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The Madad of the Awrad of Your Tariqa

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd May 2016 10:01
A Beneficial Story:Shaykh al Azhar Shaykh Salih al Jafari Rahmatullah Alayhi

( A long time ago) I saw in my sleep while I was in the noble Azhar a man coming to the Azhar, and a sign appeared to me from sayyidi al-sayyid Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, radi Allahu anhu, to receive him. After the vision, the man came. He was from Algeria, 60 years old, and wearing a worn out Maghrebi cloak. I had brought a white thobe from the Sudan that is called a Shiqqa and taken it to the tailor, and told him to make a Maghrebi cloak from it, but he stalled for two months. But when I took this man with me to the tailor, he said to me: “This is the owner of the cloak, not you!” Then he finished it on the same day, and I gave it to him. Then I said to him: “What is your name? He said: Ahmad al-Jilani.” I said: “What is your tariq?” He said: “Qadiri.”

He stayed in the Azhar months, fasting the day, and worshiping at night, and sitting by himself, separating himself from the people. I entered upon him once, having made the intention in my heart to seek some secrets from him, and found him sitting facing the Qibla, repeating the name “Allah” silently and stretching it, and his tears coming out of his eyes. So I sat to his right side. He turned to me and looked at me with anger and said to me: “Because you honored me, and served me, you want me to give you a secret from the secrets of Allah? I have nothing to give you, there is no authorization.”

Then his anger quietened and he said to me: “My son, because you honored me me I will guide you to something greater than the secret that you want:

Know that the shaykh of every path has authorization from sayyidna Rasool Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam), and so the madad (spiritual sustenance, support) for his murids is in his awraad. Stick to the awraad of the shaykh to whom you are affiliated, because the madad is in them, not in any other. Do not seek a shaykh or a wird other than his.”
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd May 2016 18:40
very true!!
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