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Who Is it?

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 20th October 2010 22:07
If we are of the Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaat, then who is this?

* Imam Bukhari states that to say 3 talaqs in one go, it is 3 talaqs not 1. So Who says 3 talaqs at once are only counted as once.

* Taraweeh is only 8 Rakats, 20 Rakats comes from Hadhrat Umar رضي الله عنه

* Jumuah has only 1 Adhan and 1 Iqamah, 2 Adhans and 1 Iqamah as introduced by Hadhrat Uthman رضي الله عنه is not needed

* The above clearly go against the Ijma of the Khulafa-e-Rashedeen, who goes againts Hadhrat Umar رضي الله عنه and Hadhrat Uthman رضي الله عنه

* Hadhrat Umar رضي الله عنه and Hadhrat A'isha رضي الله عنه preferred that the women prayed their Salah at home (Although it was just their opinion), Who is it that doesnt agree with Hadhrat A'isha رضي الله عنه & Hadhrat Umar رضي الله عنه.

What happens to those who oppose The Quran, The Rasul (saw) and The Mu'mineen (majority of the Muslims)?

Well this is what Allah says
Whoever opposes the Rasool after the guidance (the truth of Islam/ The Quran) has become manifest (clear) to him and follows a path other than that of the Mu'mineen, We shall allow him to do that thing which he is doing and then enter him into Jahannam. It is the worst of abodes.
Surah Nisaa: Verse 115

Who are these People?
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Yasin's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 20th October 2010 23:03
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 20th October 2010 23:07
can you be a bit more specific!
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 20th October 2010 23:07
Salam, just wanted to add that the above post (first post) is mashaAllah brilliant. Bookmarked.
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 20th October 2010 23:09
can you be a bit more specific!

Ahl-e-Hadeeth or as Mufti Ismaeel (of clapton) would call them, "Ahl-e-Hadath"
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 20th October 2010 23:31
Yasin wrote:
Ahl-e-Hadeeth or as Mufti Ismaeel (of clapton) would call them, "Ahl-e-Hadath"

jazakallah for your previous comment.

the actual beauty of this post is yet to be seen.

To the answer you have given, all i can say at this stage is "AND"
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ummi taalib's avatar
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2010 08:41
sorry but what does "hadath" stand for?
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2010 09:05
ummi taalib wrote:
sorry but what does "hadath" stand for?

In Islamic fiqh, Hadath is ritual impurity

Hadath-Akbar refers to a state of major ritual impurity
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ummi taalib's avatar
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2010 09:09
it didn't click even though i knew of hadathe akbar!...isnt the term a bit strong when used to people?
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2010 09:20
it is, I agree, but at the end day, they:

Touch the Quran without Wudhu,
Do Masah on Socks,
Allow women to touch/recite the Quran during the monthly menstruation.

So it is clear that they do Ibadat when not in the state of purity.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2010 09:27
abu mohammed wrote:
it is, I agree, but at the end day, they:

Touch the Quran without Wudhu,
Do Masah on Socks,
Allow women to touch/recite the Quran during the monthly menstruation.

So it is clear that they do Ibadat when not in the state of purity.

and thats just what i know.

imagine what the scholars know.

any ideas?
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ummi taalib's avatar
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2010 11:25
a couple of my friends and myself often come cross ghayr muqallideen sisters and over the years whenever we've asked for advice we have always been told to be polite, try our utmost to make them understand and if they appear stubborn/extreme, stay away...

In my experience with university/college girls who get influenced by this fitnah, i find regular discussions with a lot of patience works in most cases..Alhamdulillah, and when it doesn't i put a stop to discussions and just concentrate on teaching tajweed.I feel being a bit on the harsh side (not sure if this word applies) could be a put off for some when they read these articles and isn't the maqsad here to provide correct info for those searching so that it becomes a means of guidance?

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2010 11:40
I understand your statement, what do you think Mowlana Yasin.

Although exposing/confronting/understanding the wrongs would only lead one to understand the differences.

I believe the aim/maqsad here is to educate the people who want to know the differences and also for those who get bombarded with these questions.

The aim of this subject is to prove the likeness of those not on the straight path with others.

Hence the question, Who Is it?

This will provide an insight to the similarities of the "deviants" as Mowlana Yasin put it.

There is something common between all the points I have made.

Sister Ummi Taalib, you have the answer. You mentioned something in a different post about a book we have!
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ummi taalib's avatar
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2010 11:44
abu mohammed wrote:

Sister Ummi Taalib, you have the answer. You mentioned something in a different post about a book we have!

I've taken the book out but i'm busy with something else so cannot devote time to it at the moment...maybe you can start it off then i'll add when i can insha allah
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 21st October 2010 11:48
ummi taalib wrote:
abu mohammed wrote:

Sister Ummi Taalib, you have the answer. You mentioned something in a different post about a book we have!

I've taken the book out but i'm busy with something else so cannot devote time to it at the moment...maybe you can start it off then i'll add when i can insha allah

Not to worry, I've read the book inside out, Brilliant source of information.

But I will leave the Question open for others to answer.

I find that when I am looking for an answer, I learn many new things on the way to it. I hope that is the case with others and therefore, I will leave it unanswered for now.
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