Answer Two:
Haamidan wa Musalliyan
Respected Brother in Islam
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh
Your email refers
Women who are concerned they do acquire the Islamic knowledge within the confines of their homes. Unfortunately, the women who have a strong desire to leave their homes are looking out for ways and reasons to get out of their homes.
And Allah Ta`ala knows best
(Mufti) E Salejee
Madrasah Taleemuddeen
4 Third Avenue
P.O.Box 26393
Isipingo Beach
Not only does this not have any proof or evidence of it being Haram but it also contains judgement, slander and complete disrespect to hundreds if not thousands of sisters who may genuinely have such zeal for knowledge that those sentences itself would bring them to tears. Putting possible "zeal for knowledge and closeness to Allah" down to "looking for reasons to get out".
So please show me the evidence in this Fatwa please if you still feel these are not personal opinions which once again no one said was wrong in the first place. This is my fourth question to the doubters.
Fatwa 3 wrote:
Answer 3
13 Zul Qa’dh 1435 (9 September 2014)
Your e-mail dated 8 September 2014 refers.
In this day and age, Allah Ta’ala has simplified for women the acquisition of basic Islamic knowledge necessary for their day to day life. An abundance of Islamic literature is available in English, Urdu and Arabic to cater for the Islamic education of females. The basic Waajib quota of Islamic knowledge necessary for all Muslims, male and female, is available in elementary kitaabs such as Kitaabul Imaan, Kitaabut Tahaarat, Kitaabus Salaat, Kitaabus Saun, etc., etc. All of these books are available in English. In fact, a kitaab such as
Beheshti Zewer, covers far more than the Waajib requisite of Deeni Ilm. Thus, there is no excuse for any woman who refrains from
educating herself at home in the sphere of Waajib Deeni Ilm.
It is not permissible (Makrooh Tahrimi) for women to attend the Musjid for talks just as it is Makrooh for them to attend for Salaat. The same ruling applies whether they are accompanied by a mahram or not. In fact, the mahram who takes them to the Musjid is likewise a mal-oon just as his mal-oonah female.
We have published five or six books on this subject. In these books we have argued and answered the issue from all and every aspect. If you have not read these books, inform us. In fact, all these books
are available on our website. All the Shar’i dalai-il have been explained.
A.S. Desai
Mujlisul Ulama of S.A.
Here many reasons were given. None of the reasons were Qur'aan verses nor Ahadeeth. Besides the fact that no one disagreed with this either in its entirety, the doubters are still forcing this "OPINION" onto everyone. Let me try to explain with additions if that helps:
First, consider the ruling of Tayammum. Amongst the validity of Tayammum is the absence of water. This is called a "CONDITION". Once water is available, the CONDITION is not met therefore Tayammum is not valid.
"An abundance of Islamic literature is available in English, Urdu and Arabic to cater for the Islamic education of females."
1. What if the sister cannot read English, Urdu or Arabic?
Then this reason (CONDITION) is now void and so is the ruling that follows it.
The basic Waajib quota of Islamic knowledge necessary for all Muslims, male and female, is available in elementary kitaabs such as Kitaabul Imaan, Kitaabut Tahaarat, Kitaabus Salaat, Kitaabus Saun, etc., etc.
2. Refer to number 1
3. What if a sister does not have access to these Kitaabs?
4. What if a sister cannot afford these Kitaabs?
In all the above cases, this CONDITION is also void.
Beheshti Zewer, covers far more than the Waajib requisite of Deeni Ilm. Thus, there is no excuse for any woman who refrains from
educating herself at home in the sphere of Waajib Deeni Ilm.
5. Refer to 1, 3 and 4
Once again, this reason is also void.
And 6, what if the sister is incapable (which is mostly the case) of not understanding words, phrases, concepts, rulings or even misinterpreting like many of the doubters have in this thread by saying my sentences were unclear when to many they were clear?
Again, the reason is void.
After all these REASONS from his opinion, deduction or observation, he issued the ruling that followed.
Where is the concrete evidence in this "FATWA"? Did anyone object to his reasoning or ruling? This is my fifth question to the doubters
Continuing with replies....
[quote="Guest-31384"]We have unqualified Muftis on here writing in red thereby seeking to purport that they are an authority on Deen & claiming that it's not Haraam or Makrooh Tahreemi for women to attend the Masjid by any stretch of the imagination.