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Abdullah ibn Mubarak

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2010 16:57
Ameerul Mu'mineen of Hadith, Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Mubarak (R)(Passed away in 181 A.H.) was most of the most senior Muhadditheen and the teacher of people like Imam Ahmad(R) and Imam Yahya ibn Ma'een(R). Infact the first book that Imam Bukhari(R) studied were those of Abdullah ibn Mubarak(R).

He is unanimously regarded as the Ameerul Mu'mineen in the field of Hadith and Imams Buhkari(R) & Muslim(R) narrate many Hadith from him.

He was one of the special students of Imam Abu Hanifa(R) and was so captivated by the personality of Imam Abu Hanifa(R) that he stayed with him through out his life. He had the following to say about Imam Abu Hanifa(R)

"He (Imam Abu Hanifa) was amongst those who knew the most Hadith of Rasulullah(SAW) and had studied Hadith from many teachers". Abdullah ibn Mubarak(R) used to encourage people to follow Imam Abu Hanifa(R) and say, "We have been to many scholars of Hijaz and Iraq but hvae never found a class more blessed and more beneficial than that of Imam Abu Hanifa"

"I have been to Many Cities but I had never known the principles of Halal & Haram until I met him (Imam Abu Hanifa(R))"

"I have studied under many teachers, but I had never known any as proficient in Fatawa as he (Imam Abu Hanifa(R))"

"Were it not for sounding prejudiced, I would say that I have never seen anyone as proficient in Fatawa as he (Imam Abu Hanifa(R))"

"He (Imam Abu Hanifa(R)) excelled people in his momery for Hadith, his Fiqh, his knowledge, his trustworthiness and his sheer piety"

"He had the deepest understanding of Deen and I have never seen any with a deeper understanding than he"

"If an opinion is to be sought, it is to be taken from Malik, Sufyan and Abu Hanifa (R). From them, the one with the best, the deepest and most finely tuned understanding is Abu Hanifa(R)"

"There is none worthy of being followed than Imam Abu Hanifa(R) because he was an Imam, a pious man, an Alim, and a Faqih. With his keen insight, understanding and intelligence, he has exposed knowledge in such a way that no other has done

SubhanAllah, the last comment reminds me of the Hadith about the Persians and the furthest planet.

Manaaqib Kurdi (Vol1 Pg. 103 & 104)
Jaami Bayaanil Ilm Pg. 113
Kharatul Hisaan Pg. 29
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 12th November 2010 14:36
Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubarak (RA) said that, "If Allah did not help me with Abu Hanifa and Sufyan, I would have been like the rest of the people." In other words, he is thanking Allah for placing him in the position so that he was able to learn from Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Sufyan, thus elevating him from the likes of the masses and making him one of the great scholars of the past

See Tabyeed-us-Saheefah fi Manaqib il-Imam Abi Hanifah An-Nu'maan, p. 113, by Shaikh ul Mashaaikh Jalaalud-din As-Suyuti; see also Tareekh Baghdad 337/13.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 12th November 2010 14:38
Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubarak (RA) also said "Wallaahi (by Allah), Al-Imam was so severe in his pursuit of knowledge, staying away from forbidden things following the Ulama of his place, took only from what is authentic from the Messenger of Allah (SAW) and he had a very strong recognition (Shadeed ul Ma'rifah) in regards to Nasikh (abrogating) and Mansookh (abrogated) of Hadith (the knowledge of those abrogated Hadith),and sought out the narrations of reliable narrators only and the last practice of the Messenger of Allah (SAW). The practice of the Ulama of Kufa in following the truth, he took it and he made it his Deen.Some people have said harsh words against him. We will stay silent in regards to those people. And we will seek forgiveness from Allah from it." From this quote of Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubarak, we can understand that not only was Al-Imam knowledgeable in Hadith, but he was even knowledgeable in a special department of Hadith, the Nasikh and Mansookh.

See the Muqaddimah (Introduction) of Aujaz ul-Masaalik, p. 58; see also Ma'rifah Uloom il Hadeeth for Al Hakim to see that this is a separate field in Hadith p. 141-145.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 29th April 2024 16:37
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 29th April 2024 16:39

Imam Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak: The Life of the Wealthy Ascetic Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
Halalified YouTube Audio

Longer video: 1 hour
Abdullah ibn Mubarak was an early, pious Muslim known for his memory and zeal for knowledge, collected had?th (muhaddith), and was remembered for his asceticism.He earned the title Amir al-Mu'minin fi al-Hadith. His father, named Mubarak, was from Khurasan and became a client (maw?l?) of an Arab trader from the tribe of Ban? Han?ala in the city of Hamadh?n, and his mother was said to have been from Khw?rizm. Mubarak later married Hind, the trader's daughter. It is said that ‘Abdullah ibn Mubarak left his hometown of Merv, and while living in Hamadh?n, went on to visit and speak often in Baghd?d. Imam Ahmad said about Abdullah ibn Mubarak that there was no one more eager to travel for seeking knowledge than him. His teachers included Sufy?n al-Thawr? and Ab? Han?fa.
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