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Fiqh made Easy

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abu mohammed's avatar
abu mohammed's avatar
#1 [Permalink] Posted on 29th October 2010 10:39
FIQH FIXED See my blogs for more.

The Complex work of Fiqh made easy, InshaAllah

We have the Quran, We have the Hadith, We have the actions of the Sahaba, We have eyewitness accounts, We have The Khulafa e Rashedeen, We have the Greatest of Ulama to walk the face of the earth, We have millions of narrations, We have millions of questions, We have millions of issues, We have millions of Answers. We have One Allah, We have One Quran, We have One Prophet Muhammad (saw), We have One Deen, Islam. We are All Muslims

From all of the above the, The Sahaba, Tabi'een, Tabe Tabi'een, Fuqaha etc have taken rulings and Masa'il in the light of The Quran & Sunnah. Each and every Masa'il links to another Masa'il, each and every Masa'il has its origin and source, every Masa'il is derived from a fixed set of rules. Each rule, each Masa'il coincides with the next rule, then with the next rule then with the next rule and so on. With every Masa'il in place with its rules and how it got there and why it is the closest opinion, is all combined and working in perfect harmony to the Way of The Prophet (SAW).

Each of the four schools of Fiqh have many complex rules which have been derived from thousands of different evidences, which all intermatch with every ruling from within that school.
We have The Hanafi school, the Shafiee school, the Maliki school, and the Hanbali school. Each of these schools have taken The Quran, Hadith, Actions of the Sahaba and so on and arranged their schhols to coincide with all of them. Each Mas'ala is backed with strong evidences, each Mas'ala moves on smoothly to the next Mas'ala and so on.

These schools of fiqh have been around for more than 1000 years. All the Great Scholars of Islam Have followed one of them.

Lets take a look at how complex fiqh is and what it might look like inside these four schools.

Some claim that you should take out the strongest opinion from them and follow that way, but this will lead to confusion for the Mas'ala of Fiqh, just like the Cogs of a clock, they all match one after the other and work perfectly. If you try to be clever and take out all the opinions and then form your own fiqh then nothing will fit in place, you will have some Mas'ala that will contradict another Mas'ala. Your Deen, Iman, Aqeedah will be in a total mess. You will start to follow what suits your needs and ways. This will lead to SHIRK.

The above can be seen as the complex work of the four schools of thought.

What happens if you try to find the strongest opinion

You cant put it back, you or any one today doesnt have the knowledge to do it

As you can see, once you start taking out the Masa'il of fiqh and the evidence used for it and then try to pick another Masa'il of fiqh, you can not put every thing back to work in perfect harmony. One Masa'il of fiqh will not coincide with another Masa'il of Fiqh.

The other that can happen is that you will end with "Scholars for Dolars"

The four schools of Fiqh have been tried, tested and accepted by the Greatest of Scholars, no matter how big they were.

InshaAllah, The safest thing to do is follow one school. Every thing will work perfectly. Your every day routine will match with all the laws and rules every day for ever, no complications, no contradictions. Just like Clock work.

All you will need to do is keep on ticking.


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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 11th January 2014 13:22
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Asaaghir's avatar
Spinistan Throne
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 4th July 2017 17:10
I want to be open minded!

I (a fictional character) have read the works of other Ulama who say I can do such and such as there is a bases for it in the deen, so in bullet points, here's how I now lived my life ever since I became more educated in my religion and my relationship with my God.

I can pick and choose what I do and still be a Muslim right?

  • I don't fast in Ramadhan because I'm a traveller (I always travel when Ramadhan is upon us too)
  • I combine prayers because I work nights so I pray everything when I wake up. I pray 5 times a day!
  • When I do pray, I pray qasr because I travel all the time.
  • I don't have to make wudhu because I'm open minded, sometimes I wipe my silk socks (they are less than 4 fingers wide) and sometimes I bleed and my wudhu isn't broken because majority says I can do this.
  • I denounce my religion in front of my enemies and I consider everyone to be my enemy.
  • I don't have to give zakah as I consider myself as a traveller.
  • I eat meat from blessed mechanical blades.
  • I divorced my wife on the first night, I gave her 3 talaqs once. I've done that a few times now and I'm still with her and have 6 children.
  • I've never prayed 20 rakaats of taraweeh, I always walk out after 8 and smoke outside until they finish.
  • I don't go to the mosque for Jummuah because they won't allow my wife to pray there.
  • I don't go for Eid salah because they don't follow the Saudi's
  • I follow the strangest opinion even if it's not the majority.
  • I follow the opinion of scholars but not from where I live.
  • I drink Bacardi breezer with my kids because it doesn't intoxicate me.
  • I almost shave off my beard every day because there is an opinion that says I can. I like my stuble.
  • I am part of the LGBT to show unity.
  • I listen to Music through out the night while working, it keeps me going.
  • I invest in interest not Ribah.
  • I have many children out of mutah, I lost count.
  • I spend a lot of time alone with my sister in-law when she's upset with my brother.
  • I force my wife to remove her hijab in fear of attacks.
  • I have my sunday lunch at my local pub with all my mates.
  • I go Makkah every year and kiss the black stone and start as fresh as a new born baby.
  • I have a clean heart because I forgive everyone at night - So I'm going jannah.
  • I give a lot of charity because I'm always smiling.

I am still a practicing Muslim because I don't believe in Taqlid Shaksi, I back myself up with evidence from here and there.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 5th July 2017 04:28
You could have used the time and effort it took you to write that post to actually read up on the topic. One real life example comes to mind in which taqleed shaksi would be of no benefit. A strict hanafi businessman has large amounts of cash but does not want to pay zakat on so much cash, so he invests in personal properties so his zakat payment would be less.

Another one I hear about: a person is known to accept zakat, so he gives his wife whatever he receive s so he is never in possession of nisab and can always receive zakat.

Only Allah knows your intentions and no one can fool Allah.
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Asaaghir's avatar
Spinistan Throne
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 5th July 2017 09:02
In any scenario, the person will most likely be fooling himself and looking for a loophole.

At the end of the day, whether I waste my time typing up posts or copy and paste them from somewhere else, the idea is to make people aware that Taqlid Shaksi is the safer option, especially for non scholars.

You may not be concerned for laypeople, but I am and I'll always advise them to stick to one school in all areas.

I don't believe you are true to your name, concerned!

Seems like a fake get up but I sincerely hope I'm wrong.
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