 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2011 15:52
abu mohammed wrote:

Well brother, how is your journey going.

There have been many responses, could you please update us, Jazakallah.

This journey is very interesting mashallah, I'm still a little confused but alhamdulillah things are starting to become a lot clearer for me. I've read many articles on this website and many other websites, alhamdulillah the brother at tarbeeyyah is also clearing many misconceptions may Allah reward him. I'm not 100% sure yet but I think their way seems a lot clearer than ours, I don't want to be hasty in my decision because this will effect the rest of me life and my akhira. I'm going to do istikharah and then make my final decision within the next few days inshallah. Jazakallahu khairan for all your help.
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London, Stokenewingt
#112 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2011 15:57
Seifeddine-M wrote:
A verse from the Qur'an getting a thumbs down? La hawla wa la quwatta illah billah

I'm sorry about that, I didn't intend to put a thumbs down for the ayah itself, I just thought it was irrelevant to post it there and thought the brother was also taking it out of context
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#113 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2011 16:00
You are making it sound like your about to take Shahadah.

For me, its not about their way or Ours, we are ALL MUSLIMS inshaAllah.

My posts are inshaAllah to help those who think we have no evidence to back the Salaf, and Alhumdulillah we do.

My Dua is you remain a Muslim, wether Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki or Hanbali as long as you dont go against the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'

Anyway, what do find that is not clear in the Hanafi Madhab? (and I'm not talking about the Barelwi Hanafi)

If you kindly answer that, we will inshaAllah clear any misconceptions, then only can you say things are clearer. InshaAllah.
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#114 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2011 16:08

"thesunnah" wrote:
"Seifeddine-M" wrote:
A verse from the Qur'an getting a thumbs down? La hawla wa la quwatta illah billah
I'm sorry about that, I didn't intend to put a thumbs down for the ayah itself, I just thought it was irrelevant to post it there and thought the brother was also taking it out of context

We kind of knew that it was not intended at the Quran. Its Sunnah to give benefit of the doubt, therefore we have mentioned the other reasons of a thumbs down. Khair Jazakallah for the Honesty, may Allah reward you.

As we learn from our teacher who learnt from his teacher who learnt from the Prophet SAW direct.


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#115 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2011 16:13
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#116 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2011 16:57
Follow Quran and Sunnah Directly!

Youtube Video
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London, Stokenewingt
#117 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2011 18:41
abu mohammed wrote:
Is this also their way, as the mentioned brother is part and parcel of the same school of thought as your friends, just listen to the first 40 seconds

I asked the brother a long time ago about what he thought of Abu Hanifah, he told me that he was one of the greatest scholars of Islam. They even have little circles in tarbeeyyah now and then about the four Imams and other Imams from the first three centuries, I've heard them myself, they really praise these scholars and show great respect to them, especially the four Imams.

He told me that you can't stereotype their beliefs based on a few individuals, you will find people from every group that have very strange views on many topics, he advised that we take the good from people and leave their evil, he said the same goes with the sheikh that spoke on the video, it seems as if he said some severe statements regarding Imam Abu Hanifah, he told me to reject those statements for many reasons, from amongst them:
- the ummah have accepted him as being from amongst the greatest scholars of Islam
- the salaf praised him immensely
and many other reasons

The reason why I find them very convincing is because they always have evidence, and the majority of the things we say about them isn't true.
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London, Stokenewingt
#118 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2011 18:46
abu mohammed wrote:

My Dua is you remain a Muslim, wether Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki or Hanbali as long as you dont go against the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'

I have a few questions, what is the ruling of a person who doesn't attribute himself to any of the four madhabs? is he still a muslim? can we pray behind him?

please don't give me a link on this, I prefer to read straight from the forum.

jazakallaahu kahiran, sorry for the trouble.
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London, Stokenewingt
#119 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2011 18:56
abu mohammed wrote:

(and I'm not talking about the Barelwi Hanafi)

many people think hanafis are all brelwis the same way they think these brothers from tarbeeyyah are all salafi madkhalis or whatever you call them, you would find it really annoying if people started to speak against you and refute you for things you don't believe (brelwi beliefs). I think you should speak to some of the senior brothers at Tarbeeyyah before you accuse them of anything, because I think a lot of that which is said on this thread falls under major backbiting, slander, nameema etc. I can say this because I've heard both sides of the stories.

please speak to some of their senior brothers, maybe you'll see Islam in a way you've never seen it before.

jzk again for all your help, really apologize if I've offended you in any way.
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#120 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2011 19:20
thesunnah wrote:
I think a lot of that which is said on this thread falls under major backbiting, slander, nameema etc. I can say this because I've heard both sides of the stories.

We ask Allah to save us and protect us from such a sin. However, please elaborate, Where?
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