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1doubtfull out of 10,080 Masa'il or Perfection!

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 20th October 2010 13:14

The Hidayah (Book) represents the refined, distilled and authentic version of a legal tradition developed over many centuries. It presents the corpus of Hanafi law in its approved and preferred form and forges an organic link with the other schools of law. There is no book that can match the power of al-Hidayah as a teaching manual. Education in Islamic law is not complete without this book. Accordingly, each and every madrassah, whatever its affiliation, imparts instruction in Islamic law through al-Hidayah.

In the commentry of al hidaya, it is said that there are 1,260,000 masa'il of fiqh. Thats one million two hundred and sixty thousand masa'il. (reference: Taqleed by zamzam publishers)

For those who say we need to find the strongest opinion, well.......try to find the strongest opinion, you will be wasting your time. Imam Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shaibah went through the masa'il and he said he found 125 masa'il that could be questioned. From that 125, 60 of them were proven to be wrong, thats 65 that can be questioned. Even these 65 had been given evidence to back it up.

Had Imam Shaibah been correct, Lets see what the result would have been:

125 Masa'il from the Hanafi Fiqh that "could" have been wrong, out of the 1,260,000 Masa'il. Lets do the maths, Thats 1 incorrect opinion from every 10,080 Masa'il of the Hanafi Fiqh, This shows the excellence of the Shura of the Hanafi School. But even these can be backed up

So who are we and what are we going to do. No scholar, not even all of them put together can match the 4 great imams.

Looking for the strongest opinion would be wasting time & fooling ones self. Any scholar who even tries to become a faqih in this day & age will fail.

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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 18th July 2014 19:50
abu mohammed wrote:
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Brother can you please send this book "al hidaya" to me if you have a soft copy of it ?
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 18th July 2014 21:27
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 18th July 2014 22:52
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