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#256 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2011 12:20
Abu Huraira reported: We were sitting in the company of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) that Sura al-Jumu'a was revealed to him and when he recited (these words):" Others from amongst them who have not yet joined them," Then a person amongst them (those who were sitting there) said: Allah's Messenger...! But Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) made no reply, until he questioned him once, twice or thrice. There was amongst us Salman al Farisi (The Persian). The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) placed his hand on Salman and then said: Even if faith were near the Pleiades (The furthest Planet), a man from amongst these (Presians) would surely find it. (Book 031, Number 6178)

another version

Narrated Abu Huraira: While we were sitting with the Prophet Surat Al-Jumu'a was revealed to him, and when the Verse, "And He (Allah) has sent him (Muhammad) also to other (Muslims).....' (62.3) was recited by the Prophet, I said, "Who are they, O Allah's Apostle?" The Prophet did not reply till I repeated my question thrice. At that time, Salman Al-farisi was with us. So Allah's Apostle put his hand on Salman, saying, "If Faith were at (the place of) Ath-Thuraiya (the highest star), even then some men or man from these people (i.e. Salman's folk, persians) would attain it." (Book 60, Hadith 420,Sahih Bukhari).

But in Darus Salam's translation of Tafsir ibn Khathir by Mohsin Khan, leaves out the commentary of Muffassir ibn Kathir. In the commentary ibn Kathir says that the Ulama hold the view that when Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wassallam) placed his mubarak hand on Salman Farsi (R.A.) and said "a man from these people would attain it", they believe that this man can be no one else except al-Imam al-Azam Abu Hanifah (R.A.). Because no one from Persia has attained such status in all the branches of Islam as Imam Abu Hanifa.

The obove is the opinion of Muffasir ibn Kathir and many other great classical Sholars and it can be found in the original arabic version.
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#257 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2011 12:20
With regard to Hadhrat Ataa رضي الله عنه, Haafidh Ibn Hajar رضي الله عنه writes, "Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه says that he has never seen a person better than Hadhrat Ataa رضي الله عنه." With regard to Jaabir Ju'fi, Haafidh Ibn Hajar رضي الله عنه writes, "Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه says that he never saw a worse liar than him." [Tahdheeb Vol.3 Pg.48]

Haafidh Dhahabi رضي الله عنه has accepted the opinion of Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه with regard to Rabee'ah and Abuz Zinaad (two narrators of Ahadeeth). Imaam Bayhaqi ra) writes that when Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه was asked about Hadhrat Sufyaan Thowri رضي الله عنه, he commented, "I shall certainly record the Ahadeeth he narrates except for the narration of Hadhrat Ali رضي الله عنه which Abu Is'haaq رضي الله عنه narrates from Haarith; and the narration of Jaabir Ju'fi." [Kitaabul Qiraa'ah Pg. 134]
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#258 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2011 12:21
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه was so concerned about practising on the Ahadeeth that he would give preference to weak Ahadeeth over Qiyaas (analogical deduction). [I'laamul Muwaqqi'een Vol.1 Pg.88]
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#259 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2011 12:22
When advising his son Hammaad to be particular about five Ahadeeth, Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه told him, "I have selected these from five hundred thousand Ahadeeth." [Al Wasiyya Pg. 65] This proves that Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه had an in-depth knowledge of some 500,000 Ahadeeth.
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#260 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2011 12:22
When narrating a hadith from Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه, the famous Muhaddith, Abdur Rahmaan Al Muqri رضي الله عنه used to say that he was narrating from the king of kings in the subject of Ahadeeth. [The Tadhkira of Khateeb Baghdaadi, Vol.13 Pg.245]
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#261 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2011 12:22
The testimony of these figureheads in the science of Ahadeeth make it clear that Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه was regarded as a Muhaddith of the highest calibre, as well as an esteemed analyst in the field. If he was deficient in this field, renowned Muhadditheen like Imaam Abu Yusuf and Ibn Mubaarak رضي الله عنه would have never been so devoted to his lessons.
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#262 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2011 12:25
Haafidh Ibn Abdil Barr رضي الله عنه quotes the following statement from one of the students of Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه, Hadhrat Yazeed bin Haroon رضي الله عنه, who was himself a renowned Muhaddith. He says, "I have sat before a thousand Muhadditheen to learn Ahadeeth and I have narrated Ahadeeth from most of them. Amongst all of these, there are only about five whom I found to possess the deepest understanding and to be the most pious. At the head of these five is Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه." [Al Intiqaa Pg. 163]

Whenever the Muhadditheen refer to someone as a "Faqeeh", it means that they regard the person to be one who has a deep understanding of the Ahadeeth. Imaam Tirmidhi رضي الله عنه writes, "This is what the Fuqahaa (plural of Faqeeh) have said, and they are most knowledgeable about the meanings of the Ahadeeth."
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Seifeddine-M's avatar
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#263 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2011 12:26
Imaam Abu Aasim An Nabeel رضي الله عنه reports from Imaam Tahaawi (A.R) that he was once close to Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه in Makkah when a large crowd of expert authorities of Fiqh and Hadith were gathered around him. Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه asked, "Is there anyone who will tell the owner of this house to grant leave to all these people." [Al Jawaahirul Mudhiyya Vol.2 Pg.256]

This report tells us that the eminent Fuqahaa and Muhadditheen frequently referred to Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه to solve various difficulties. Hereunder follows a list of famous Muhadditheen who studied hadith (not the principles of Fiqh) from Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa رضي الله عنه:

1. Yahya bin Sa'eed Qattaan رضي الله عنه.
2. Wakee bin Jarraa رضي الله عنه.
3. Sufyaan bin Uyayna رضي الله عنه.
4.Abdullaah bin Mubaarak رضي الله عنه.
5. Abdur Razzaaq bin Humaam رضي الله عنه.
6. Yazeed bin Haroon رضي الله عنه.
7. Hafs bin Ghayaath رضي الله عنه.
8. Yahya bin Zakariyya رضي الله عنه.
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super-glue's avatar
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#264 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd October 2011 16:16
I think they proved they were only here to argue. I met one of these lot and it took less than 3 minutes for the question, "Where is Allah" to come up. What's wrong with them?

The defence of the great Imams has been amazing and now they've ran away.

I saw their profiles and they logged in days after the above posts so it's clear they chose not to reply. I will take it they accept their wrong doings and are hopefully doing Tawbah instead of infesting this thread.

There are some posts in this thread that are powerful. I will post them here later as I'm saving the posts to my control panel. Very useful
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#265 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd October 2011 16:31
At this time (it should have been done earlier) I would like to apologise for any incorrect statements I may have made, especially towards any of my sisters in Islam.

I have removed any comments and admitted to my error. I would also like to point out that I did not bring any organisation into to this discussion.

There are many sincere salafi brothers and sister around who have good intentions with a good heart.

My fight, (if you want to call it that) is against those who slander the salaf. I would like to remind you all of the thread called "is this site anti salaf"

I will continue my defence of the salaf whether the pseudo salafi or salafi like it or not.
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super-glue's avatar
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#266 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd October 2011 21:59
Abu Ahmad has sent me a PM to say he can't post

I have not chosen not to reply, I have been banned from replying using a proxy (I always use proxys fearing my IP will be taken and viruses will be headed my way, I've had a bad experience in the past)

Is this the case with the others too? thesunnah, ibn muhammed?

I am glad they've stopped but so much was ignored after igniting such a stir
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#267 [Permalink] Posted on 24th October 2011 13:28

Seifeddine-M wrote:
In this lecture Sheikh Abdur Raheem gives an account of how Maulana Amin Safdar Okarvi went from being a Salafi to a Hanafi and the 6 points he was taught as a salafi.

Maulana Amin was taught by his Salafi teacher how to combat Hanafis with 6 points

1) Always ask for Daleel of every ruling - If he can't provide it, scream loudly that he couldn't provide Daleel and you've won the argument

2) If a Hanafi asks you for Daleel then ask him to provide you a Daleel of its prohibition

3) If he does bring a Daleel, ask which book he got this from. I only want Daleel from Bukhari or Muslim and maybe the Sihaah Sittah and you have won the argument.

4) If he does bring a Hadeeth from Bukhari or Muslim, ask for a special wording. And if he can't provide that specific word, you have won the arguement.

5) And if he brings that word, you must say Dhaeef Dhaeef Dhaeef Dhaeef Dhaeef even if you haven't heard the Hadeeth, repeat Dhaeef Dhaeef Dhaeef so in all cases, you will win the argument.

6) Those youngsters who don't pray Salaah, don't go out and invite them to pray Salaah. Go instead to those youngsters who already pray Salaah and change them by telling them your Salaah is wrong. Your Aqeedah is wrong. This is not how you pray Salaah.

This is a SALAFI teacher teaching Fitnah. Wow
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#268 [Permalink] Posted on 24th October 2011 13:55

"thesunnah" wrote:
I'm sorry brother but you haven't answered the questions, no one is saying you don't follow the khaleefas, can you please answer the questions properly, I will repeat them in case you haven't understood. 1) if the Prophet pbuh did something, and one of the khaleefas did something which was slightly different (he added something, or took it away...) does the action of the khaleefa abrogate the action of the prophet? (does it wipe out what the prophet pbuh did... does his action/statement make it haram for us to do that which the prophet pbuh did???) 2) are both actions permissible? (can we choose which of the two actions we want to practice) 3) if both are permissible, then which is better? (is the action the prophet pbuh better or is the one the khaleefa did better or are they both the same???) I don't know if I could be clearer than this can you please answer them in numbers please so the answer is clear. jazakallahu kahairan

Asslamo Allaikum,

The question is answered by the action of Sahaba (RA) clearly and unambiguously.

What the Sahaba (RA) did, we do!

Where the Sahaba (RA) kept quiet, we keep quiet!

Where the Sahaba (RA) didn’t issue a judgement, we don’t!

We simply follow the Sahaba (RA), without being the Judge!

Sayydina Umar (RA) chose to instigate & unite the Sahaba (RA) under one Imam upon 20 Rakaat Taraweeh so we perform 20 Rakaat Taraweeh.

Sayydina Usman (RA) chose to instigate & unite the Sahaba (RA) on two Adhans.

We do the same.

You CHOSE to become a judge between the actions of the beloved of Allah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) and his companions (RA), while we chose to keep our intentions, our thoughts and refrains our tongues from being a judge between them and may Allah (SWT) keep us upon this path until we reach our end (Insh’Allah, Ameen).

If the choice is between being a Judge between Rasoolullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) & Sahaba (RA) and “remaining Silent in a FUTILE DEBATE INSTIGATED by You” then I chose to protect my Eemaan and take the later option.

As stated to you many posts again, REFUTE ME that these are NOT ACTIONS OF SAHABA (RA) and I don’t have a leg to stand upon.

If you can’t then I am UPON THE MANHAJ of the Sahaba of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) and if you judge my actions to be Bid’ah or inferior then you have the Sahaba (RA) in your sights and may YOU BE JUDGED for slandering the Sahaba (RA) of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) on the day of judgment.

Mods! Please close this STUPID DISCUSSION before these brothers become a judge between Ameerul-Mumineen Sayydina Umar (RA), Ameerul-Mumineen Sayydina Usman (RA)  and Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) and destroy their Eemaan in the process!

May Allah (SWT) protect us from such filthy sectarianism which doesn’t even spare the Sahaba (RA)!


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abu mohammed's avatar
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#269 [Permalink] Posted on 24th October 2011 15:16
I understand the reason for closing this discussion, but to be honest, it is high lighting their errors and inshaAllah they themselves and others can benefit from it more. As we are all aware, theres plenty more to come.

We should/could warn of the dangers they may be entering, and if they decide to enter it , then we can say they were warned.

I request all these brothers and sisters, that on Yaumul Qiyaamah, they all testify to Allah that they came accross a bunch of Hanafi's on Muftisays who were defending the Salaf and were addament in backing the 4 Imams, then InshaAllah they will be doing us great justice.

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Seifeddine-M's avatar
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#270 [Permalink] Posted on 24th October 2011 16:12
Ottoman Fatwa: Whoever reviles the two Shaykhs (RA) is a Kaafir, Whoever declares Baraa' for the madh-habs of Imam Abu Hanifa رضي الله عنه and Imam Shafi'ee رضي الله عنه has disbelieved

An excerpt from a short treatise called, "Risalah fi takfir ar-rawafid" written by Shaykh ul Islam Ahmad ibn Sulayman Ibn Kamaal Basha (Pasha in Turkish), well known as Ibn Kamaal (d. 940 A.H.).

"It has been mentioned in Al-Bazazziyyah ((A Hanafi work of law )) that whoever rejects (Ankara) the caliphate of Abu Bakr is a Kafir according to the Sahih view. And whoever rejects the caliphate of Umar then he is also a kafir according to the most correct view (asahh). It is also necessary to establish disbelief of the Khawarij because they declared 'Uthman a disbeliever. It was mentioned in At-Taataarkhaaniyyah: "Verily, whoever rejects the khilafah of Abi Bakr then the correct view is that he is a kaafir, and the same ruling applies to Umar, and this is the most correct view of the scholarly statements (aqwal). The same ruling applies to whoever reviles the two Shaykhs as well.

ولو قال إني بريء من ومذهب أبي حنيفة رحمه الله عنه أو قال: أنا بريء من مذهب الشافعي يكفر . ومن استحل حراما علم حرمته في دين الإسلام كشرب الخمر فهو كافر

And if someone were to say, 'Verily I declare myself free from (بريء - disavowal) the madh-hab of Abu Hanifah or the Madh-hab of Imam Ash-Shafi'i then he has disbelieved, and whomever declares Halal the well known haram in the religion of Islam, such as the drinking of alcohol (khamr) then he is a kaafir." [End quote from the treatise]

The Shaykh goes on to state that these individuals take the hukm of apostasy in the law.

This is the official Hanafi view according to the Hanafis shaykhs of the Ottomans. Several important points are mentioned in this treatise:

1) The permissibility of fighting the rawafid - specifically the Qizilbaash was given in this fatwa.

2) The kufr of those who revile the companions or reject the khilafah of the two Shaykhs.

3) The kufr of the one who rejects the schools of Ahlus Sunnah, or declares himself free from them, and the hukm of apostasy be applied to them.

4) The kufr of one who declares what is known as haram in the religion of Islam - such as drinking alcohol - Halal.

5) There is a dissent in this view of the guild as alluded to by the Shaykh when he had to declare this was the "correct view" and the "most correct of the scholarly statements".

6) It is also interesting to note that this Ottoman Shaykh states, "And it is obligatory for the Sultan to declare Jihad against these disbelievers as Allah says,

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ جَاهِدِ الْكُفَّارَ وَالْمُنَافِقِينَ وَاغْلُظْ عَلَيْهِمْ وَمَأْوَاهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ

"O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge indeed." [9:73]
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