Pen Is In The Hands Of Enemy
It is mentioned in some historical narrations that when this Masjid (masjid a’alaa built by Sultan Tipu RhA) was built, it was settled that the Imamat of first salah will be done by someone who will be sahib e tarteeb, i.e. there should be no Qadha Salah upon him. There were many scholars and pious present at the masjid’s inauguration. But no one was in the position of saying with confidence that he is sahibe tarteeb. Atlast Sultan Tipu RhA told that he was sahibe tarteeb, and then he leaded the prayer. After that Sultan Tipu used to offer all his prayers in that masjid, and also on the day of shahadat he offered fajr salah in that masjid.
(Safr dr safr by Hazrat Mufti Taqi Usmani sahb DB)
Once Hazrat Mufti Mehmoodul Hassan Mas’udi sahb DB said that the pen is in the hands of our enemy who has changed image of the history, completely. In the eyes of common Muslims, Sultan Tipu RhA’s image is like that of a Fasiq with long moustache and shaved beard similar to that shown in dramas. Although in reality he was a scholar ibn scholar, and was ba shara’ and very pious.