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Real life discussion with a local Madkhali (Extreme Salafi)

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sister-in-islam's avatar
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#16 [Permalink] Posted on 18th May 2010 07:46 Muadh_Khan
in sunniforum..under what username do you come?
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#17 [Permalink] Posted on 18th May 2010 11:31

sister-in-islam wrote: Muadh_Khan
in sunniforum..under what username do you come?


And I hold the record for most bans. : - )

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ummi taalib's avatar
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#18 [Permalink] Posted on 18th May 2010 12:51
muadh khan..AWW is it possible for you to help me register at sunniforum? been struggling for weeks....sorry i know its the wrong place to ask
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sister-in-islam's avatar
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#19 [Permalink] Posted on 18th May 2010 13:56
Muadh_Khan wrote:

sister-in-islam wrote: Muadh_Khan
in sunniforum..under what username do you come?


And I hold the record for most bans. : - )

Is it wrong to say,you also use this name on my other i haven't seen you around for a while

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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#20 [Permalink] Posted on 18th May 2010 15:53

muadh khan..AWW is it possible for you to help me register at sunniforum? been struggling for weeks....sorry i know its the wrong place to ask[/quote]

Asslamo Allaikum,

I am not a moderator or anything but what kind of problem are you having?


Is it wrong to say,you also use this name on my other i haven't seen you around for a while

Yes I am probably the only one who uses that name on the Internet. I do drop in from time to time.

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#21 [Permalink] Posted on 18th May 2010 16:13
Please stick to the current topic. Irrelevant posts, posts inciting a debate or disrespect towards another member will be removed without notice. Jazakumullah

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ummi taalib's avatar
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#22 [Permalink] Posted on 18th May 2010 16:26
sorry! did think it would be wrong
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#23 [Permalink] Posted on 18th May 2010 16:41
Asslamo Allaikum,

I don't know what the person said because I never read it.

Here is the link to Sunniforum Adminstrators, please send an email. There are plenty of Sister on their team and some of them are Alimahs so they will look into the issue and fix the problem.

Select "Registration Problem" from the list.
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ummi taalib's avatar
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#24 [Permalink] Posted on 18th May 2010 18:13
member2 is just saying that this is an inappropriate discussion as we are not sticking to current topic and i apologised thats all...anyway i've alredy tried the "registration problem" loads of times..dont worry about it and sorry again admin
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#25 [Permalink] Posted on 1st October 2010 23:13
Assalamu Allaikkum,

I would really appreciate if you could enlighten me on Jamaat work (if you are talking about tabligh jamaat). I went 40 days myself, and I must say it was one of the primary catalyst amongst some inspirational sermons in finding my religious identity. However, the Sri Lankan community in Leicester consists mainly of Salafs and they are very much against Tabligh Jamaat. They say there is a serious problem with the aqeedah and how I could be a part of some movement inspired by a man's dream? All in all, they class it as bid'ah or even shirk in some instances. My knowledge in this is limited, so I would appreciate if someone could shed some light.

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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#26 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd October 2010 16:35

"ashiqbiz" wrote:
Assalamu Allaikkum, I would really appreciate if you could enlighten me on Jamaat work (if you are talking about tabligh jamaat). I went 40 days myself, and I must say it was one of the primary catalyst amongst some inspirational sermons in finding my religious identity. However, the Sri Lankan community in Leicester consists mainly of Salafs and they are very much against Tabligh Jamaat. They say there is a serious problem with the aqeedah and how I could be a part of some movement inspired by a man's dream? All in all, they class it as bid'ah or even shirk in some instances. My knowledge in this is limited, so I would appreciate if someone could shed some light. Jazakalla-Khairan[/quote]

Asslamo Allaikum,

Some brothers have looked at objections of Salafees on Fadhail-e-Aamaal & Tableeghi Jamaat and answered them point by point here:

But the basics of Tableeghi Jamaat is to out in the path of Allah (SWT) for your own reformation and not worry about other people and what they say and what they do. The intention SHOULD be for the person to CORRECT themselves and bring their lives closer to the commandments of Allah (SWT) and the Sunnah of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) and ignore the rest.

You should join in the effort and bring your life closer to Sunnah to attain Success in this life and the next Insha'Allah.

Join the work and continue with the work.

Here is the famous Saudi Scholar Dr (Shaykh) Aidh Alqarni praising Tableeghees & work of Tableegh in France (Paris) Markaz

[quote="abu mohammed"]A bit Late, but I must say WELL DONE. I'm in the same boat with my cousins and I am getting thru. I Dont understand why the Salafis hate Imam Abu Hanifa. Do they even know what Albani did. We had a talk in our Masjid by Mufti Abdur Raheem Limbada. All I can say is "wicked". My cousins were there too, this helped me a lot. Shukran Habibi.

Asslamo Allaikum,

Here is a quote from Shaykh Al-Othaymeen (RA) a special gift for any Salafi. : - )

 Praise be to Allah.
It is good if a person focuses on one shaikh and makes him his main source, especially if he is a young beginner, for if the young beginner seeks knowledge from a number of people he will be confused. For people are not all of one opinion, especially nowadays. In the past, here in the Kingdom (Saudi Arabia) people never deviated from [the books] al-Iqnā’ [Book of Hanbalī Fiqh by Al-Buhuti] and al-Muntahā [Book of Hanbalī fiqh by Mar`i bin Yusuf], so their fatāwā were all the same and the bases of their fatāwā were all the same; no one differed from another, except in his delivery and style. But now, everyone who has memorized a hadīth or two says, “I am the Imām to be followed.  Imām Ahmad was a man and we are men.” So now there is chaos. Everyone is issuing fatāwā and sometimes you hear fatāwā from these people which make you weep and laugh at the same time. I was thinking of recording these fatāwā, but I was afraid that this might make me one of those who seek out their faults of their brothers, so I did not do it lest we transmit things that are as far from the truth as the earth is from the Pleiades.
I say: adhering to one scholar is very important when the seeker of knowledge is just starting out, so that he will not be confused. Hence our scholars forbade us to read al-Mughnī and Sharh al-Muhadhdhab and other books which contain numerous opinions when we were starting out. One of our scholars told us that Shaykh ‘AbdAllah ibn ‘AbdRahmān Bābiteen (May Allah have mercy on him), who was one of the great scholars of Najd, only read al-Rawd al-Murabba’ [Book of Hanbalī Fiqh by Al-Buhuti] and never read anything else. He read it repeatedly but he discussed it in great detail and in great depth.
If a person has gained a great deal of knowledge, then he should look at the views of the scholars so as to benefit from them in both academic and practical terms. But when one is just starting out, my advice is to focus on one particular scholar and not go to anyone else.
[From Fatāwā al-Shaikh Muhammad ibn Sālih al-‘Uthaymeen, Kitāb al-‘Ilm, page # 107]

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#27 [Permalink] Posted on 12th July 2011 13:17
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World Of Allah
#28 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2012 16:59
This thread should be made a sticky.

I was talking to one brother who has approached me asking about a salafi mosque.

He said those guys say that we should only follow Quran and Sunnah but they look so brain washed and you feel they are not at peace at all. All they want to do is debate.

What do I tell this brother, he worked it out in one go.

I wrote an article some time ago, I'll try and post it here too.
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World Of Allah
#29 [Permalink] Posted on 25th August 2012 17:14
I declare my self "Sala_Free"

I type from experience, been there done that.

Aims, methods and objectives of the Ghair Muqallids.

* To prove everyone wrong. * To label everyone. * To insult everyone. * To confuse every lay person. * To judge who is saved and who is not. * To steal the rewards of others. * To introduce THE threat. * To be hated by everyone.

To become a salafi you need to have learnt a bit of Arabic, picked up a few books of Hadith and learnt some Quran.

First mission is to confuse every situation then ask the introductory question, "Where is Allah"

Boom, first label is introduced. If the question is answered correctly, then ask the next question even if they are right. "Whats your Daleel"

Moving on to the next chap-ter. (That's not a typo, it says chap and chapter)

Weakness. Call everything weak, if it hasn't been heard of, still label it as weak then create an obstacle, ask for everything in Arabic. Don't forget to mention Daeef to make your self look knowledgeable.

Aqeedah. Check their Aqeedah, does it line up with theirs, if it does move along, if it doesn't, Boom, next label and insult.

Fiqh. Check who's fiqh they follow, label them instantly of being BLIND followers.

If they follow Imam Abu Hanifah, show praise for their Imam, lure them in and then pounce on them with accusation upon accusation. Reject every kind of answer that refuted the accusation.

If they follow Imam Malik, be nice and gentle and tell them what he thought of Imam Abu Hanifah with twisting his words. Then prove Imam Malik as one who follows the way of the salaf.

If Imam Shafi is being followed, prove to them why they find many of his evidence to be completely different from all the other Imams.

Finally, if they follow Imam Ahmad, brilliant, tell them that he was the Imam of Ahlus Sunnah, show them a narration from him clearly calling the people who follow the Prophet as being Ahle Hadith. Don't mention to them that they disagree with Imam Ahmad on many things. Introduce them to "Shaykul Islam", ibn Taymiyyah. Slander the scholars they bring, slander the Imams with dignity, slander your own scholars to make it look fair, claim no knowledge of certain scholars and distance your self from every other scholar.

Confusion. Confuse everyone with terms they have never heard of, never explain what those terms are. Leave them baffled. Make them feel low and ignorant.

Labels. Start stressing on the labels. Most important labels are as follows. Kafir, Mushrik, Deviant, Biddaty, Miskeen, Ashareeys, Mu'tazilahs, Murji'ahs, Debondis, Tableeghi, Qadariys, Jaabiris, Khawaarij, Raafidah, Barelwis, Jahmeeyyah, the Qadiyaanis Not from Ahlus Sunnah, Not from the saved sect. Etc etc.

Steal from them. After causing great upsets and luring them into committing sins, allow room for insults, be humble, show sorrow, and once you have been insulted, take it out of context and produce verses from the Quran and Hadith to prove that they have given all their rewards away and will have nothing to claim as good deeds on the day of judgement.

Threat. Threaten them with no choice, leave them feeling that they are no longer Muslims and that they may as well live like the Kuffar because that is what they have become. Make it clear that the Muslims are a minority and only the Salafi are guided to the Haq. Make them feel like their family are misguided and the dead are in hell fire because of their kufr. Make them feel like comitting Suicide with the following threats; 1- change your 'aqeedah to the 'aqeedah of ahlussunah 2- make tabdee' on yourself 3- make takfeer on yourself

Conclusion. To conclude, make it clear that they no longer have any rewards. Tell them on their face that they are going to hell, make them feel ashamed of them selves. Drive them away from their Deen, let shaytan take over. Move on to the next match.

Walk with pride and arrogance and make it very clear that it is only the salafi who will enter paradise.

Mission accomplished.

Worst case Scenario. Incase you find your self with a match that rips all your arguments to pieces, go round in circles as if chasing a tail, create confusion, make excuses and finally accuse them of deception and slither away.

Find the next potential target and start from the top.

If you find yourself having to slither away, you have failed. Try harder, be more out spoken, build Masajids every where that from the out side look like Masjid Taqwa, but from the inside are really a training hub of deception. Accuse more people even if your own scholars have said or done it.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#30 [Permalink] Posted on 26th August 2012 20:58
Just to clarify for the new comers,

Ghair Muqallid is one who claims to follow Quran and Sunnah only and not any 1 school. They do not follow 1 school.
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