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#16 [Permalink] Posted on 8th April 2014 14:36

Arfatzafar wrote:
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W-Salam Hazrat,

Couple of things:

  1. Some of these Ahadeeth are already included just not referrence to Allamah Ayni (but the original source)
  2. I am relying on the research of Ulamah so please point out as to which Ulamah have referenced them fully and then declared them authentic for me and I will have the message sent to India to get it double checked.


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#17 [Permalink] Posted on 4th June 2014 12:49

Muadh_Khan wrote:
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I agree, ever since I learned about it, I now have waswasa, as my khalas and grandmother extend their hands when greeting.

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#18 [Permalink] Posted on 27th October 2014 05:33
Can u plz translate this book to urdu so we can understand better

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#19 [Permalink] Posted on 24th March 2015 18:40
It still bothers me that in such a delicate issue where whole lives are destroyed when the couple is separated according to the hanafi madhhab, why not the husband and wife can remain together and give fatwa according to the other madhhab? When we have so many akaabir opting for the maliki madhhab for issues such as divorce, or when it boils down to economical issues, we look for another madhhab, why not for such an issue? Khayr.
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#20 [Permalink] Posted on 24th March 2015 18:49
Ansari wrote:
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Really? Any examples?
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#21 [Permalink] Posted on 24th March 2015 21:44

Ansari wrote:
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Because its a social issue.

Can you imagine live in a family where such an incident has occured?

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#22 [Permalink] Posted on 24th March 2015 21:47
Ansari wrote:
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See here what a non Hanafi says about such cases.

A person left freely to adopt the view which suited him best and abandon the Fatwa which did not meet his "standards" of comfort begs the question upon what basis is the "non-scholar" to choose between two contrary Fatwas if not ones own nafs (desires). It is clear that this line of action would result in people using Islamic law as a triviality to entertain the lower self. No Muslims scholar of any repute has validated this kind of practice.

Imam Ibn Taymiyah discussed the deception of this approach and wrote: "Imam Ahmed - among others - have categorically stated that it is not befitting for anyone to deem something haram at one time and then deem the same thing halal at another - merely on whim and fancy. For example, it is not proper for someone to believe that the neighbour has the right of preemption (when someone is buying his neighbour's house) and then, when he wishes to sell his house to a non-neighbour declines to give his neighbour the right of preemption. Likewise, it is not proper for one to believe that a brother should inherit when the grand-father of the deceased is alive and when he becomes a grand-father he denies the brother of the deceased his share of the inheritance....So this kind of person who deems that something is permissible or forbidden, necessary or unnecessary merely because of whims and fancies is condemned and outside the boundaries of a just [reliable] person. Imam Ahmed and others have categorically stated that this practice is not permissible."

Ibn Taymiyah continues: "They follow - at one point in time - those scholars who see the marriage as void and at another point of time; they follow those scholars who say that the marriage is still intact merely because of vested interest and desires. This kind of practice is not allowed according to the unanimous opinion of the Imams. An example of this is that the man considers the right of preemption to be valid for a neighbour when he is buying and not valid when he is selling. This is not allowed by Ijmaa' (the consensus of the Ummah). Likewise, it is not allowed to believe that the patronage of a sinner is valid when he gets married and considers the same patronage to be invalid when he decides to divorce. And even if the one seeking the Fatwa claims that he did not know about the differences of opinion, he would not be given any discretion since that would open the doors of playing with religion and would open many avenues of permitting and forbidding based on fancies and desires."

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#23 [Permalink] Posted on 25th September 2023 10:54
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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is there a pdf for this?
or word document?
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