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QUOTE -----------
Issue 3:
Was Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) a Hanafi or a Maliki?
The correct and honest answer to that matter is that Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) was a Mujtahid Imam who benefitted from both and narrated Ahadeeth from both Imam Abu Haneefa (RA) and Imam Malik (RA) and some of the great Imams of their time are known to change Schools e.g. Imam Tahawi (RA) was a Shaf’ae and became a Hanafi.
So can we be conclusively declare Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) to be Maliki on the statement of Qadi Iyadh (RA), alone?
Allah (SWT) knows best as this matter is discussed between Hanafi & Maliki Ulaama.
The points to consider are as follows:
...that the statement of Abdullah bin Mubarak where he said: “Abu Haneefah is miskeen in hadith,” in no way implies that Imam Abu Haneefah had very little knowledge in the science of hadith. Rather, being miskeen in hadith refers to the fact that Imam Abu Haneefah's focus was not directed towards relating many turuq (chain of narrators) when narrating a hadith as is the habit of those muhadditheen who have devoted themselves solely for the transmitting of hadith.
Being a mujtahid, Imam Sahib's attention was focused to a greater extent to the deducing of ahkaam (laws and verdicts) from the various ahadeeth. (Ta’neeb-ul-Khateeb, pg 235)
The one thing for sure is that Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) had great opinion about Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) and he DID NOT retract his views until death came to him.
Mujtahid Imams could disagree with Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) even his illustrious students like Imam Abu Yusuf (RA) or Imam Muhammad (RA) did but the points which are being highlighted are two:
Once you agree with points 1 & 2 then there is no problem with a layman following one of the greatest Salaf since he/she is incapable of Ijtehaad.
Imam Abu Haneefa (RA) is not only Salaf but one of the greatest and Qur'aan & Sunnah command me to follow Salaf which I am doing.
Salaf disagreed with each other (based on daleel) so I have no problems Imam Malik Ibn Anas (RA) and his opinions and his Madhab.
In case of Raf Al-Yadain both of the greatest of the Salafs i.e. Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) & Imam Darul-Hijrah Malik Ibn Anas (RA) and their Madhabs agree on the matter, simply saying that these two great Salafs agree means that there are bound to be some from the Salaf who disagreed with them and again that’s fine.
The fact of the matter is that this is an issue of disagreement amongst Salaf and we accept that and follow the Salaf and have our daleel but as per the history of the Muslim Ummah we neither censor nor disrespect the position of Imam Ash-Shaf’ae (RA) & Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal (RA)and we will discuss this later (if there is a need) on the specific issue.
Jazakullah Khairun
---------------------- END QUOTE
Asslamo Allaikum,
I asked respected Ulama of South Africa to research this statement and find the original quote in Arabic and here it is and this works against Salafees and I will produce the original as-is:
وتقريب المسالك - (ج 1 / ص 101)
من أهل المشرق
عبد الله بن المبارك
وهو مولى بني تميم. ثم لبني حنيفة مروزي وكنيته أبو عبد الرحمان. سمع من ابن أبي ليلى وهشام بن عروة والأعمش وسليمان التيمي وحميد الطويل ويحيى بن سعيد وابن عون وموسى بن عقبة والسفيانيين والأوزاعي وابن أبي ذئب ومالكاً ومعمراً وشعبة وحيوة بن شريح وقرأ على أبي عمرو بن العلاء والليث وغيرهم. روى عنه ابن مهدي وعبد الرزاق ويحيى القطان وابن وهب وغيرهم. قال ابن وهب: ما فات ابن المبارك من مشيختنا إلا عمرو بن الحارث. قال الشيرازي تفقه بمالك والثوري، وكان أولاً من أصحاب أبي حنيفة ثم تركه ورجع عن مذهبه. قال ابن وضاح: ضرب آخراً في كتبه على أبي حنيفة ولم يقرأه للناس.
ذكر مكانته من العلم والثناء عليه
قال أبو إسحاق الفزاري: ابن المبارك إمام المسلمين. وكان الفزاري يجلس بين يديه فيسأله. وقال شعبة: ما قدم من ناحيته مثله. قال ابن مهدي: لقيت أربعة من الفقهاء: مالكاً وشعبة وسفيان وابن المبارك. وفي بعضها: حماد، مكان شعبة. فما رأيت أنصح للأمة من ابن المبارك وحديث لا يعرفه ابن المبارك لا نعرفه. وسئل ابن مهدي عنه وعن الثوري أيهما أفضل، فقال ابن المبارك. فقيل له: إن الناس يخالفونك. قال: الناس لم يجربوا. ما رأيت مثل ابن المبارك. وكان ينسخه وحده. ولما نعي ابن المبارك إلى سفيان بن عيينة قال: رحمه الله. لقد كان فقيهاً عالماً عابداً زاهداً سجيناً شجاعاً شاعراً. وقال أيضاً: ما قدم علينا أحد يشبه ابن المبارك وابن أبي زائدة. قال محمد بن المعتمر: قلت لأبي لما مات الثوري: من فقيه العرب؟ قال ابن المبارك. قال الأوزاعي لأبي عثمان الكلبي عنه: لو رأيته لقرت عينك. وقال علي: هو ثقة. قال أبو حاتم: هو إمام. قال أبو زرعة: اجتمع فيه فقه ومروءة وشجاعة وسخاء وأشياء. وقال داود العطار: هو رجل طلع علينا من ناحية المشرق. وقال النسائي: ولا يعلم أحد في عصر ابن المبارك أجل منه ولا أعلى ولا أجمع لكل خصلة محمودة منه. وقال سلام بن مطيع: ما خلق بالمشرق مثله، وابن المبارك أحب إلي من الثوري. وقال ابن وضاح: سمعت جماعة من أهل العلم يقولون: اجتمع في ابن المبارك العلم والفتيا، والحديث والمعرفة بالرجال، والشعر والسخاء والعبادة والورع
Basically in this section of the book there is a small biography of the great Imam of Hadeeth Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) and if the statement of Imam Shirazi (RA) is taken as Authentic then it would simply mean as we pointed out earlier that one of the greatest Imams of Hadeeth i.e. Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) adopted the Fiqh (the word in Arabic is Tafaqahu) of Imam Malik & Sufyan At-Thawri (RA).
So assuming that the historical account of Imam Shirazi is accurate it would mean:
This is a very serious and damning indictment of those who reject Madhabs because one of the greatest Imams of Hadeeth went from making Taqleed of one Imam to another Imam and he didn't go "free-lancing" and starting picking and choosing!
Anyone with a basic understanding of Arabic language can tell what is clearly written by Imam Shirazi (RA) and the rest of the quote is about the high rank of this noble Imam in Hadeeth.
Jazakullah Khairun for Ulama of South Africa in locating and providing the original text and may Allah (SWT) reward them for their efforts in this life and the next (Ameen).
Was Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) a Hanafi or a Maliki?
The correct and honest answer to that matter is that Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) was a Mujtahid Imam who benefitted from both and narrated Ahadeeth from both Imam Abu Haneefa (RA) and Imam Malik (RA) and some of the great Imams of their time are known to change Schools e.g. Imam Tahawi (RA) was a Shaf’ae and became a Hanafi.
So can we be conclusively declare Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) to be Maliki on the statement of Qadi Iyadh (RA), alone?
Allah (SWT) knows best as this matter is discussed between Hanafi & Maliki Ulaama.
The points to consider are as follows:
...that the statement of Abdullah bin Mubarak where he said: “Abu Haneefah is miskeen in hadith,” in no way implies that Imam Abu Haneefah had very little knowledge in the science of hadith. Rather, being miskeen in hadith refers to the fact that Imam Abu Haneefah's focus was not directed towards relating many turuq (chain of narrators) when narrating a hadith as is the habit of those muhadditheen who have devoted themselves solely for the transmitting of hadith.
Being a mujtahid, Imam Sahib's attention was focused to a greater extent to the deducing of ahkaam (laws and verdicts) from the various ahadeeth. (Ta’neeb-ul-Khateeb, pg 235)
The one thing for sure is that Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) had great opinion about Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) and he DID NOT retract his views until death came to him.
Mujtahid Imams could disagree with Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) even his illustrious students like Imam Abu Yusuf (RA) or Imam Muhammad (RA) did but the points which are being highlighted are two:
Once you agree with points 1 & 2 then there is no problem with a layman following one of the greatest Salaf since he/she is incapable of Ijtehaad.
Imam Abu Haneefa (RA) is not only Salaf but one of the greatest and Qur'aan & Sunnah command me to follow Salaf which I am doing.
Salaf disagreed with each other (based on daleel) so I have no problems Imam Malik Ibn Anas (RA) and his opinions and his Madhab.
In case of Raf Al-Yadain both of the greatest of the Salafs i.e. Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) & Imam Darul-Hijrah Malik Ibn Anas (RA) and their Madhabs agree on the matter, simply saying that these two great Salafs agree means that there are bound to be some from the Salaf who disagreed with them and again that’s fine.
The fact of the matter is that this is an issue of disagreement amongst Salaf and we accept that and follow the Salaf and have our daleel but as per the history of the Muslim Ummah we neither censor nor disrespect the position of Imam Ash-Shaf’ae (RA) & Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal (RA)and we will discuss this later (if there is a need) on the specific issue.
Jazakullah Khairun
Asslamo Allaikum,
I asked respected Ulama of South Africa to research this statement and find the original quote in Arabic and here it is and this works against Salafees and I will produce the original as-is:
وتقريب المسالك - (ج 1 / ص 101)
من أهل المشرق
عبد الله بن المبارك
وهو مولى بني تميم. ثم لبني حنيفة مروزي وكنيته أبو عبد الرحمان. سمع من ابن أبي ليلى وهشام بن عروة والأعمش وسليمان التيمي وحميد الطويل ويحيى بن سعيد وابن عون وموسى بن عقبة والسفيانيين والأوزاعي وابن أبي ذئب ومالكاً ومعمراً وشعبة وحيوة بن شريح وقرأ على أبي عمرو بن العلاء والليث وغيرهم. روى عنه ابن مهدي وعبد الرزاق ويحيى القطان وابن وهب وغيرهم. قال ابن وهب: ما فات ابن المبارك من مشيختنا إلا عمرو بن الحارث. قال الشيرازي تفقه بمالك والثوري، وكان أولاً من أصحاب أبي حنيفة ثم تركه ورجع عن مذهبه. قال ابن وضاح: ضرب آخراً في كتبه على أبي حنيفة ولم يقرأه للناس.
ذكر مكانته من العلم والثناء عليه
قال أبو إسحاق الفزاري: ابن المبارك إمام المسلمين. وكان الفزاري يجلس بين يديه فيسأله. وقال شعبة: ما قدم من ناحيته مثله. قال ابن مهدي: لقيت أربعة من الفقهاء: مالكاً وشعبة وسفيان وابن المبارك. وفي بعضها: حماد، مكان شعبة. فما رأيت أنصح للأمة من ابن المبارك وحديث لا يعرفه ابن المبارك لا نعرفه. وسئل ابن مهدي عنه وعن الثوري أيهما أفضل، فقال ابن المبارك. فقيل له: إن الناس يخالفونك. قال: الناس لم يجربوا. ما رأيت مثل ابن المبارك. وكان ينسخه وحده. ولما نعي ابن المبارك إلى سفيان بن عيينة قال: رحمه الله. لقد كان فقيهاً عالماً عابداً زاهداً سجيناً شجاعاً شاعراً. وقال أيضاً: ما قدم علينا أحد يشبه ابن المبارك وابن أبي زائدة. قال محمد بن المعتمر: قلت لأبي لما مات الثوري: من فقيه العرب؟ قال ابن المبارك. قال الأوزاعي لأبي عثمان الكلبي عنه: لو رأيته لقرت عينك. وقال علي: هو ثقة. قال أبو حاتم: هو إمام. قال أبو زرعة: اجتمع فيه فقه ومروءة وشجاعة وسخاء وأشياء. وقال داود العطار: هو رجل طلع علينا من ناحية المشرق. وقال النسائي: ولا يعلم أحد في عصر ابن المبارك أجل منه ولا أعلى ولا أجمع لكل خصلة محمودة منه. وقال سلام بن مطيع: ما خلق بالمشرق مثله، وابن المبارك أحب إلي من الثوري. وقال ابن وضاح: سمعت جماعة من أهل العلم يقولون: اجتمع في ابن المبارك العلم والفتيا، والحديث والمعرفة بالرجال، والشعر والسخاء والعبادة والورع
Basically in this section of the book there is a small biography of the great Imam of Hadeeth Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) and if the statement of Imam Shirazi (RA) is taken as Authentic then it would simply mean as we pointed out earlier that one of the greatest Imams of Hadeeth i.e. Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) adopted the Fiqh (the word in Arabic is Tafaqahu) of Imam Malik & Sufyan At-Thawri (RA).
So assuming that the historical account of Imam Shirazi is accurate it would mean:
This is a very serious and damning indictment of those who reject Madhabs because one of the greatest Imams of Hadeeth went from making Taqleed of one Imam to another Imam and he didn't go "free-lancing" and starting picking and choosing!
Anyone with a basic understanding of Arabic language can tell what is clearly written by Imam Shirazi (RA) and the rest of the quote is about the high rank of this noble Imam in Hadeeth.
Jazakullah Khairun for Ulama of South Africa in locating and providing the original text and may Allah (SWT) reward them for their efforts in this life and the next (Ameen).[/quote]
Asslamo Allaikum All,
In addition...I am pretty sure that the person posting this objection has NEVER read the book itself because in the same book there is a section called, "Akhbar Abi Haneefa (RA) Wa Ashaab (The news of Abu Haneefa (RA) and his companions" and it says in this section:
قال سعيد بن منصور قال سمعت فضيل بن عياض يقول كان أبو حنيفة معروفا بكثرة الأفضال وقلة الكلام وإكرام العلم وأهله
Saeed bin Mansoor (RA) says that he heard Fudhail bin Ayyadh (RA) say, "Abu Haneefa (RA) was well known for a great number of virtues, minimal speech and honouring of knowledge and those who are associated with it"
Maulana Yasin Saheb (HA) is requested to correct my shody translation.
Jazakullah Khairun
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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