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Video Recordings: Halal or Haram?

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Seifeddine-M's avatar
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 13th July 2011 11:41
Live Broadcasting

Shaykh Mufti Taqi Usmani (may Allah preserve him) and many other scholars have declared that live broadcastings of images do not fall within the ambit of picture-making (taswir). A picture is something that is permanent and static, whilst the image broadcasted live is not permanent hence cannot be termed a picture. A live broadcast is in reality a reflection of the actual image, similar to seeing an image in a mirror.

Therefore, if an image of a human or animal is broadcasted live, then this does not fall into the unlawful picture-making. It will be permitted to broadcast something live or view a live programme, provided the content of the programme is lawful (halal). (Taqrir Tirmidhi, 2/351)

Video Recording

According to Shaykh Taqi Usmani, that which is recorded in a videotape or DVD is also not considered a picture. In a videotape, the particles of an image are gathered and then re-opened in the same order to view the image. This is the reason why it is not possible to see the picture in the rail of the tape without playing it. (ibid)

Therefore, if a permitted and Halal event, such as a lecture of a scholar, is played and viewed on a videotape or DVD, it will be permitted, Insha Allah.

Note that the above discussion does not in any way relate to watching Television. Watching TV and keeping it at home is another matter altogether, for which a separate answer is needed. The many harms and evils of keeping a TV at home are known to all. This answer only relates to the permissibility of viewing a Halal image through a live broadcast or a videotape/DVD.

see: Hard facts about television -

Shaykh Taqi Usmani (may Allah preserve him) sums this up in one of his Fatawa:

"The images appearing on live programs or recorded programs on television are not the pictures in the strict sense envisaged in the Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam) unless they are printed in a durable form on paper or on any other object. But the basic reason why Muslims are advised not to keep TV sets in their homes is that most of the programs broadcast on the TV channels contain impermissible elements."

And Allah knows best

[Mufti] Muhammad ibn Adam
Darul Iftaa
Leicester , UK
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 13th July 2011 11:47
Shaykh ul Hadeeth Abu Yusuf Riyadh Ul Haq also mentions this position, as stated in his lecture: "The Masjid of Taqwa." He said that this is the position of many 'Ulama.

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Rehaan's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2015 06:10
Live Broadcasting

Shaykh Mufti Taqi Usmani (may Allah preserve him) and many other scholars have declared that live broadcastings of images do not fall within the ambit of picture-making (taswir). A picture is something that is permanent and static, whilst the image broadcasted live is not permanent hence cannot be termed a picture. A live broadcast is in reality a reflection of the actual image, similar to seeing an image in a mirror.

Therefore, if an image of a human or animal is broadcasted live, then this does not fall into the unlawful picture-making. It will be permitted to broadcast something live or view a live programme, provided the content of the programme is lawful (halal). (Taqrir Tirmidhi, 2/351)

Note that the above discussion does not in any way relate to watching Television. Watching TV and keeping it at home is another matter altogether, for which a separate answer is needed. The many harms and evils of keeping a TV at home are known to all. This answer only relates to the permissibility of viewing a Halal image through a live broadcast or a videotape/DVD.

So where am i supposed to view the live telecasts, if not on TV ?
youtube? cause there is truly no evil on youtube ;) ?
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Abdullah1's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2015 10:48
We have liberty to decide how we use internet but not TV.
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Abdullah1's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2015 10:57
I can't understand the use of optimistic.

Its meaning is to be hopeful about future or make unrealistically high estimate. Can't understand how this fits as the post rating, as done in 3rd post.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2015 11:09
Abdullah1 wrote:
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We also have liberty to decide how we use the TV. TV would be much safer than internet by a far margin.

Abdullah1 wrote:
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The Ulama say TV is not allowed, yet Live broadcasts are allowed. So how and where would people view these live broadcasts. Its a good question, since an optimist says a glass is half full and the other side would say its half empty.

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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2015 13:54
abu mohammed wrote:
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We also have liberty to decide how we use the TV. TV would be much safer than internet by a far margin.
Yes it's possible, but only if we decide to tune only Peace TV or a few others like it. But we actually don't need to watch these channels too and therefore TV, it isn't a necessity. But using internet has become an indispensable part of our educational system + communication system, and therefore can't avoid it.

BTW I have never seen any home that has television, and is safe from music and haram scenes/ads.
But there are people using internet and staying away from all these haraam things.

[quote]The Ulama say TV is not allowed, yet Live broadcasts are allowed. So how and where would people view these live broadcasts. Its a good question, since an optimist says a glass is half full and the other side would say its half empty.

The TV in itself is only a device and therefore neither good nor evil. It is the use that makes it good or bad. That's why it is a masla that the income of the person who repairs TV is halaal as it is possible to use the device the legal and halaal way. I think ulama recommend to avoid it because its harms are far more than its benefits (which can easily be observed and are mentioned by saifeddin-M in opening post), and also there is no actual need of it.

Live broadcasts are allowed not a must : ). So if we can't find any on internet, doesn't matter.
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2015 16:55
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