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#151 [Permalink] Posted on 15th October 2011 23:21
[edit: matter to be resolved privately]
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#152 [Permalink] Posted on 15th October 2011 23:24
Sister ibn Muhammad, your signatures is worth millions.
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#153 [Permalink] Posted on 15th October 2011 23:32
[admin edit: The topic of this post was resolved privately]
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#154 [Permalink] Posted on 15th October 2011 23:35
Jazakallah, brother. and Sorry for saying sister. Genuine mistake.
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#155 [Permalink] Posted on 15th October 2011 23:50
Khair Insh'Allah, we must be very careful on how we all use our tongues, as they will be the thing that may lead us into hellfire, or into the gardens under which rivers flow, May Allah 'Azzawajal accept us, I think you know akhi, as well as the rest of the people here, that there was absolutley no need to try to expose a sister like that, especially with no proofs or evidences subhan'Allah. Perhaps the best thing at this time would be to apologize for such statements, as that is what makes a man a man, to know when he is wrong.

A reminder to myself first and foremost insh'Allah,:

"Since they produce not witnesses, they are the liars in the sight of Allaah"

[al-Noor 24:13]

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#156 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 00:26
Jazakallah, brother.

If admin deems it correct, then inshaAllah, those posts can be removed or to be fair, then just have the word of any location removed.

The point should have been made clear by me in the first place, that if this is the kind of knowledge comming out from any mosque, then it should be stopped.

If some one is not a salafi as people are calling them, then why take offence when they are not, simply say we are not salafi.

InshaAllah, we all want good to come from everywhere We are one Ummah, we should be united.

If falsehoods are being spread, then we must do what we can to stop it.
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London, Stokenewingt
#157 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 01:02
abu mohammed wrote:

To give one adhan for Jummah is not haram. That is what you wanted hear. But to leave out the Sunnah of the khulaafa on a continuous basis would be going against the ijma. Hadhrat Ali RA was of the khulaafa, but the Hadith you provided was temporary. Therefore the ijma was and has been for 1400 years of the adhan of uthman ra continues.


You very cleverly chose not to answer certain questions because they prove your opinion wrong, I don't think you and Yasin quite understand, the reason why they don't do two azans is because the reason for doing it is not present, this is the same reason why Ali commanded the people to do only one azan in kufa.

If you look at saudi arabia, egypt, morroco and many other countries that are upon similar if not the same beliefs as these brothers, you will find that most of them do two azans, this is because the azans are heard from miles outside the mosques so it coincides with that which Uthman did and is therefore sunnah and the best thing to do in that situation.

There are only a few mosques in the UK that have been given permission to allow the azan to be heard outside the mosques, for these mosques, the brothers at tarbeeyyah say it's sunnah and the best thing to do because the reasons are met.

As for tarbeeyyah mosque, masjid quba, madinah mosque and all the other mosques in hackney, the sunnah for them is to do one azan because the reasons why Uthman did azan are not met, this also coincides with the action of Ali.

The brother at Tarbeeyyah also told me that if they were ever given permission to put a large speaker outside the masjid so people can hear the azan from miles out, they would do two azans because they meet the reasons as to why it was done by Uthman.

If Allah gives you the tawfiq to understand the above, you will come to realize that the way you call the azan is actually against the sunnah because it doesn't meet the reasons as to why Uthman ordered for it to take place. It's just like the mistake that many people make, they take the hadiths that tell us Ibn Umar trimmed his beard and then trim their beards right down, ignoring the fact that he didn't trim it shorter than a fist length.

The brother told me that many people like to take rulings without looking at the whole situation, if the Prophet pbuh or the sahabas did something, you have to look at their boundaries and reasons and not transgress the limits and go beyond that, this is what the brothers at Tarbeeyyah are upon mashallah, that's why their methadology seems a lot stronger and is a lot more appealing than ours.

abu mohammed wrote:

So if you guys find their theory in conjunction with your nafs, then so be it. You have the answer of those who go against the ijma of the ummah.


The brother actually laughed when I told him this, he's asked me to ask you to research what the ijma was actually on, was it on the two azans itself or was the ijma on the reasons to when the two azans become sunnah, maybe you can let us know when you finish researching this from the books of the salaf.

[quote="abu mohammed"]

And this is not the only place where these theories stop, there are other places where their nafs have gone against the ijma. If you want to know where, them ask. Sweet talk and theories do not hold value in the eyes of the ijma.

I would like to know please. Maybe whilst you're finding more examples, you can read the brothers article again and give your insight on:


Ibn Qudamah mentions in al-Mugni;
"The companion of the Prophet (pbuh) used to wipe over the jawrabayn and there were no differences amongst them in that and therefore it is ijma'"

and if you're going to talk about mujallad and muna'al, then you should read his article again before commenting on it. Not only is this rejected amongst our people, we also warn those from praying behind them saying their prayers are not valid. I think you should remind me what we call a people who reject the ijma of the sahabah.

I'm sorry if I've offended anyone in any of my posts, sometimes things look worse when written.

[edit: utter disrespect removed]
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#158 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 01:29
The brother at Tarbeeyyah also told me that if they were ever given permission to put a large speaker outside the Masjid so people can hear the azan from miles out, they would do two azans because they meet the reasons as to why it was done by Uthman.

That would be great and inshaAllah that will soon come when we can give adhan loud.

Until then, the radio transmitters and receivers are echoing the adhan beyond the mosques, offices and markets.
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#159 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 09:09

"thesunnah" wrote:
"abu mohammed" wrote:
What is the rule for going against the ijma if the ummah? What are those called who go against the ijma if the ummah?
why do you keep avoiding the question? this is a sign of deception. I spoke to the brother about the ruling of the azan on jumma etc. he told me to ask you the following questions: (i'm paraphrasing the questions) 1) lets say there was ijma amongst the sahabas on this ruling (even though there are narrations of Ali doing both 1 azan and 2 azans...), the question is, does the ijma of the sahabas remove the ruling of the prophet pbuh or does it make 2 azans permissible? (just incase you don't understand the question, does the ijma of the sahaba make it impermissible to do just one azan like the azan of the Prophet pbuh, Abu Bakr and Umar? or does it just make it permissible to do 2 azans? ------ This hadith is given in the question 3540 on this website Narrated As-Saib bin Yazid: In the life-time of the Prophet, Abu Bakr and Umar, the Adhan for the Jumua prayer used to be pronounced when the Imam sat on the pulpit. But during the Caliphate of 'Uthman when the Muslims increased in number, a third Adhan at Az-Zaura' was added. Abu 'Abdullah said, "Az-Zaura' is a place in the market of Madina." (Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 13, Number 35 2) why did uthman do two azans? (i'm guessing you're going to say because the ummah grew therefore an azan was needed in the market) 3) you claim to follow Uthman but you don't, you call the azan in the same building twice, you can't just take part of what Uthman did and leave the other part, if you want to follow his sunnah, then do 1 azan in the mosque and 1 outside in the market/park/road/street... so my question here is, which khalifa are you following in doing 2 azans in the same building? the brother then mentioned the following: illa/sabab (reason) is; "when its present the ruling is present and when it's absent the ruling is absent." if we say the reason he did it was because those in the market couldn't hear, than that means if they can hear, you wont go to the market to call the azan, now we're saying you can't hear the azan from outside the mosque, so why are you calling two azans? ---------------- Mashallah there are thousands of examples the hanafis accuse the salafis of doing but when the evidences are provided, the hanafis don't seem to respond, we've seen this here on this ruling and also previously when the brother gave a few evidences proving it's permissible to wipe over socks. I find it embarrassing how people hold onto their opinion blindly even when the proofs have become so clear. If you attempt to answer this, please answer it properly, you're better avoiding the questions completely than making a fool out of yourself.

Asslamo Allaikum,

You havn't answered anything but just dodged his question about "Ijmah".

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#160 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 09:39
abu mohammed wrote:
Jazakallah, brother.

If admin deems it correct, then inshaAllah, those posts can be removed.

The point should have been made clear the first place, that if this is the kind of knowledge comming out from any mosque, should be.stopped.

If some not a salafi as people are.calling them, then why take offence when they are not, simply say we are not salafi.

InshaAllah, we all want good to come from.everywhere. we are one Ummah, we should be united.

If falsehoods are being spread, then we must do.what we can to stop it.

Jazakhallahu khair, Akhi. I am asking you to insh'Allah explicitly retract the statements, as your brother in islam, as we both know that there was no need for these kind of words against our fellow sister in islam, and attribution to any kind of institute or masaajd. Rather this is only a phrase to which may be used further to cause fitnah amongst your community, and may end up breaking the ties of islamic brotherhood. I would like to remind us all once again insh'Allah of the two ayat of which I posted,

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#161 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 10:36
@brother Muadh, thesunnah has said they would be called fasiq.
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London, Stokenewingt
#162 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 16:03
abu mohammed wrote:

Until then, the radio transmitters and receivers are echoing the adhan beyond the mosques, offices and markets.

The brother told me that only some of the mosques even in the countries where the azan could be heard from outside do it properly, this doesn't include masjid haram, masjid nabi... he said there has to be enough time for the person after hearing the first azan to get ready and make his way to the mosque, this is why some of the mosques in these countries call the first azan even up to an hour before the second azan, he said that calling it this way would coincide with that which Uthman did.

I have few questions regarding your post:

1) How long have the mosques (masjid quba, madinah mosque...) had radio transmitters and receivers?

2) How long have these mosques been calling two azans?

3) What is the gap between the two azans?

4) How many people come to the jumma prayer because they've heard the first azan?

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London, Stokenewingt
#163 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 16:36
I'm sorry to say, but the majority of your arguments either have major contradictions, are baseless, or don't make sense.

abu mohammed wrote:

You are making it sound like your about to take Shahadah.

I can't imagine how it would feel to take the shahadah!

Alhamdulillah I finally made my decision today, I think the way of the brothers at tarbeeyyah will be better for my akhira inshallah, the feeling I had when I finally made my decision was amazing mashallah, I can't imagine how the revert brothers feel when they accepted Islam.

I really want to thank the brother at tarbeeyyah for his time, and pray Allah puts it on his good scales on yawm al qiyama, I pray the brother keeps up the good work.

I also want to thank all the brothers that answered my questions on this thread and other places, alhamdulillah talking to you guys really opened my mind up, I pray Allah allows you to see things the way I'm finally seeing them.

I ask Allah to forgive me if I've slandered, backbitten or offended anyone, and I ask Allah to shower his mercy onto all of us and guide us to the straight path.

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#164 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 16:47
lol question number 4, who can know that?

So my post was completely ignore? Typical from thesunnah. All I've read is how he's avoided all answers and stuff.

I read earlier about political and corrupt lawyer style posting and oh my Lord, the above post about how it's clear to him now and how he sees the light and how the ppl tarbbya are right reminds me of how Jehovah's witnesses talk and spread their lies.

That's my new take on it now, Salafis are the Islam's version of the Christian Jehovah's witnesses.

I want to know, has thesunnah convinced anyone at all towards Salafism?

Sorry bro, I found your entire approach quite pathetic during this entire madness you caused with a lie about how you're still searching for the truth and within a week you found it lol. Lo and behold, you found it elsewhere and not the place you argued non-stop for a week.
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#165 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 18:34
Salaam, I have been tied up today so unable to read & respond.

InshaAllah, any reference.made to any street or organization will be edited in due time.

Apologies to everyone and jazakallah for all your support.

Those who are not calling them selves salafi have nothing to be fear, those who follow a school of thought are not salafi. So if anyone has been offended by.the term salafi, ask your self why you are offended. Either you are or you are not. If you are but are hiding and lying trying to prove something, then let .it be known that this a shia method. (The shia opposed the khulaafa in every aspect, and they lie about their beliefs).
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