To give one adhan for Jummah is not haram. That is what you wanted hear. But to leave out the Sunnah of the khulaafa on a continuous basis would be going against the ijma. Hadhrat Ali RA was of the khulaafa, but the Hadith you provided was temporary. Therefore the ijma was and has been for 1400 years of the adhan of uthman ra continues.
You very cleverly chose not to answer certain questions because they prove your opinion wrong, I don't think you and Yasin quite understand, the reason why they don't do two azans is because the reason for doing it is not present, this is the same reason why Ali commanded the people to do only one azan in kufa.
If you look at saudi arabia, egypt, morroco and many other countries that are upon similar if not the same beliefs as these brothers, you will find that most of them do two azans, this is because the azans are heard from miles outside the mosques so it coincides with that which Uthman did and is therefore sunnah and the best thing to do in that situation.
There are only a few mosques in the UK that have been given permission to allow the azan to be heard outside the mosques, for these mosques, the brothers at tarbeeyyah say it's sunnah and the best thing to do because the reasons are met.
As for tarbeeyyah mosque, masjid quba, madinah mosque and all the other mosques in hackney, the sunnah for them is to do one azan because the reasons why Uthman did azan are not met, this also coincides with the action of Ali.
The brother at Tarbeeyyah also told me that if they were ever given permission to put a large speaker outside the masjid so people can hear the azan from miles out, they would do two azans because they meet the reasons as to why it was done by Uthman.
If Allah gives you the tawfiq to understand the above, you will come to realize that the way you call the azan is actually against the sunnah because it doesn't meet the reasons as to why Uthman ordered for it to take place. It's just like the mistake that many people make, they take the hadiths that tell us Ibn Umar trimmed his beard and then trim their beards right down, ignoring the fact that he didn't trim it shorter than a fist length.
The brother told me that many people like to take rulings without looking at the whole situation, if the Prophet pbuh or the sahabas did something, you have to look at their boundaries and reasons and not transgress the limits and go beyond that, this is what the brothers at Tarbeeyyah are upon mashallah, that's why their methadology seems a lot stronger and is a lot more appealing than ours.
abu mohammed wrote:
So if you guys find their theory in conjunction with your nafs, then so be it. You have the answer of those who go against the ijma of the ummah.
The brother actually laughed when I told him this, he's asked me to ask you to research what the ijma was actually on, was it on the two azans itself or was the ijma on the reasons to when the two azans become sunnah, maybe you can let us know when you finish researching this from the books of the salaf.
[quote="abu mohammed"]
And this is not the only place where these theories stop, there are other places where their nafs have gone against the ijma. If you want to know where, them ask. Sweet talk and theories do not hold value in the eyes of the ijma.
I would like to know please. Maybe whilst you're finding more examples, you can read the brothers article again and give your insight on:
Ibn Qudamah mentions in al-Mugni;
"The companion of the Prophet (pbuh) used to wipe over the jawrabayn and there were no differences amongst them in that and therefore it is ijma'"