The opinion of Imam Abu Hanifa regarding the Quran and Sunnah is that the Quran is always the superior source before the Sunnah. No Hadith can overwrite a verse from the Quran. So any apparent contradiction would mean that the Quran is given preference to and then the hadith is used to strengthen a ruling to make an action become Wajib instead of Fard and so on.
The Shafi', Maaliki and Hanbali schools say that the Quran and Sunnah are absolute equal sources.
However, between Imam Maalik and Imam Shafi', they differed on within the Sunnah. i.e. What is the strongest type of Sunnah.
Imam Shafi would say that even if a Hadith is contrary to the actions of the narrator. The evidence is in what he relates from the Messenger

Imam Maalik says that the actions of the scholars of Madinah and their rulings cannot possibly be wrong even if it goes contrary to the narrations because the practices of 1000 peoples actions from 1000 peoples actions are better than 1 Hadith narrated from 1 person to another person.
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal has a very unique take on this and he holds all of the above to be the Sunnah and every statement of a companion, Imam Ahmad, out of piety and honoring the companions did not want to judge between them. All of that would be Sunnah.